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how big should a snake be around this time?

Here we go.. The feastivities are just getting started by the looks of things!! The picture was offensive to some and funny to others. Dean is still a turd! *lol.. ( I think Lil' Sis is going to be in trouble for the turd comment, but at least it was light hearted, like I am trying to be.. ).

For what it is worth, I have problems trying to translate the Webbie talk most of the time, and so do a lot of members here. No one is saying that the original poster should go, just that the original poster needs to make an effort in communicating in plain old english. I never made it out of Highschool or even Gr9 tecnically, but I try to put my best foot forward to be understood. Even if I come across as rude or obnoixous ( most times I do try no to be, and I would be lieing if I said I was never trying to rude ), I try to write it to where the potential readers can understand my gibberish. All that is asked here is that when you post, try to think about the others trying to read your post, who might not be so Web savy with the lingo and shortcuts that make your message look encrypted or something. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to get your point across, but it would make a lot of peoples headaches disappear whilist they read the post. Stick around and lurk, but try to understand that when you write that way in real life your not going to be taken seriously and thats just a plain old fact.

Regards... T
Joejr14 said:
The point is that at 17 years of age, and being a junior/senior in high school, one should be able to actually string out a few words to make a proper sentence. There is no excuse for poor grammar and spelling, especially if it's just being lazy. I honestly do not see how after all of those years of schooling anyone could really spell that poorly.

Making excuses for poor grammar/spelling by saying that doctors write poorly is so out there, I'm not even sure I can make a comment. I don't understand what in the heck that has to do with anything. Who cares what a doctor does?

Are you trying to state that poor spelling/grammar doesn't relate to intelligence? I'd say it most certainly does.

Let's play story time, shall we?

My roomate my sophomore year moved in a 24 year old tow truck driver, who dropped out of high school his freshman/sophomore year---or something like that. It was a huge problem, and eventually got quite nasty. He would leave me notes threatening me or discussing his 'beef' with me, but it was just comical. He could not properly use where/were/we're or to/two/too. His grammar was a trainwreck and it was very difficult to take him seriously. Point it, he wasn't very intelligent---and his writing confirmed that.

If you want to be taken seriously, then you need to spell properly. It takes no extra time to spell out later as opposed to typing l8tr. In fact, typing l8tr takes more effort than typing later does because of placement on the keyboard. Typing l8tr is being juvenille and thinking that the world is one giant chat room on AOL. He will learn.

I have spelling bee trophies from middle school, and I scored in the top 1% on both the math and verbal portions of the SAT (back when I took it there were just those two sections.) What I do for a living involves writing and editing. I have taken Technical Writing at a top university, although most of my education relates more to computers and business. I understand what it means to write to a certain level of audience.

I personally do find it annoying when someone says l8r instead of later. I'm not going to single anyone out in particular, but I notice even the people who are saying Geovonni can't spell and use grammar are themselves making mistakes involving the use of WHO/WHOM, using commas when they are not called for, and violating other basic rules of grammar, which I won't bother to post. No, I'm not talking about you, Joe. Do I notice? Yes. Do I care? No, not really, because I can still understand the meaning, and I know not everyone had the same education and has the same abilities I have. I also will often change what I write after I look at it the next day, and that's actually taught in Tech Writing (to spend more than one day editing a major or important piece, for that very reason.)

I've personally had my spelling corrected a few times in the last year or so. Erronious/erroneous and duely/duly confused me (I'll let you figure out the correct spellings if you don't know, although I know since I was corrected and haven't made those same mistakes again.)

Yes, I think people should use proper English (or whatever language.) If you are chatting with other 14 year olds, then I guess you can say L8R DUD and whatever. People should understand the distinction between message boards, where posts stay for a long time, and chatrooms, where casual chit-chat is encouraged. I'd be in favor of a REPTYLK!DZ forum for those who wish to post in butchered English.

I have received an email from a breeder that looked something like this:

'yes go ahead and feed them'

That was it - no punctuation, no caps. Do I care? No, of course not, because I realize this is a busy person and of course he can spell and punctuate, based on other writings and my conversations with him.

In this case, I would have to agree that Giovanni/Geovonni probably should try to slow down and check his messages before submitting them. I'm assuming Geovonni is an Italian name like Giovanni... If English is not his first language, then you shouldn't fault him so much.

It can be a problem for forums when posters reduce the perceived 'level' of the audience/readership by making silly posts. I agree it is better to keep the perceived audience level up, for the overall good of the forum. But if someone is in a hurry and misspells a few words and forgets to use a period, I really couldn't care less (I'm not going to personally spend any time worrying about it.)