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How do you feel about God.

I don't make up these beliefs that people have. People have the right to believe anything they want to believe. Just don't expect me to buy into it.
A good scientific theory must be falsifiable. Science does not hold that it can not be falsified. However, there is a huge difference being being falsifiable and actually being proven to be falsifiable. Religion on the other hand does not lend itself to being falsifiable as it is dogmatically accepted as true based on the belief alone that it is true. Science however must use observation of facts and make accurate predictions based on those facts. If evolution is ever proven to be false then it will be discarded, but instead, we find that there are no facts that can disprove evolution. Instead, all the facts point to evolution being true.
Carpe. You really need a thesaurus. You find what you think is a big or intelligent word and use it over and over and OVER again.

You also cite onesided papers or studies that are strued towards what you want it to say, instead of using unbiased documentations.

You also get away with calling large groups of people derogatory names by doing it all in a round about way.

I wish once we ignored someone that we wouldnt see anything that person said even if it was quoted.
Carpe. You really need a thesaurus. You find what you think is a big or intelligent word and use it over and over and OVER again.

You also cite onesided papers or studies that are strued towards what you want it to say, instead of using unbiased documentations.

You also get away with calling large groups of people derogatory names by doing it all in a round about way.

I wish once we ignored someone that we wouldnt see anything that person said even if it was quoted.

I don't search for words, I just use my limited vocabulary to get my limited thoughts across to others. I'm sorry if you think I am searching for big words and that you think I use my limited vocabulary too much, but I don't think I need to get a thesaurus out just to impress you that I can use other words either. This seems to be a personal issue that you have and one I can't help you with. I wish you the best.
For what its worth, I do realize that many have differing viewpoints from myself. I do realize that I am part of the minority and not the majority in that I am both an atheist and a hybridizing fan. I can listen to your viewpoints however and counter your ideas without attacking you or belittling you. I think when a person denigrates another person instead of countering the idea when the idea or thought is what is really troubling the person is a sign that that person does not how to do so effectively and therefore that person perhaps lashes out at the individual in many cases. It is simply misplaced aggression, but I have been known to be wrong before so please excuse me if that is the case.
Totally way off base in regards to me. I just refuse to call your beliefs delusional or blind or all the other derogatory things you have said about the belief in religion. There is a big difference with disagree with with what others believe and belittling them. In my opinion and that of many others you have done nothing but belittle others belief in God or different religious sects. I do not believe in evolution but I have never put down that belief in a negative way in this thread.

When I suggested a thesaurus, I was doing so because it gets rather redundant to read your posts when you repeat the word 1000 different times. It would make the read more pleasing and seem more creditable. But then again this is just my opinion.

BTW, I could careless if you like hybrids or want to create them. I, personally, have nothing against them.

You like to lump a great deal of people into groups as if we are all against you personally. In some cases, I am sure others do not like you but it is the way you come across to everyone.
Religions often contradict one another... is this a factual statement?
Yes, otherwise we might find we only have one religion?
How can one religion be right when there are so many religions? Which one do we choose?
How do we choose? Of the more than 3,000 + or - deities how do we choose which one to follow?
I'm an atheist. I see that there is no need to choose as there is no proof of any of these deities or religions being true or at least more true than any other religion. As for your accusations, I would love it if you would cite where I have said these things.
I do believe that there is no difference between believing in santa, unicorns, or any other mythical being however one may choose to label that being. If I am wrong, explain how you think I am wrong. I think I am right as I see that if someone truly believes in santa that santa is real for that fairies, demons, etc. are real for another person. We all have different belief systems and some have blind faith in their beliefs and others have fact based beliefs. My beliefs tend to be more along the lines of fact based beliefs as I don't need blind faith to lead me, make me feel good, or to offer me some eternal gift of life. I don't fear death as for me, I believe death will be much the same as my experience before I was conceived. If I am wrong in this belief and there is a god and he punishes me and the many others who are atheist or simply did not choose his particular religion then this is not a paradise I could ever be happy with and for me... it would be hell as I could not see torturing so many individuals simply for having a different faith or even no faith. To me, that would be such a petty god as to not be worth anyones time as he would not even stand up to the test of what I think a decent parent should be. As a parent, I could never punish my child for eternity simply for not believing in me. Even more so if I left that child in the care of multiple dads/gods/religions in the hopes that he would pick the right one and somehow just know that I was his rightful dad/god/religion. That is where I am coming from. There is a big difference in having a difference of opinion or belief and denigrating another person. As I have said previously, I was once deeply religious. I have stood for 4 days and nights without food, water, or sleep in prayer many times. I have pierced my skin and hung from a tree by deer antlers in ceremony for 4 days. I have been inside sweat lodges so hot that rocks have exploded and burned small holes in my back. I understand what it is to be religious. So, anything you might take personally when I talk about my feelings about religion also apply to me as I was once religious. Do you get that?
Honestly, I do not want to wade through all your posts again just to prove that you have put down the beliefs of others. It is already posted once in this long thread.
If you had clicked on the link that I cited as well, you might have understood what I was getting at a bit better. I will cite it again for you.

