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How do you feel about God.

Wasn't he...Or the vatican...as a whole....Accused of foul play with the Young

ones there? Seems I heard something like that.....

That's why he's in a Bulletproof box.
Rich, it was some of the Cardinals that were suppose to help choose the next pope. I believe 3 of them are in a public scandal about touching the young or helping cover it up.
Nope, it's called faith. There _is_ no proof. I don't mock whatever it is _you_ do or do not have faith in. When you compare belief or faith in any deity to a mythological creature or being, you are making fun of religious persons' beliefs. At least be man enough to just admit that's your point, because we know it is.

Faith defined merriam webster
(1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof

There is no proof for santa, elves, fairies, gods, etc. So, its actually quite relevant. Tell me the difference between Horus, Wakinyan, Allah, God, Mythra, Zeus, Odin, unicorns, etc. There are however people who believe in these things without proof. These people have faith that they are right and this faith is blind in that there is no proof for these things. Unicorns are even mentioned in the bible. As are talking snakes and donkeys if memory serves me. Correct me if I'm wrong? Incredible claims require incredible proofs to be taken seriously in the scientific community. Those that do not require proofs however can and will believe many things and those things that are believed, those gods... mythical beings... religions... they change and they evolve... die out... etc. as people lose faith or gain new faith in new gods, goddesses, etc.

Many have killed others, even themselves... all in the name of blind faith in their gods or those who profess to know the will of their god. Many of the worlds best torture devices were made famous by those who were deeply religious. Heretics forks, popes pear, rack, etc. Witches burned and tortured, science delayed as fear of being called a heretic was brought to the front. Religious intent to do good and do right can indeed and has indeed been the cause of much suffering in this world. Shunning, disfellowshipping, refusal to get immunized, allowing young to get blood that would have saved them... the list goes on and one and it does not stop in the present nor has it stopped since religion began. There is a real danger in following anyone, any religion.... blindly as history has shown and our present continues to show us. Sure, having faith in something can make one feel good and it can make one feel guilty. I prefer to put my faith in those things that can be proven. I prefer to understand and use logic to see if something sounds like it has a firm footing. I simply prefer to call things as I see them and if I find evidence for something I once thought was impossible I will acknowledge that evidence when it is found, but until there is evidence for something there is no reason to pay it any more mind than one would pay to someone who claimed the sky was falling.
Pope Benedict 'complicit in child sex abuse scandals', say victims' groups
Pope Benedict XVI 'knew more about clergy sex crimes than anyone else in church yet did little to protect children', say critics... there is much on this.


"Let me appeal to Britain's Roman Catholics now, in the final days before Joseph Ratzinger's state visit begins.

I know that you are overwhelmingly decent people. You are opposed to covering up the rape of children. You are opposed to telling Africans that condoms 'increase the problem' of HIV/Aids. You are opposed to labelling gay people 'evil'. The vast majority of you, if you witnessed any of these acts, would be disgusted and speak out.

Yet over the next fortnight, many of you will, nonetheless, turn out to cheer for a Pope who has unrepentantly done all these things.

I believe you are much better people than this man. It is my conviction that if you impartially review the evidence of the suffering he has inflicted on your fellow Catholics, you will stand in solidarity with them - and join the protesters."

Pope's anti-condom message is sabotage in fight against Aids
Stance makes Catholic church a major global public health problem

Milgram's study on obedience and how many blindly follow their leaders makes me cringe when I think of how much damage has been done by those that blindly follow those that profess to know or have all the answers so to speak. I think we have evolved to the point that we no longer need myths to answer questions that we don't know... but only time will tell. Perhaps, we will go extinct.... some things we may never know. On thing to consider though, if you have chosen a god and you have chosen the wrong one then what? What if there is a god and he approves more of reason and good deeds than blind faith in a faith that is no longer translated correctly? There are so many questions, but I honestly can't see a god who is less loving than a decent parent is as being worthy of my homage. I can't honestly see any god who would punish children to an eternity of hell simply for believing a different god was the true god. I think if there is a god that god if he was worth believing in and actually cared about us and what we thought would have reason and logic beyond our understanding as well as caring, patience, and love beyond our understanding. Such a god could not punish any of his children for living decent caring lives and doing good deeds to an eternity in hell for simply not believing in him. I used to be deeply religious. I've stood for 4 days without food, water, or sleep in prayer many times. I've pierced my skin and hung from a tree in a ceremony until my skin broke. So, I do understand where religious people are coming from and how real all of that feels and how powerfully good it can make one feel. I also know the pains of how horrendous religion can make one feel. I can see the history and the present of religion and I know that there is no god that is worth believing in that would torture any of his children for an eternity. I love nature and find solace in nature. I love my fellow man and I have faith in love, compassion, knowledge, and science.
Horus was a greek or Egyptian God...Correct? There are artifacts that suggest Horus was real.

