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For years now the big bad animal rights groups like the HSUS and PETA have been trying to eliminate reptiles as pets. They use horrible propaganda and negative news stories to push the public into a state of fear.
In order to prevent stories like this from breaking out, most herp keepers suggest we start to police our own. To stop negative occurrences BEFORE they go so far that animal control and news vans arrive. But seldom do we actually act upon this. In our own community a case of hoarding and neglect has been happening for months, maybe for years, and people have known and said nothing. Why do they not say anything? Fear. Fear of being called a liar. Fear of hurting feelings of friends. Fear of being the whistle blower. Fear of hurting THEIR reputation in a community that they love being a part of.
Well it’s time. Because the people who say nothing about it-- those who let it slide under the rug-- are as guilty as those who are truly at fault. Every animal that goes into the home of a person struggling with neglect and abuse suffers because no one wants to be the one who says something.
Robbie…. We love you. We as a community care about you. We value you as a friend and a fellow herp lover. But you are over your head. This past weekend many of your dearest friends from this community entered your house for the first time. What we saw there was a horror. Dead animals. Near dead animals. Starving snakes and lizards. Feces filling the cages. Months worth of sheds. Most without water. Under-size, Under-weight, poorly kept animals. Mites covered them. Paper soaked with grime and balled up in corners, animals directly on stained plastic. Cages far too small for adult animals. No temperature controls, extreme heat.
You told us you spent hours cleaning… so how bad were they before? What happened to the reptiles that were missing? Where are the snakes you were babysitting? Where are the snakes you were raising for others? Gone….gone and dead. We ourselves comforted you when you lost the boa we had given to you along with numerous others in a “heat spike.” We now know that she probably spent her last days in filthy conditions, living a life of untold neglect.
You admitted that many died from neglect. You promised members you now had “time” to care for these poor animals and would sell them when they were healthy again. But all behind closed doors and in hidden conversations, never in public where others might see.
So why did you buy a half-dozen new animals at Daytona? Why not fix the problems you have now first? Why bring healthy stock into a house of death to be infected with mites?
You asked us to talk to you face to face and not behind your back as so many were doing. Well here we are. Face to face. Asking you to stop, offering our help. Whatever you need, to cut back and slim down. Clearly you have too many, even the moderate number that remains. There’s no excuse to be bringing home more.
Many members of CS have offered to take in your animals and help get you down to a reasonable number. We are willing to take them on, cure them, fatten them up and find them great homes. Many people all saw the same things we did, and were just as horrified as we were… now is the time for all of us to say enough is enough and help Robbie and our hobby avoid the shame of another animal control nightmare.
You said you are ready to take care of them now. But Robbie….why not last week? Last month? According to many local people, and those who were at your house last year, this is nothing new. Weeks ago stacks of cages containing dead animals were piled on your porch. Last year snakes were filthy and had no water.
We care about you. I for one am very worried that you have entered a severe state of depression and are hiding in your room…ignoring the animals and trying to be the flamboyant fun guy you are on this forum. Hiding behind a persona that is not reflected in your everyday care of the animals you swear to love. This path can only lead to worse things. Robbie, you mean a lot to many of us. We don’t want to see you like this.
It’s been less than a week since Daytona. One of the animals you obtained there is already dead. Did you give it water? Did it sit in the deli cup all day Sunday in your 90+ degree house while you partied at the expo?
We love you Robbie. Lauren and I want to help. We want to make sure both the animals AND you are helped. We want you to seek help beyond the internet…and beyond your own home, for your well being as well as the animals.
This is the time NOW to get your collection down to a reasonable size. To rehome the animals you are keeping just to breed . To get it down to a reasonable number that one college age person can reasonably expect to be able to afford and have time to care for. You have well over 40 snakes…it’s time to get down to well under 10.
You can’t fix a problem like the one you are in by adding more animals. Burying the problem in more work is not fixing anything. Get to the point where you can easily care for and have healthy animals, then rebuild.
Robbie, you are young. You have plenty of time in this world to own all of the amazing animals you love. It’s just not that time yet for you. It is truly time to do the mature thing and set things right. Right now. Others far younger than you have cut back and are the better for it.
We are reaching out to help you. We don’t want animal control coming and taking everything. And Robbie…right now if they entered your home, you would lose it all.
I don’t want to intimidate. I want to make it VERY VERY clear how deeply into a very serious situation you have gotten yourself into. Lauren and I know that you are a popular guy around here, and we have decided that we are willing to deal with the consequences of being the ones who finally bring this sad situation to light, no matter what those consequences may be.
I am asking the community to come forth now, to talk about how you feel and about what you have seen. It’s time to come out of the closet a second time Robbie. Take the hands of those willing to help. Do not hide behind private PMs and Text messages which just let you sink into oblivion again. Together we can fix this. We know you can do right by the animals you love.
I stand fully behind Tara in posting this. In agreeing to this posting, the only thing I was thinking of was a very beautiful Hog Island boa who did not deserve to die that way.

