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Hedgehogs Anyone?

I should probably add for a running wheel make sure it is solid...not the metal bar with gaps kind like for hamsters and mice.
I have recently been thinking about getting another hedgehog too. My only experience with one was bittersweet. My wife purchased a hedgehog from a local pet store back in 2000. Mocha was the sweetest little animal. This personable little creature always wanted to be held. She would scratch at her cage until you got her out. I would be home in the early afternoon playing Ever Quest and she would be contentedly cuddled against my chest. Once, when I arrived home from work around midnight, I found the bedroom light on, my wife asleep on the bed, and Mocha asleep in my wife's open hand.

Unfortunately, Mocha had health issues and died a month after we purchased her. The vet thought that she may have had some congenital defects. One of her feet was slightly deformed -- missing a toe. The mulched paper bedding the pet store recommended wasn't the best for her either -- She seemed to be digesting it. I wonder if perhaps she was also weened too soon -- accounting for her constant need to be held?

I will probably resist the temptation... but if I was assured another hedgehog as sweet as Mocha, I wouldn't hesitate.
, and Mocha asleep in my wife's open hand.

This happened to me all the time too! I would lay on the couch and my hedgie would fall asleep in my hand...then i'd doze off and wake up freaked out cause i fell asleep..only to realize the hedgie was still sleeping in my hand.

My hedgie has gotten quite cranky in her old age though. she doesn't like to be held as much. And she has dry skin so that makes it worse. But she's alright and still has plenty enough energy to run laps on her wheel all night long
You should see them as newborns. We've had them born at the store. Given that the moms are not the greatest, we usually take the babies away and give them to mother rats to raise. Rats are the best moms ever. I need to dig up the pictures I have of the rat moms nursing the baby hedgies. They are born with their little spikes so the rat pups don't want to be snuggled near them. It's a funny sight when they are all nursing. The pups will be as far away from the hedgies as possible. We had a hard time not handling them too much when they are so cute and little. Properly socialized they are very sweet pets.
I've always thought it would be cool to have a hedgie. When I worked at the video store years ago. My manager at the time found one outside his bedroom window. He kept it and said it was the most awesome pet.
For now I'll just admire those who have them on here and hope to see more pics of them.
I should probably add for a running wheel make sure it is solid...not the metal bar with gaps kind like for hamsters and mice.

I read that, plus a lot of other warnings about them getting feet and heads stuck in cages and other things. I have the enclosed wheels for my daughters gerbils, so that's most likely what I would have gotten anyway. They're quieter than the squeaky metal ones. lol

We have one good (privately owned and small) pet store in town. I'm going to run over there later today and talk to the owner about where they get their hedgies and how they take care of them once they're in the store. If they practice good care and handling I'll send my husband there to get one for me; otherwise I'll contact the breeder in Joliet to get put on her waiting list.
I have kept Indian longearred hedgehogs, and African pygmy hedgehogs. I loved them, they were fascinating creatures but I probably wouldn't keep them again. I found that no matter how big the cages they had, no matter how much time I let them free-range round the flat, they still needed more excercise than I could let them have (in the wild they'd roam miles each night in search of food). I didn't give them wheels as I'm not convinced it's a natural or healthy position for their backs, but I might give it a go again now that you can get those "flying saucer" wheels.

They're much faster than you think. A hedgehog at full speed can really go!
They're making wheels a lot bigger now because there has been a lot of controversy over whether they're good for any animal's backs. One of the chains by me sells a humongous one that looks like you could fit a cocker spaniel on it. lol
I've always wanted a Hedgehog but they're illegal to own in Pennsylvania. One of those random animals that our state bans. :(

LOL... Are they afraid those pesky critters will get loose en masse, multiply and take over the state?
I don't think they could withstand a PN winter let alone find enough forage area to survive.
This is a great thread. I also have considered many times over the years about getting one - ever since the first time I held one at a show.
I am definately going to tag this thread and come back to it when I decide to get one sometime down the road.
Originally Posted by TripleMoonsExotic View Post
I've always wanted a Hedgehog but they're illegal to own in Pennsylvania. One of those random animals that our state bans.

noooooooo! i wanted one! =.<
I have another question. :)

I've read a couple of different places that mites are a common problem with hedgies. Are these the same types of mites that can infect our snakes? Has anyone had mite problems where their snakes have contracted them?

I was planning on housing the hedgehog in my office which is also where my snakes are. If mites are a serious issue I'll have to come up with a different place to put it.

On a side note... I'm so excited! I have an appointment with a breeder in OH to pick out my new baby on Valentines day. :D It's a bit of a drive for me, but manageable in a day, and all of the closer breeders have HUGE waiting lists because of the winter breeding slump.

I'll get to play with 4 different babies and choose the one who's personality fits in with our family the best. I can't wait!
LOL... Are they afraid those pesky critters will get loose en masse, multiply and take over the state?
I don't think they could withstand a PN winter let alone find enough forage area to survive.

I have no idea. :awcrap: We can own all the venomous reptiles we want but we can't have a cute little hedgehog! I think there might be a permitting system for them, but I'm not sure, haven't researched it in a while.
I've never had mite problems so i can't really help you there.

But have fun picking out the new spike ball!
I have another question. :)

I've read a couple of different places that mites are a common problem with hedgies. Are these the same types of mites that can infect our snakes? Has anyone had mite problems where their snakes have contracted them?
Very easy to treat with ivermictin, orally
I was planning on housing the hedgehog in my office which is also where my snakes are. If mites are a serious issue I'll have to come up with a different place to put it.
Not the same kind of mites that go after snakes.
On a side note... I'm so excited! I have an appointment with a breeder in OH to pick out my new baby on Valentines day. :D It's a bit of a drive for me, but manageable in a day, and all of the closer breeders have HUGE waiting lists because of the winter breeding slump.
There is also a great breeder from Iowa that comes to the Small Animal Show in Wheaton, IL. He brings nicely socialize babies that are reasonable priced
I'll get to play with 4 different babies and choose the one who's personality fits in with our family the best. I can't wait!
Good Luck