there are artifacts that Suggest Christ is real.

There are artifacts that suggest Aliens do exist.

And there is a document in the US government concerning NASA that says in the first line:

If we (Nasa) Discover anything that Goes against the Beliefs of the american people....Then they shall not know. (Perhaps not the EXACT words...but you get the idea).

NASA is not a Program for the Public.

The Government, at the time NASA was formed, Classified it as part of the "Defense Dept." Explaining that the reason they done so,was to keep the russians from Stealing US secrets. But at the same time...Allows them to keep secrets....From EVERYBODY!!!!

Edit: Couldn't find an Image of the NASA logo for reference.

The Illuminate.... Masonic Free Masons.... Nazi defectors working at NASA (Werner Von Braun....developed the V2 rocket that bombed England?)

Are we being Lied to?


Did 'Shrooms Send Santa And His Reindeer Flying?


Perhaps Santa is real as well....
I can say this, I saw quite a bit of Amanita muscaria mushroom decorations during christmas in Europe and I heard stories about fairies living under Amanita while living in Europe. Perhaps Santa is real and the fairies or elves are best seen by those who know the secrets of the Amanita?
ETA : Re the crucifixion of B16, in the post several posts back.

I've never followed anyone blindly.

Nor have I ever blindly stamped a person as "bad".....without giving them a broad stage and a bright spotlight to show me what is on their mind and how they think.
Only then do I know for sure that they are an absolute idiot....or an evil demon from the abyss of hell.

It is my understanding that Cardinal Ratzinger had been planning a quiet retirement (before being elected pope).
Not something one would do if aching for the power and spotlight (and responsibility) of becoming pope. Does one run the ship (with all the people) aground, scuttle it entirely, or try to keep it afloat until safely docked to fix by those younger, brighter, and capable of fixing?

One never knows what is deep in the hearts and minds of men. Especially those reluctantly voted/drafted/elected into a position that comes with heavy-weighted thought and morality.
That one "knows" something....has never meant one must act on it.

I would love to see deeply into the FBI or CIA or MI6 or MI5 or SIS or any given royal family(ahem)...or even the deeper organizations we do not know about.
But I might also be horrified and terrified by what so many many large organizations hide from my sight.

Besides, looks like they are going to make JP2 a saint. Sigh. Do we really think he knew nothing? Or a little? Or how much? Or how much is little enough (action would imply knowledge) to still get to be a saint?
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I know that for me, there is often a piece of truth to be found in myths, legends, fairy tales, etc. but I also know that in much of what we call magic I have found scientific reasons for and real explanations for them. Take for instance the vision quest where one stands for 4 days without food, water, or sleep and one simply prays for this time.... you will hallucinate... with or without the prayer. It is a waking dream that is just as real as this reality and the waking dream or vision can have varying elements of what we know as reality. You can see portions of this world interspersed with dream elements and both will look equally real or you can be lost in the world of the dream with no real elements of this world present.... Now, if you talk about peyote ceremonies, cross fire, crescent moon, etc.... your adding another element to the mix. Add in a yuwipi ceremony and you will see spirits dancing around the room lighting it up, rain inside a house, eagles flying through the wall and hitting you.... I know the tricks to all of these things and can duplicate them... these are parlor tricks and yes they do work on those that believe to get them to do as you would have them do or as the medicine man would say the spirits are advising them.... So, is there sometimes a bit of truth and a bit of subterfuge... I've learned to question it all. That is where I am at.