RIP Selena and know that Tara and I are sorry, and we've now done everything we can do to ensure that you did not die in vain.


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Oh my god. I had no idea... I know I don't know any of you guys personally, nor Robbie, but I would like to add my support here. Hoarding is something that CAN be overcome, it takes time but it is possible.

I almost became a hoarder of bettas, believe it or not. At one point I had over 20 when I had no job, was going to school, and wasn't living on my own. One day I sat down and realized that none of my fish made it over one year... and it made me admit that I needed to cut down, set a limit for myself. But it took me over a year to actually do that. It was just so much easier to ignore them, and give in to buying them on impulse. I just had to keep telling myself "There will always be pretty fish out there, I can always buy one when I'm ready."

I know for a fact that this forum LOVES you, and is willing to help you in any way possible.
*hugs* My sympathies to all... Mostly to Robbie..

Honey, I have been where you are... in over my head... Too many animals, afraid to talk to anyone, afraid to give them up because I knew if it came to light what condition they were in I would be ruined... I wasn't much older than you, and it was my dogs, not snakes, but I have been there... The root cause of it all was a severe, debilitating, devestating depression that was untreated and undiagnosed for far too long.

Take the help they are offering... I am new here but my heart goes out to you and I really really hope you can have the strength and the courage to take the help of these fine people. I know that they will not turn their backs on you...

Hugs and prayers...

Tara, Lauren, it take alot of guts to come out and say that, knowing the heat you could get. I commend you.

Robbie I do love you zing for life that I read/see in your post. But I am sad to hear of this. I hope you won't get angry at Tara and Lauren for this. Instead I hope you reach for their hands for help they are offering you.

We all love ya Robbie and we are willing to help.

Something inside of me is saying you want some help too.
I've given up animals myself when I realised that I could no longer cope. My heart goes out to you Robbie - my problem was on a much smaller scale but I understand how life can spiral out of control like this.

All I can do is send my love and pass on the advice that helped me open my eyes to what I was doing and to break out of my repeating pattern of behaviour: You need to look after yourself, first and foremost. If you can't care for yourself, then you lose the ability to care for your animals.

Wishing you much courage, and hoping that you can find some help amongst your good friends who so obviously care about you and your animals.
First I want to say, I love you Robbie. I truly enjoyed our time together, and I hope we stay friends for decades. You are a sweet wonderful person and made me feel so welcome on my first year to Daytona.

I don't think things were "as" bad when I got there, as others had been there before me. The animals had water, but the place was so hot and dirty, and the smell was really bad. I really felt bad for Magic, he really needs a vet for that hair loss. Sweety, I am here if you need to talk. I just want what is best for you, and for the animals involved. It would be our worst nightmare if some humaniacs took it all away from you, and I know you don't want to be just another one of "those" stories. You deserve so much better than that!!
I've been in the "too depressed to take care of myself, let alone my animals" boat before, so it that's what's happened *Hugs* for you, and I'm willing to help in whatever capacity I'm able to as well.
I love you, Robbie. I sure don't know what the answer is, though. But no matter what- people care about you, and they care about the animals, and they just want them to be safe, somewhere.
First I want to say, I love you Robbie. I truly enjoyed our time together, and I hope we stay friends for decades. You are a sweet wonderful person and made me feel so welcome on my first year to Daytona.

I agree. Robbie, you are like the baby brother I never had. Seriously.

don't think things were "as" bad when I got there, as others had been there before me. The animals had water, but the place was so hot and dirty, and the smell was really bad. I really felt bad for Magic, he really needs a vet for that hair loss. Sweety, I am here if you need to talk. I just want what is best for you, and for the animals involved. It would be our worst nightmare if some humaniacs took it all away from you, and I know you don't want to be just another one of "those" stories. You deserve so much better than that!!

I agree about Magic-cat, that hair loss should be treatable, and he needs a vet. The temperature didn't really bother me much, but it's clear you haven't had the time or the energy or both to take care of your place as well as you would like to.

I think you have beautiful snakes, most of whom are thriving, but some of whom are not, and I am with Lauren & Tara in saying that I will help!

