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This sounds like a situation that has gotten so out of control and is attached with so much personal shame that it might be best if a team got together to go to this person's house to help deal with it.

I've delt with addiction before, in substance and snake forms, and when the person is so entrenched in their addiction, although they're obviously doing harm to themselves, it's almost impossible to get out of it until there is some kind of force actually making you change. For me it was the threat of a felony. Even though I was miserable and destroying myself and my life I desperately clung onto my vices.

If Robbie brought you into his house considering the state of it, I can only comprehend it as an act of asking for help. Pride is a mf er and asking for help is the #1 thing that is hard for an addict to do. I take it as an act of surrender and admission of not being able to do it alone.

Also, hey, I could be totally wrong... I'm just thinking that unfortunately this situation might not change at all until others actually step in and do some dirty work. As hard as it is to do, I think the shame around the situation is even harder for the person who is the cause of it. :shrugs:
Noob here offering an ear. Sorry if it's not my place, but just wanted to offer what I could. Don't know anyone here or anything about the situation but what's posted on this thread. Hope everything works out ok for everyone involved.
Hey Robbie,

I met you at the convention and have always thought you a very kind and caring person who is funny and knowledgeable with husbandry of reptiles. Nothing has altered my beliefs. I still think of you as a great guy and your knowledge on reptiles is unquestionable. I know there come times when every person needs to step back and take a good look at their living situation and the things in their lives. We know your animals are precious to you just as our own are precious to us. And when asking for help means that we have to let some of them go, I know personally that that is a very hard thing to do. But we are here for you Robbie..We are your friends..We care about you, about your life, your animals and your decisions. We all still respect you and still see you as the funny guy you are. And that is WHY we want to help you so much. We are a family here..not just friends..We look out for one another, we help each other and never leave a man behind. We're not going to leave you behind Robbie..Your our family...And you always will be.

I know so many have said this already but if you need someone to talk to..You know I'm here. I hope you will take the help being offered. Because this help is coming to you out of love.
Robbie, I'm sorry your "friends" (and I use the term loosely) have- if not thoroughly destroyed your reputation, then at the very least, significantly damaged it.

At least Robbie's friends who spoke here aren't hiding behind a fake name like you are, Jed. Way to show support.
Robbie, I hope you get the help you need, for your pets, your friends, and most of all yourself. No one should have to live that way- there is help out there to turn your life around. You deserve to be happy, healthy, and with a clear mind...and it is most definitely possible. Let me know if you need any assistance getting in touch with someone who can provide more than I can over the internet.
Jed, is a coward. He is afraid to come out to show support for fear of I don't know what. I think Jed should show support for a friend instead of hiding behind a monitor. At least show us who you are!
Hi, Robs. I have to admit that reading this thread has polarized my OWN issues with my reptiles. As I look around my snake room, I see dusty water, an old boa shed in one tank, I'm probably two weeks behind in feeding....sometimes it's all I can do to feed myself properly, let alone my animals. I put on my game face and act like everything is fine to the outside world, but my life is in shambles. I'm wondering if this is what you've been doing as well, and if so, my heart breaks for you. If someone offered to take my six snakes and care for them for a while, I'd absolutely jump at that chance, my ego be damned.

Robbie, I absolutely love you, I hope you know that. I can't offer assistance for your animals, but I can offer you an understanding shoulder and an empathetic ear. Please feel free to call me anytime.

Please also know that Lauren and Tara brought this to light out of love for animals AND for you, knowing full well that idiots like Jed would crawl out of their caves and try to make it appear as a personal attack. Regardless of drama that appears on this and every other forum on the net, this is truly a wonderful community, and you are deeply cared for by these people. Hang in, Robs. xoxo
Hi, Robs. I have to admit that reading this thread has polarized my OWN issues with my reptiles. As I look around my snake room, I see dusty water, an old boa shed in one tank, I'm probably two weeks behind in feeding....sometimes it's all I can do to feed myself properly, let alone my animals. I put on my game face and act like everything is fine to the outside world, but my life is in shambles. I'm wondering if this is what you've been doing as well, and if so, my heart breaks for you. If someone offered to take my six snakes and care for them for a while, I'd absolutely jump at that chance, my ego be damned.

