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How do you feel about God.

But, is it even YOUR idea?
And if it is why can't you at least compose a thought allllllll by yourself?

Now that is an interesting idea in and of itself as I have stated earlier, there is a school of thought which supposes that we have no original ideas. But, if you mean, was the spirit of the idea something that popped up in my own personal head... then yes it was. I have studied mythology, taken a college level class in world religions, immersed myself in other world religions by sundancing at the Rosebud Reservation with the Crowdogs, singing yuwipi, going to sweat lodges every weekend, vision questing, going to buddhist meditations, going to wiccan ceremonies with people like the Frosts, and even going to Taoist retreats with Mantak Chia and others. So, yes, I have both secular school experience with religion as well as practical hands on experiences and immersion. Does that help you to understand where my personal thoughts and ideas might be coming from and that someone with even a rudimentary book on cultural myths might very easily be able to tell that there were in fact different viewpoints or ideas as to how this earth or people for that matter came into existence? Yes?
Now that is an interesting idea in and of itself as I have stated earlier, there is a school of thought which supposes that we have no original ideas. But, if you mean, was the spirit of the idea something that popped up in my own personal head... then yes it was. I have studied mythology, taken a college level class in world religions, immersed myself in other world religions by sundancing at the Rosebud Reservation with the Crowdogs, singing yuwipi, going to sweat lodges every weekend, vision questing, going to buddhist meditations, going to wiccan ceremonies with people like the Frosts, and even going to Taoist retreats with Mantak Chia and others. So, yes, I have both secular school experience with religion as well as practical hands on experiences and immersion. Does that help you to understand where my personal thoughts and ideas might be coming from and that someone with even a rudimentary book on cultural myths might very easily be able to tell that there were in fact different viewpoints or ideas as to how this earth or people for that matter came into existence? Yes?

If you are soooooo gifted, why are you plagerizing google?
In short, the idea that different cultures and different religions differ is a known fact that while I can not claim it as my own, it is something that I and I assume most educated people have learned fairly early on in their school experience if life experience didn't teach them this first.
If you are soooooo gifted, why are you plagerizing google?

Firstly, I was trying to make a point first and foremost. If the point was missed simply because of a missing citation this is a sad lot indeed. Either the point was grasped or it was not. Attacking the person for a missed citation, I can see that if this was a college class or even if I was trying to get something published, but a mere to and fro about ideas and concepts... not so important to remember citations there.

As for being gifted... I never made a claim to be gifted. I've just had experiences as many have had that have helped shape who I am.
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same, 10

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back. 15

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 20

Now jump on that one.
Firstly, I was trying to make a point first and foremost. If the point was missed simply because of a missing citation this is a sad lot indeed. Either the point was grasped or it was not. Attacking the person for a missed citation, I can see that if this was a college class or even if I was trying to get something published, but a mere to and fro about ideas and concepts... not so important to remember citations there.

As for being gifted... I never made a claim to be gifted. I've just had experiences as many have had that have helped shape who I am.

Perhaps because if you can't compose a thought of your very own, and need to steal other people's work to get your point across, some see that as a reflection of your character.
There are many roads and many paths that we chose in life and even not choosing a path, we have chosen a path. Not having faith in fairy tales is the same as not having faith in god, santa, or anything else when you get right down to it. In the end, all roads lead to death and at deaths door when all ceases to exist for me, perhaps for you you will arrive at your pearly gates or whatever paradise you may or may not believe in.
Perhaps because if you can't compose a thought of your very own, and need to steal other people's work to get your point across, some see that as a reflection of your character.

I see some get lost in trivial things and loose the message... some see that as a reflection of character and as time unravels much about a persons character is revealed.
I'd much rather waste my time attacking the idea rather than the person at any rate. Some I see would rather attack the person however as people make much easier targets to attack than ideas for some.
I see some get lost in trivial things and loose the message... some see that as a reflection of character and as time unravels much about a persons character is revealed.

Most of us talk to PEOPLE.
Not google.

If you can't say something without plagerizing it, I can't help you.
But, I know you are doing the best you can....
Most of us talk to PEOPLE.
Not google.

If you can't say something without plagerizing it, I can't help you.
But, I know you are doing the best you can....

You have shown a pattern of attacking me here and other places on this forum. I think it is perfectly clear what you are doing and a story, myth, etc. is just that. I'm not asking for your help. Nor, should I really ask for your understanding as it is abundantly clear, that you think I'm doing the best that I can by your above statement, "I know you are doing the best you can...." Can you try to be a little more condescending? Myths, legends, biblical quotes, famous poems... I realize I didn't cite the one passage, but for real? Your going to lay that out as the reason you missed the point that cultures and religions vary? Come on.... attack my idea which admittedly is not my own as I learned this long ago in grade school and had it repeatedly taught to me by life experiences as well. Attack the validity of that idea and tell me it is lessened by a missed quote.
Who really cares if the idea that cultures are different is your idea, my idea, or someone elses. I never made the claim that the idea that cultures and religions are different was my own idea. I did make that I knew this and used google to expound on this idea. Let it go and debate the idea if you disagree or if you agree state so. But this merry go round of attacking someone for an idea is not doing much for me personally and I think you can be better than that.
You have shown a pattern of attacking me here and other places on this forum. I think it is perfectly clear what you are doing and a story, myth, etc. is just that. I'm not asking for your help. Nor, should I really ask for your understanding as it is abundantly clear, that you think I'm doing the best that I can by your above statement, "I know you are doing the best you can...." Can you try to be a little more condescending? Myths, legends, biblical quotes, famous poems... I realize I didn't cite the one passage, but for real? Your going to lay that out as the reason you missed the point that cultures and religions vary? Come on.... attack my idea which admittedly is not my own as I learned this long ago in grade school and had it repeatedly taught to me by life experiences as well. Attack the validity of that idea and tell me it is lessened by a missed quote.

Attack? Or post truth?
I looked up the meaning of the word plagerize and while I am no Rhodes scholar the definition does seem to pretty accurately describe this situation.....
Bethany, I failed to cite more than once and I am guilty of that and will be found guilty of that again I am sure so keep a look out as I honestly do not care when I am engaged in informal dialogue about citing sources on a forum. Now, as a matter of course, you can either look at the ideas proposed and see if you personally think they have merit or you can see if you personally disagree. Either way, you have my personal take on it in this kind of setting. For the record, I don't always cite when I am engaged in conversation with friends at the house either. Take that for what its worth.
I do try and cite however when I think it adds needed weight or relevance both in casual conversation as well as in informal talks on forums.
Bethany, I failed to cite more than once and I am guilty of that and will be found guilty of that again I am sure so keep a look out as I honestly do not care when I am engaged in informal dialogue about citing sources on a forum. Now, as a matter of course, you can either look at the ideas proposed and see if you personally think they have merit or you can see if you personally disagree. Either way, you have my personal take on it in this kind of setting. For the record, I don't always cite when I am engaged in conversation with friends at the house either. Take that for what its worth.

Truthfully, I don't look at what you say, I barely read it. You bore the everloving snot out of me. I would not even have known about your plageriztic tendencies if not for my good friend Autumn catching you red handed, so to speak. But then I can see how the old cutty pasty can lead to such inflated stuffy posts where no personality dares to shine through!!