Much love from a sistah!
Robbie I am right there with everyone else. You know how much we love you and we just want what is best for you and for the animals. I know things were crazy for you when you were working at Disney and going to school... but now that you are working closer to home I sincerely hope that you turn some of that free time and focus towards your animals. They need it desperately.
I don't know you at all Robbie but it sounds like you have alot of people that love and want to help you.

I wish you the best of luck and accepting their help will be scary but it's the right thing to do.
Robbie, I sincerely hope you have the strength and courage to turn this around, for the animals and for yourself.
Since this thread was called to my attention, and that is the only reason I'm logging on today at all, I figured I would at least make a response. The responses might be a little out of order, because I keep going back and re-reading, and want to address all of your concerns.

In regards to the animal I won at the raffle that had died, yes, I had given it water. All of the animals were placed in the cooler room of the house (75*-80*) that the rest of the snakes are kept in.

In regards to starving snakes and lizards. There are only two snakes and one lizard I can think of at the moment who are skinny. Craig, the bearded dragon, who has refused to eat or drink. This is because when I took him in, I knew from the get go that he had been diagnosed with MBD, and would not live long. I've had him for at least 2 years, and his health started deteriorating this past February when he started eating less on his own, and then eventually quit entirely. For those of you following a timeline, this was well before I had gotten a job 80+ miles away, and was still with someone who helped around the house while I was able to take care of all of the herps by myself. There was no reason for his health to be deteriorating then, unless there was an underlying condition. The two skinny snakes recently laid full clutches of slugs, or slugs with a few massive eggs. Of course they still look a bit on the thin side.

Yes, I had sunken in to a depression when certain life events hit, and I will fully admit that. There were animals that were neglected for a short period of time. But consistently, for 3+ weeks, the circuit breaker in my house would trip, shutting off BOTH a/c units during the hottest part of the day, causing the heat spikes. The issue has since been resolved. I fully and openly admitted this in public forum. If you lost that many, wouldn't you be depressed? Some of your prized animals that you had big plans for? I'm sure that would depress anybody. Since increased heat also increases reptile metabolism, the animals needed more food at a much faster rate than was easy to keep up with. So they did with a bit less than their care at that point required. As a result, they got a bit skinny. I have been working with them over the past couple of weeks since I've had more time on my hands getting them back up to appropriate weights. The cleaning has also been a bit lax, because I've been mostly spot cleaning instead of doing full cleanings while feeding. If I didn't see it, I didn't clean it. Bad attitude, I know, but in the state I was in, that's about all I had the time/energy for.

The only reason ANY conversations were in closed doors, and where no others could hear was because that's where you had conducted those conversations. Behind closed doors in texts and PM's. I flat out told you in PM that if you would have spoken to me in person, I would have been more than willing to talk to you. Hell, I made offers to several people, not only at the show, but at the dinner as well, to take a few of my animals. No one said anything. Conversations were kept hush-hush, and behind closed doors to avoid drama at the show and dinner. At the dinner and show, no one acted any differently towards me about anything. No one approached me, and no one said anything.

I had mentioned in PM, and in person to several people, that there are quite a few animals I was getting ready to let go after the Daytona weekend. I figured more people would be interested in buying things at the show than buying online, and that I would have an easier time of it after the show. I have already sold at least 5 animals that no longer fit into breeding projects before hand, and did trade one other at the show.

I am NOT mad at Tara and Lauren. Nor was I mad at them when they sent me the original PM's. What I do feel, however, is hurt that all of this talk was conducted behind closed doors that you so seem to hate while I was standing maybe 5 feet away, and very easily accessible. If immediate help is what you felt I needed, why did no one speak up then? I'm sure anyone who's ever met me will attest that I'm a very approachable person, and not intimidating in the least. Loud and obnoxious, maybe, but always approachable with anything you might want to talk about, or any concern you may have as a couple people I had very long talks with can attest to. Katie, you know that I was literally in tears when I was talking to you about it at your house the other night after the first PM, because all of this talk had been conducted in shadows, and hidden away. I have always loved this community because of it's willingness to help anyone they may feel needs it. But if you felt I needed help that badly, why didn't you come talk to me then? There are a couple people you mention that had concerns over the past couple months. Why did no one talk to ME? Now, this may just be in my book, but a friend is someone who comes and talks to you, especially if they feel you need help. The comment was made "but how would you even broach that subject?" and then there was a list of a few examples. Perhaps exactly like that?

