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How do you feel about God.

I have absolutely no idea. I read it somewhere in my travels around the net.

Seems to be a slight variation of;

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.” by Terry Pratchett.

That quote has been used frequently and wonderfully for ages.

I see the angle you are digging at, ANERY100. Why did I not jump Rich for plagiarism? Because he attributed it, as a quote, to a source other than himself, even if he was not certain on the exact origin. Big difference from copying a chunk of text verbatim and making it seem like your own.
Truthfully, I don't look at what you say, I barely read it. You bore the everloving snot out of me. I would not even have known about your plageriztic tendencies if not for my good friend Autumn catching you red handed, so to speak. But then I can see how the old cutty pasty can lead to such inflated stuffy posts where no personality dares to shine through!!

You are clearly a loving person as is so clear from your posts. Personally, a forgotten citation or even a purposely omitted citation shows that I am human just as your post shows you are human. You are also definitely not overly judgmental as is blatantly clear from your posts. Suffice it to say, I am very happy there are such loving caring people in this world as you seem to be. I admit, I'm guilty of having no personality. I was born devoid of one just as I was born devoid of sin and spirit. I am a walking hull with no real inside or feelings.
You might even say, that I am the devil and if you sincerely believe that, who am I to judge you for having that belief? Who knows? Who can argue that I am not a devil or the devil or even a demon set here to wreck the natural order of things with hybrids of unnatural and ungodly man made origins? I can see all these possibilities as being much the same as I see the possibility that there is a santa, zeus, horus, god, allah, mythra, pachamama, tunkashila, wakinyan, inyan, iktomi, unicorn, dragons, etc as valid truths. I can also understand how all of these thoughts might offend some as I'm sure many beliefs offend others who hold opposing beliefs.
;) Probably who ever told you this...

I'm like Rich, still waiting on an answer as to how you know that?
I'm not even sure I understand the question. :shrugs:
I thought the Mark Twain quote explained it well enough. Go back and read the quote.
It's a simple concept..not rocket science. Before your parents made you you lacked life. A thousand years ago you lacked life. 10 billion years ago you lacked life. 10 billion years ago Mark Twain also lacked life. And right now Mark Twain lacks life, he is dust. Someday we will all lack life just like we did 10 billion years ago. So, life is a period of time between the two times you lack life. When your life ends you will be exactly like you were before you had life...nothing. And it will be nothingness, just like it was 10 billion years ago.
We already know what death is like because we already know what the lack of life is like.
Is this difficult to understand or agree with? Seems very elementary to me.
What?? No angle. I just thought I'd missed it. I was just going to get on the case of whoever said it for not understanding the big bang theory.

Fair enough. Although I'd love to watch a debate with Terry Pratchett and someone, LOL!

You seem to have missed the ;) at the start of the other post. Being a little tongue in cheek there.
Of the 3,700 supernatural beings + or - approximately, how does one determine that they have found the one true god or religion. To me, it seems a lot like gambling and considering the amount of time many devote to a religion or god.... how does one account personally for this time spent if one agrees that there are many to chose from?
Now that I am only seeing quotes from Carpe when others quote him I read something where he stated that the Bible says the earth is only 6,000 years old....

Really? I didn't know that! I thought it was a group of theologians that got together and did their best trying to follow the lineage of Christ in order to determine how old the world is, which still was not an accurate depiction....

I will take you off from ignore now, because I would love to see you show me where in the Bible it says that the earth is only 6,000 years old.... Because, if you cannot, then you are misrepresenting the Bible, which I am really getting tired of you doing, because it seems, just like in other choice conversations, your one trick pony around this topic.
Outcast, only certain religions believe that the earth is that young. One of them is southern baptist. But they could never show me in the bible where it says that. It is more of on of those things only certain religions believe and use the bible as excuse. Kind of like dancing.
Outcast, only certain religions believe that the earth is that young. One of them is southern baptist. But they could never show me in the bible where it says that. It is more of on of those things only certain religions believe and use the bible as excuse. Kind of like dancing.

Oh, I have met many Christians out there that believe the earth is that young, and had been taught that at one point in a Sunday school class as well. The problem is, when I started to read the bible and comprehend what it was saying, I never drew the 6,000 year old earth conclusion. What I did draw from my readings was, 1) A day to us could be 1,000 years to God, I am pretty sure that they had no idea what 1,000,000 or 1,000,000,000 years was back then, so could not fathom it. 2) no one truly knows how old the earth exactly is, What with the crust in constant motion and being pushed under itself, re-melted, and reformed... We know how old the "oldest" known rocks are, but I am pretty sure that there are rocks that were much older than that, that have been recycled.
My family can't explain the dinosaurs either with their belief of the earth being so young. I have talked to a lot of professors over the years as well that couldn't find it in the bible.
I was talking to Mark and he says he doesn't believe it is in the bible but that someone did the genealogy of the old testament and did some math and boddaboom. He is very well versed in the bible. He doesn't believe in the 6,000 yrs old theory but he doesn't believe it is millions upon millions of years old either.
Now that I am only seeing quotes from Carpe when others quote him I read something where he stated that the Bible says the earth is only 6,000 years old....

Really? I didn't know that! I thought it was a group of theologians that got together and did their best trying to follow the lineage of Christ in order to determine how old the world is, which still was not an accurate depiction....

I will take you off from ignore now, because I would love to see you show me where in the Bible it says that the earth is only 6,000 years old.... Because, if you cannot, then you are misrepresenting the Bible, which I am really getting tired of you doing, because it seems, just like in other choice conversations, your one trick pony around this topic.

If you had clicked on the link that I cited as well, you might have understood what I was getting at a bit better. I will cite it again for you.

"The Bible provides a complete genealogy from Adam to Jesus. You can go through the genealogies and add up the years. You'll get a total that is just over 4,000 years. Add the 2,000 years since the time of Jesus and you get just over 6,000 years since God created everything.

Is there anything wrong with figuring out the age of the earth this way? No. There is nothing to indicate the genealogies are incomplete. There is nothing to indicate God left anything out. There is nothing in the Bible that indicates in any way that the world is much older than 6,000 years old"


Please, click on the link if you would like to know more as I have provided you that link twice now. Or, do your own search. Either, way, you will find information that will help you understand where I was coming from.