Robbie, I absolutely love you, I hope you know that. I can't offer assistance for your animals, but I can offer you an understanding shoulder and an empathetic ear. Please feel free to call me anytime.

Please also know that Lauren and Tara brought this to light out of love for animals AND for you, knowing full well that idiots like Jed would crawl out of their caves and try to make it appear as a personal attack. Regardless of drama that appears on this and every other forum on the net, this is truly a wonderful community, and you are deeply cared for by these people. Hang in, Robs. xoxo

Lori I wish we had a "like" button, I would hit it about now.
So, since this is such a great community, who is going to go help LBoz?

He/She asked for it..lets give it!!!!! Six snakes that need to be fostered........

What are we going to do to help?
Thanks, J3:16...I just need to pull my head out of my hiney. I know that the members here would jump in and save me if I asked them to. I got some fantastic news today. Things should be looking up very soon.

I've seen so many acts of charity on this forum, more than any other online community I've ever been involved in. I was blessed to be able to meet many people last year in Daytona and am able to say that they are now true friends, not just cyber-friends, and Robbie is one of those people. The people here have his back if he'll let them....and that's what I'm hoping he'll do.
Lori, if you (or ANYONE here) for that matter needs corns fostered....I'd be more than willing to provide them with a safe place to stay, photo updates, and return them when you're ready. ;)
So, since this is such a great community, who is going to go help LBoz?

He/She asked for it..lets give it!!!!! Six snakes that need to be fostered........

What are we going to do to help?

I'm good for one. How bout you since you brought it up? :shrugs:

John 8:7b :confused:
Lori, I already have fosters. I would be MORE THAN WILLING to take some more, some or all unless any of them are retics or burms. Serious offer. PM me.
lol, I'm a total Noob!
I'd love one!!!!!!!!
But I'm not sure I'm the best choice...I don't know nuthin!!!!:nope:
But yes, I'll foster one if the owner is OK with that...but it sounded as if she didn't want to do it anyway.
Thie thread has made me truly realize that there is a place in my heart for each and every one of you.

I've suffered through depression, pretty severely. It was last year at this time actually. I know my animals suffered and I feel guilty for it every day. Depression is a bad, bad place where we do (or don't do) things that we KNOW is not the norm for us. I KNOW this is not the norm for you, Robbie. Ever since I've been a member here I've admired you, your knowledge, your personality. Don't let this road block ruin you. Sometimes, just when you think you've hit rock bottom, somebody throws you a shovel. Don't let this be your shovel. It's time to start climbing.

It's hard to do, I know. You feel like your life is destined to continue to be like this forever. That you'll never get out of this rutt. It's not true! I've been there. I know you're tired of hearing it, but I know what you're going through. I never ever wanted to admit it, but I'm doing it now.

I DID put my snakes on the back burner.
I DID slack on my care.
I DID let my snakes suffer.

But a year later, all of my snakes are happy and healthy. Nice and fat. And I pride myself on the care that I give my animals. It can be that way for you too. Let us help you get there! I would have killed for this kind of support a year ago! But unfortunately nobody knew of my situation.

This is your golden opportunity, Robbie. Take it.

And this entire community loves you, no matter what. NEVER forget that.
Robbie, I'm sorry your "friends" (and I use the term loosely) have- if not thoroughly destroyed your reputation, then at the very least, significantly damaged it.
At least Robbie's friends who spoke here aren't hiding behind a fake name like you are, Jed. Way to show support.

Absolutely....... I just did an IP match and found a connection between "Jed Smith" and one of the many false registrations of Dave Partington. Dave has been banned here along with MULTIPLE false registrations to bypass the ban. I'm sure he will be back after this registration gets banned, and I would greatly appreciate it if anyone sees a new registration they suspect as him to please let me know.

And to you, Dave, STAY THE HELL OFF OF MY WEBSITE. You are not welcome here.
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