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Help! I think my snake might be dieing :-\

also, looking at just this thread and other recent posts, Jicin has backed off and been MUCH more mature than any of the rest of us. She said she didn't mean it to be mean, so leave Jicin alone
You're tank looks fine except for not having a hide, but in some cases just a ton of substrate would be okay (about twice what you show in that photo).

I have one snake that doesn't use a hide no matter what type I offer him. He just prefers to burrow, so I've just resigned to giving him a ton of substrate and he's done fine for me without a hide.

They also don't need huge cages or branches to climb on. I used to give branches to my snakes but then it got to the point where they were constantly falling off the branches in attempts to escape and I was worried they would get hurt, so I took them out. They don't NEED branches. Only if YOU feel they are missing something by not having stuff to climb on should you bother to buy one.
Azruial said:
also, looking at just this thread and other recent posts, Jicin has backed off and been MUCH more mature than any of the rest of us. She said she didn't mean it to be mean, so leave Jicin alone

That's fine...I am not going to get into a pissing match with anyone. I came to this forum to get info on corn snakes. Yes, I read Kathy's book before I even thought about buying a corn snake but I want to learn as much as I can. I enjoy reading all the posts, pics, questions etc. I also made some friends in these forums. What I don't like is some responses I see on the forums! Whether you take it as an insult to which way Jicin replies is entirely up to you. However, I am just saying my point of view....I have that right.

Now, let's PLEASE just leave this subject alone so we can all get back to what we ALL enjoy and that is corn snakes!
Sorry to get so off-topic,
I would add hides if I were you. Also, I would burn any book that told me otherwise because it is almost universally accepted that corn snakes like/need to hide. some are fine with just burrowing, but it dosen't hurt to throw a hide in.
howiet4702 said:
Now, let's PLEASE just leave this subject alone so we can all get back to what we ALL enjoy and that is corn snakes!
Agreed, I just hope everyone else gets it this time!
Instead of fighting over Jicin's remark and the way she presented herself, why not simply agree that hides are needed, and explain the reasons why? For crying out loud people, some of you are JUST as bad as she is (for different reasons). It takes two to argue, and so long as you all keep feeding the fire, it's never going to die.

Snakes need hides to feel secure. A big empty room will likely stress your snake out. They need a tank large enough to roam around in (or larger - 20-30 gallons will suffice a full grown snake), a warm side of 80-85 degrees, and a cool side of 70-75. Temps can drop to about 75 at night, but no lower than 68. Regulate these temps by using a UTH (under tank heater), and/or a heat lamp.

They need a hide on either end, if the tank is too large for the snake then it will need several other hides throughout (to avoid having to cross a large open space to get to the other side), and a water dish on the cool side. Aside from that, bedding is really the preference of the owner, but NEVER use cedar (toxic), and NEVER put anything in the tank that was found outdoors without sterilzing (disease). Something to climb though is always a good idea.
He Ate! i put him in a warmer room got him another mouse today and copped a thermometer he did it and is drinking right now il post pics in a few
Calm down, Spirit. You are saying what me and Howie have already. We agree and we hope that every one else who has posted agrees as well because, like we said, it's the fight that is bad for the site.
I have one snake that doesn't use a hide no matter what type I offer him. He just prefers to burrow, so I've just resigned to giving him a ton of substrate and he's done fine for me without a hide.

thats what my snake does, i went to the store and seen one of thoes tree bark things but i think it i get it he wont have enuff room to move around...
Im quite surpised that you have bought a snake and dont have much idea how to look after it, but very glad that you have done the sensible thing now and sought advice.

the snake was a gift, and i did read a book front to back about corn snakes and rat snakes they didnt mention all of this......
one more question is it better togive them live or frozen mice, i always buy live. I like to eat freash food why wouldn't i do my snake the same??
TheProphecy said:
He Ate! i put him in a warmer room got him another mouse today and copped a thermometer he did it and is drinking right now il post pics in a few

EXCELLENT! Now leave him alone for 48+ hours to prevent a regurg. :cheers:
TheProphecy said:
one more question is it better togive them live or frozen mice, i always buy live. I like to eat freash food why wouldn't i do my snake the same??

Frozen. If your snake doesn't want to eat, it can get severely chewed by the mouse.

However, if you've always fed live, it might not take frozen. It's worth a try though.

And are you saying you kill your own beef? :eek1: (kidding hehe)
Spirit said:
Frozen. If your snake doesn't want to eat, it can get severely chewed by the mouse.

However, if you've always fed live, it might not take frozen. It's worth a try though.

And are you saying you kill your own beef? :eek1: (kidding hehe)

Not my own beef but i have my own chicken lol (my grand father in puerto rico raises chickens)
TheProphecy- Glad to hear your snake ate. There were several posts here that had good advice on temps, hides, ect. As for live vs f/t, your opening another whole can of worms. Some will tell you "NEVER feed live! Your endangering your snake". Some will tell you your snake needs the exercise. Really, it all boils down to personal choice. I have some snakes that get only f/t, I have others that will take only live, and I have others that will take live, f/t or fresh killed. I find that f/t is convient for keeping the "right size" prey on hand, but thawing it out is not as convienent as feeding live. Others stun the food animal so it won't harm the snake. Whatever you do, if you feed live, do not leave the mouse or rat in with the snake without being there. This is asking for trouble.

More advice, remember, on the internet anyone can be whoever they want. Some of the "experts" in some of these forums may actually know very little. Read through the "advice" your given and try to use your best judgement as to what is good for your snake. I too highly recommend that you get The Corn Snake Manual by Kathy Love. It is the most definitive resource out there currently. If you order it from Kathy, she'll even sign it for you. Good luck with your snake.

Others stun the food animal so it won't harm the snake. Whatever you do, if you feed live, do not leave the mouse or rat in with the snake without being there.
Thanks for the info mike, I've been told the same thing to stun the mouse before i feed it to him i used to do that but they sometimes wake up to quick and he grabbs them up before they get a chance to move around anyway soo now i just drop em in there and about a second or to later hes wrapped around it.. I just wanted to know witch would be healthy for the snake
When I kept a bunch of different herps a few years ago, I always fed live...I just stunned the mice/rats and made sure they were taken care of before I left the room.

Now, with my two little corns, I prefer f/t. I think it is easier to just grab one out of the freezer....
Be careful feeding in his cage. I do that with several of my large corns, and I always need to be aware when I'm in their cages. They see that movement and the feed response kicks in. I've been tagged a couple of times. Once they know it's me (and that I'm not dinner) they chill out. Just realize the possibility is increased of getting bit (it doesnt hurt).
