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How do you feel about God.

That isn't exactly fair for the simple reason that non-existent proof is not proof of non-existence. However, I sure would love to see some proof, for once, instead of hearing quotes from the Bible.
Faith is what people make it. Proof for one person might mean nothing to the next person, so there really is no possible way to prove that God, or anything for that matter, is real. It would be like asking someone who likes apples to prove that they like them, and then asking them to use the same proof to make everyone else like them.

Even if something answers "what happened?" to create life, there can't possibly be proof for a "why?" or "how?". We have such short lives, in the grand scheme of things, so even on the basis of evolution we only are able to go so far into describing how we came to be, and we'll never be able to answer why, how, or anything else that requires witnessing the beginning of time.

I do agree also that being an Atheist is not another form of religion. Not to pile on a debate about this, but it just doesn't fit the build of what I consider a religion. There's no gain, no reward, no congregation, no rules on what to follow, or any other specifics that are required to be an Atheist. It's simply not believing.

I can completely respect Atheists, though, as I would respect anyone else. Atheism doesn't tell someone's life story, just like religion doesn't, and I know for a fact that good and bad people make up every walk of life. And in some cases, there's a whole other level of honesty and integrity in Atheists by doing good for the simple basis of doing good. Not because they've been told that a religion gives rewards for it, or because they fear going to hell if they don't, but because it takes doing good things to sustain life.
Since there is a large population of people that believe there is no God, I say it fits the definition of a religion. Just my opinion.

This is pretty disingenuous. I don't believe for a second that you really think that atheists have a 'religion' of non-belief. You'd have to describe nearly every opinion as a religion with a definition as broad as that.

I believe video games are awesome! Totally a religion.

The part of the definition that you glossed over was "set of beliefs and practices." By simply stating that I don't believe in any god does not ascribe me to a religion of atheism because there is no such thing.
I just want to know why it's okay for some Christians to be persecuted and prevented from celebrating and practicing their religion as they want because it "offends" some non-Christians. If my child wants to say "Merry Christmas" to a fellow student, he/she should be able to and not get punished for it. I'm not offended when my friends say "Happy Hanukkah/kwanzaa" to me. I'm actually quite pleased when they do. I also don't get offended if I see a menorah, but I can't let my Christmas tree be seen from the road. I just don't get it.
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I just want to know why it's okay for some Christians to be persecuted and prevented from celebrating and practicing their religion as they want because it "offends" some non-Christians. If my child wants to say "Merry Christmas" to a fellow student, he/she should be able to and get punished for it. I'm not offended when my friends say "Happy Hanuka/Quanza" to me. I'm actually quite pleased when they do. I also don't get offended if I see a menorah, but I can't let my Christmas tree be seen from the road. I just don't get it.

You know what bothers me? People wanting Christians to be able to pray in school, but no other religion. Also, schools not teaching evolution because it isn't God's way.

But since we're on the topic, my brother has had 2 days off of school for some Jewish holidays that, when I was in school, I did not have off. As if they are more important now than they used to be.
I just wish they would allow any religion or non-religion to be allowed in schools. If there are religious studies classes, they should teach all religions (I dont know if they do this though because I have never been to one). I thought the point of teaching children is so that they could make their own decisions. Giving them the tools to do so, whether it be believing in a god or evolution, should be available.
I just wish they would allow any religion or non-religion to be allowed in schools. If there are religious studies classes, they should teach all religions (I dont know if they do this though because I have never been to one). I thought the point of teaching children is so that they could make their own decisions. Giving them the tools to do so, whether it be believing in a god or evolution, should be available.

I think that a world religions class should be offered in high school, not just colleges. I would have loved to take that class in high school, not so much now, I just want my degree and be done haha.
I agree with the saying Merry Christmas thing, you know, if someone came up to me and said "Happy Hanukah" I'd tell them thank you and that I'd hope they have a nice one as well, even though that is not what I celebrate. People are just so uptight now :(