For anyone who'd expected an irrational irate response, or for me to fly off the handle in an excessive rage, sorry to disappoint. I had fully intended to hold off on posting any classifieds a bit longer after the weekend, but since people seem so eager to help, there will probably be a starting few posted later on tonight, and more during the day tomorrow. I was tempted to just start posting them without responding in here, but I thought a response with an explanation for myself and my actions would be better than no response at all, and just random animals for sale. Since the subject of mites was brought up, all animals will, of course, be preventatively treated for mites before being shipped. Any animal found with even one mite on it will not be shipped, and will be held until they are free and clear.

I would like to sincerely thank everyone for their concerns and well wishes. This community would not be what it is today without caring people like yourselves. As much as I don't like to admit it, being the stubborn ass that I am, I do appreciate the offers of help and the concern that you all have shown. Everyone who was at the show has my phone number, almost everyone has my e-mail, and everyone can click "Send Message". If you have any other concerns, you know where to find me.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond here for everyone to see, but I don't know if you really do fully understand how big the problem is.
You mention the heat spikes a while back when your breaker kept tripping...
What about the recent snake deaths? There was no mention of that happening now - so was that just strictly neglect?
Same thing with the ants and mites previously....ants and mites on their own will not attack and kill a healthy animal if caught and treated in time. I think the neglect has been going on for a longer period of time than you are admitting unfortunately.
No - I did not say anything to you because the info I had was second hand and told to me in confidence. The person who told me asked me not to say anything to you or anyone else as they were afraid that it would look as if they were attacking you and that they may not be believed. Since I had not seen it myself, the most I felt I could do at the time was to try to prevent you from bringing in more animals at the shows we attended together. If I would not have been so busy this weekend I would have also tried to discourage you from buying anything new this time too.
I appreciate you taking the time to respond here for everyone to see, but I don't know if you really do fully understand how big the problem is.
You mention the heat spikes a while back when your breaker kept tripping...
What about the recent snake deaths? There was no mention of that happening now - so was that just strictly neglect?
Same thing with the ants and mites previously....ants and mites on their own will not attack and kill a healthy animal if caught and treated in time. I think the neglect has been going on for a longer period of time than you are admitting unfortunately.
No - I did not say anything to you because the info I had was second hand and told to me in confidence. The person who told me asked me not to say anything to you or anyone else as they were afraid that it would look as if they were attacking you and that they may not be believed. Since I had not seen it myself, the most I felt I could do at the time was to try to prevent you from bringing in more animals at the shows we attended together. If I would not have been so busy this weekend I would have also tried to discourage you from buying anything new this time too.

The mites were brought in back in January by the same person that spoke to you. They were made fully aware that there were mites two of the snakes, because I pointed them out to them. I had posted that they had come in with mites then, too. By the time I had finally successfully eradicated the mites, there had been a snake death in that large rack that many people saw this weekend. That caused the ants to swarm the dead snake, and then move to other tubs. Yes, fire ants WILL attack something healthy and larger than them if they're in between the nest and food they're bringing back.

I'm not sure which recent deaths you're talking about. The main part of the heat spike issue was in the middle of July and early August. There had been a few others before then in June and July, but the 3+ week event was only very recently resolved (within the past couple of weeks).
What I do feel, however, is hurt that all of this talk was conducted behind closed doors that you so seem to hate while I was standing maybe 5 feet away, and very easily accessible. If immediate help is what you felt I needed, why did no one speak up then? I'm sure anyone who's ever met me will attest that I'm a very approachable person, and not intimidating in the least.

I do apologize for this Robbie. If it had been up to my first instinct, I would have talked to you then and there. I will admit that I delayed doing this, for a couple reasons. First and foremost, I felt a need to find out if this was a recent thing, caused by lack of time from the issue with driving to and from Disney, or if it was an ongoing situation. Secondly, a few folks indicated a desire to keep the weekend as drama free as possible. With being the new kids on block at Daytona, neither of us was inclined to rock the boat.

You are right. We should have called you out on it right then and there.

Regardless, we want to again offer you whatever assistance we can. No matter what. We just want to help you, and your pets.
Robbie, I appreciate that you responded. I hadn't a clue, of course, of any back channel communications. First I knew of it is this post. I'm not slamming your reptile husbandry, because I don't know what the back story is. I was responding to what I saw, which is that Magic-cat needs a vet & you haven't had the time & energy to clean as much as I think you would if life lets you, and that I want to help. That's all. I hope you realize it, and that you know I love you like a little brother. ((Robbie)) Please don't be mad at me. If Tara & Lauren hadn't started this thread, I would have PMd you myself, and from here on out I'll take it to PMs.
Robbie, please...take a step back and look at what you are doing here. You are still pushing off responsibility by blaming issues that should have been within your control.