"The Bible provides a complete genealogy from Adam to Jesus. You can go through the genealogies and add up the years. You'll get a total that is just over 4,000 years. Add the 2,000 years since the time of Jesus and you get just over 6,000 years since God created everything.

Is there anything wrong with figuring out the age of the earth this way? No. There is nothing to indicate the genealogies are incomplete. There is nothing to indicate God left anything out. There is nothing in the Bible that indicates in any way that the world is much older than 6,000 years old"


Please, click on the link if you would like to know more as I have provided you that link twice now. Or, do your own search. Either, way, you will find information that will help you understand where I was coming from.

Here is a link for you...
"Delusional disorder refers to a condition associated with one or more nonbizarre delusions of thinking—such as expressing beliefs that occur in real life such as being poisoned, being stalked, being loved or deceived, or having an illness, provided no other symptoms of schizophrenia are exhibited.

Delusions may seem believable at face value, and patients may appear normal as long as an outsider does not touch upon their delusional themes. Mood episodes are relatively brief compared with the total duration of the delusional periods. Also, these delusions are not due to a medical condition or substance abuse.

Themes of delusions may fall into the following types: erotomanic type (patient believes that a person, usually of higher social standing, is in love with the individual); grandiose type (patient believes that he has some great but unrecognized talent or insight, a special identity, knowledge, power, self-worth, or special relationship with someone famous or with God).." http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/delusional-disorder
There is also a good book out called, "The God Delusion" by Dawkins.
My opinion or belief about such matters is not a new one nor is it completely unfounded as if one is going to believe that one belief is true and all others are false then one is just one religion away from believing the same way that I do. If however you believe that your religion is right and there are others that are right then you deny the parts of your own religion that contradict the parts of the other religion and vice versa. There is much to be said and to be thought about where it concerns why we should blindly believe in any mythical being over another or any at all for that matter when we are so hard pressed to believe in many things that have mountains of evidence for their being and yet when not a shred of real evidence can place one god or mythical being above another we feel justified in doing so? I for one can no longer wrap my head around such thoughts even though I once did. I know it can be easy to believe in things like santa, gods, etc. I know it makes us feel good and even bad at times to do so for fear of going to hell or some other punishment if your particular religion does not believe in hell. The promise of rewards... I get all of that, but to me they are all empty promises as there is no proof and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. I can not choose between more than 3,000 deities nor can I even find the time to study them all to effectively choose which one I should be following and what would I base that decision on even if I did have that time? What proof would I have that I was on the right track? If there is a god and I am wrong, I might piss him off if I chose the wrong religion or god. Perhaps it is better not to chose then as perhaps a just and descent god will approve more of a man who lives a just and descent life filled with reasoning and questioning more than he approves of the man who blindly followed the wrong religion of which there are choices enough to virtually assure that most will get it wrong or have gotten it wrong as even the christian religion has only been around for a few thousand years. Religions come and go, they evolve and go extinct and all life evolves. That much is true. That much I can accept. A just god, if he exists, will much more approve of the man who questions and uses reason then who blindly follows the wrong religion and devotes his entire life to teachings simply out of fear of eternal punishment and promise of eternal rewards... as this would show a man who failed to reason and failed to do good simply for the sake of doing good, but instead did so out of fear of eternal punishment and promise of eternal rewards. If a man simply chooses blindly on faith the religion and god he is to follow and picks the wrong religion and or god then what favor has he or she achieved?
Mind you, these beliefs are unfounded or without proofs.... and blindly believed just as delusions are believed blindly and without proofs.

: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated

When one states that their belief is right and another persons belief is wrong as is said when one religion states that homosexuals are abominations and another religion states that homosexuals can have special sacred powers.... then one must be believed to be falsely believed as only one of these statements can be true unless of course one believes that both statements are false... in which case we are back where we started or are we not?
"Delusional disorder refers to a condition associated with one or more nonbizarre delusions of thinking—such as expressing beliefs that occur in real life such as being poisoned, being stalked, being loved or deceived, or having an illness, provided no other symptoms of schizophrenia are exhibited.

Delusions may seem believable at face value, and patients may appear normal as long as an outsider does not touch upon their delusional themes. Mood episodes are relatively brief compared with the total duration of the delusional periods. Also, these delusions are not due to a medical condition or substance abuse.

Themes of delusions may fall into the following types: erotomanic type (patient believes that a person, usually of higher social standing, is in love with the individual); grandiose type (patient believes that he has some great but unrecognized talent or insight, a special identity, knowledge, power, self-worth, or special relationship with someone famous or with God).." http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/delusional-disorder
There is also a good book out called, "The God Delusion" by Dawkins.
My opinion or belief about such matters is not a new one nor is it completely unfounded as if one is going to believe that one belief is true and all others are false then one is just one religion away from believing the same way that I do. If however you believe that your religion is right and there are others that are right then you deny the parts of your own religion that contradict the parts of the other religion and vice versa. There is much to be said and to be thought about where it concerns why we should blindly believe in any mythical being over another or any at all for that matter when we are so hard pressed to believe in many things that have mountains of evidence for their being and yet when not a shred of real evidence can place one god or mythical being above another we feel justified in doing so? I for one can no longer wrap my head around such thoughts even though I once did. I know it can be easy to believe in things like santa, gods, etc. I know it makes us feel good and even bad at times to do so for fear of going to hell or some other punishment if your particular religion does not believe in hell. The promise of rewards... I get all of that, but to me they are all empty promises as there is no proof and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. I can not choose between more than 3,000 deities nor can I even find the time to study them all to effectively choose which one I should be following and what would I base that decision on even if I did have that time? What proof would I have that I was on the right track? If there is a god and I am wrong, I might piss him off if I chose the wrong religion or god. Perhaps it is better not to chose then as perhaps a just and descent god will approve more of a man who lives a just and descent life filled with reasoning and questioning more than he approves of the man who blindly followed the wrong religion of which there are choices enough to virtually assure that most will get it wrong or have gotten it wrong as even the christian religion has only been around for a few thousand years. Religions come and go, they evolve and go extinct and all life evolves. That much is true. That much I can accept. A just god, if he exists, will much more approve of the man who questions and uses reason then who blindly follows the wrong religion and devotes his entire life to teachings simply out of fear of eternal punishment and promise of eternal rewards... as this would show a man who failed to reason and failed to do good simply for the sake of doing good, but instead did so out of fear of eternal punishment and promise of eternal rewards. If a man simply chooses blindly on faith the religion and god he is to follow and picks the wrong religion and or god then what favor has he or she achieved?

There's that psychology card again.

You've been diagnosed by the doctor.

Is a militant non-believer better then a militant believer?
I viewed the post... Looks like more thinly veiled name calling... Seems to happen quite a bit in this thread.

Now anyone who believes in God/s is delusional.... :rofl:
There's a good reason Dawkin's calls his book The God Delusion. You should give it a read no matter your beliefs. Its really pretty good.
Isn't this supposed to be about how we feel, not arguing and demanding proof, and belittling those who don't have the same beliefs?
Jesus wept at that wall of text. Glad to see Carp's fear of paragraphs is still going strong. So people who believe are delusional? That's a might big stone to cast there son. I believe egocentric people are delusional.

There's that psychology card again.

You've been diagnosed by the doctor.

Is a militant non-believer better then a militant believer?

I agree on all accounts Dave.

Also, a militant non-believer is no better then a militant believer.