You had mite problems before those snakes came in to your house. The snakes that were brought in were not the cause. There was nothing even said about them being a problem until weeks later - and looking back - it really seems like it was just an easy way out of admitting an already existing problem.

Same thing with the ants....if you had a dead snake that you didn't catch - that is still neglect that another one was killed because of it.

And the heat spike thing...I swear if I had the time to go through every post you have made you were talking about heat spikes causing deaths months ago - not in the last few weeks. So if the breaker was a problem that far back - why was it not fixed until now?

Believe me, I understand that life happens sometimes. Work and school is a lot to handle - especially with how far you were driving. But don't keep trying to make excuses for things that happened. Just own up that you didn't have time to check all the snakes all the time, or didn't have the money to get the breaker fixed... you need to stop making it seem like all these horrible things just happen to you when most of it could have been avoided or prevented.

The first step is in admitting there is a problem and so far all I really see are excuses. Please please understand that I don't want to beat you up about this stuff, but all I can really do to help right now is in getting you to see and admit to yourself, to everyone here, the truth in all of this and help you work through all of it.
In regards to starving snakes and lizards. There are only two snakes and one lizard I can think of at the moment who are skinny. ... The two skinny snakes recently laid full clutches of slugs, or slugs with a few massive eggs. Of course they still look a bit on the thin side.

If you lost that many, wouldn't you be depressed? Some of your prized animals that you had big plans for? I'm sure that would depress anybody. Since increased heat also increases reptile metabolism, the animals needed more food at a much faster rate than was easy to keep up with. So they did with a bit less than their care at that point required. As a result, they got a bit skinny.

Here you contridict yourself. Was it only two snakes who laid slugs...or several because you were depressed?
The truth is Robbie, most of your snakes were lean. Several were downright skinny and I didn't personally see ANY that were up to breeding weight. The dumerils for example that you have breed for two years in a row were way undersize compared to breeder sized females we have seen at shows.

You were feeding left over CHICKS to a two year old burm. Robbie you know deep in your heart that was not proper care.

Craig, the bearded dragon, who has refused to eat or drink. This is because when I took him in, I knew from the get go that he had been diagnosed with MBD, and would not live long. I've had him for at least 2 years, and his health started deteriorating this past February when he started eating less on his own, and then eventually quit entirely.

If he was going downhill in February...why did you not have him put to sleep. He is suffering. MBD did not cause that severe starvation. My iguana in high school had MBD so bad he was the great hunchback. I adopted him with a baddly kinked back, crooked legs, and horrible jaw bone damage. He grew and lived quite happily with the MBD. This is yet another one of your excuses. Why did the lizard having MBD mean that he had ZERO water. His bowl was filled with sand and there was not even a TRACE of moisture. He had no signs of being fed...no cricket/mealworm parts...no dried up veggies. Everyone who has beardies knows that would be in the cage.

I am NOT mad at Tara and Lauren. Nor was I mad at them when they sent me the original PM's.

And yet...you took us off facebook. *shrugs* Just saying...

The mites were brought in back in January by the same person that spoke to you. By the time I had finally successfully eradicated the mites, there had been a snake death in that large rack that many people saw this weekend.

Well that is well over 6 months Robbie. I think your timeline is a bit off. You mean to tell me you have been fighting mites unsuccessfully in that amount of time yet not ONCE posted for advice or help? Seriously? I am calling this one Bull.

I'm not sure which recent deaths you're talking about. The main part of the heat spike issue was in the middle of July and early August. There had been a few others before then in June and July, but the 3+ week event was only very recently resolved (within the past couple of weeks).

Umm July and August are pretty recent. But since you have lost over 40 snakes in the past few months. (according to you...you had over 100 and are now down to 40-something) Wouldn't you think that is cause for MAJOR alarm! If you are having heat spikes that bad, why are you STILL buying snakes instead of airconditioning? Why have you not moved all of your snakes into the "cool" room?
Robbie...the other thing is, when you keep adult corns in tiny shoeboxes as you are doing...they don't have a chance to escape to a cool side. Those rack units were not meant for adult corns, yet alone some of the ratsnakes you had in them.

So far your excuses sound pretty juvenile. I am frankly dissapointed.

Bethany...the water you saw in the cages that afternoon was put in by myself and others earlier that day. We were concerned because we pointed out the dead snake and the lack of water and Robbie just walked away not seeming to care much.
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