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Robbie, I asked for a water jug. I told you I wanted the skinny mojave. I SHOWED YOU a dead snake.

Was there more of a right-now confrontation that you needed?

The thing of superworms... Empty.

I know. I tried to feed the beardie.

Told you I thought I saw a mite when I was filling a water bowl.

Please rehome the Asian rat with the respiratory issue with a bone dry water dish who drank for 5 minutes when I gave it water.

Why were there 3 or 4 sheds in every tank?

Let us help Robbie. Starting with sending out those kiddos healthy enough to ship.

And honestly, I offered to take the mojave. You said you'd give me a good deal. Is not-dead a good deal?!? Why would I pay for a skinny possibly mite infested tiny ball python? If you want me to rehab and reevaluate, sure. But that is why I didn't take her.

What saddens me is that I wanted to like you. A whole bunch. But your house was the elephant in the room, and I couldn't get past it. It's not that I don't like you, it's that I didn't understand what you were doing.

Get help Robbie. We're here. We'll help. Just tell us your plan.
Robbie, I hope you listen to what I have to say, because I do mean it. Look, I had to downsize this year. It was so tough to do. I still wish I didn't have to. And now with an upcoming show I am really tempted to pickup a baby corn from some cs.com members coming to the show but I know more than likely I can't. Robbie, I care about you and your animals and I hope you decide to let this great community help you, because we want to help you! And I am sure we will help you with anything. I am here to talk if you ever need me Robbie!
Robbies Friends who have posted this trash publicly for all the world to see:
Thank you for bring to my attention the risks associated with acquiring a snake from Robbie: Respiratory Infection, Disease, Heat Damage, Mites, & so forth. I was seriously entertaining bringing some snakes from Robbies place to my own, but you've potentially saved me from bringing home unexpected bonuses.

Robbie, I'm sorry your "friends" (and I use the term loosely) have- if not thoroughly destroyed your reputation, then at the very least, significantly damaged it.
Jed, if less public channels had worked, do you think we would have come here?

He brought a parade of CORN SNAKE PEOPLE into his home where the animals were in atrocious conditions, and we're supposed to think that *I'll do better* is an appropriate response?

He didn't think the conditions were too bad to bring people there... People in the situation can blind themselves to the issue!

We're doing what we think is best, what we think will STOP the problem.

If you disagree, that is up to you. But given that animals that we all care about are dying, what would YOU do?!?
Robbies Friends who have posted this trash publicly for all the world to see:
Thank you for bring to my attention the risks associated with acquiring a snake from Robbie: Respiratory Infection, Disease, Heat Damage, Mites, & so forth. I was seriously entertaining bringing some snakes from Robbies place to my own, but you've potentially saved me from bringing home unexpected bonuses.

Robbie, I'm sorry your "friends" (and I use the term loosely) have- if not thoroughly destroyed your reputation, then at the very least, significantly damaged it.

Think of it how you will, you don't know any of the people involved, however, ANYONE thinking about purchasing a snake from any source should thoroughly check out said source, including pictures of where the animals are kept, or going over there, or sending someone you know over there...

Robbie is a good kid, and he has (had?) some amazing animals, but from the sounds of it, no they aren't being taken care of properly... Reputation may be ruined, but so it should be at this point, no one should buy animals out of that sort of situation without knowing what they are getting.

However, these sorts of comments are not helping a very delicate situation, Obviously if you had read the whole thread there are alot of caring people here that are trying to help Robbie out of a tough situation. Your rude comments are not appreciated, at least not by me.

Have a nice day and good luck finding the animals you are looking for.
Robbies Friends who have posted this trash publicly for all the world to see:
Thank you for bring to my attention the risks associated with acquiring a snake from Robbie: Respiratory Infection, Disease, Heat Damage, Mites, & so forth. I was seriously entertaining bringing some snakes from Robbies place to my own, but you've potentially saved me from bringing home unexpected bonuses.

Robbie, I'm sorry your "friends" (and I use the term loosely) have- if not thoroughly destroyed your reputation, then at the very least, significantly damaged it.

We're worried about Robbie and want to help him. No one was trying to destroy his reputation. Although I think confronting him face to face before coming to cs.com would have been a better route in the beginning, it's done now. I had no idea about the situation, but now it's out there and everyone can help.

If you're coming to this very serious thread to try and start drama, please go elsewhere.
Well... isn't this thread an eyeful.
I was clueless, though I have to admit- Robbie, I was concerned back when... which is why I sent you those few PM's... your recovery seemed to be, a bit too good to be true... but I preferred to believe that it was so, as you said.

I think Tara and Lauren did a wonderful thing- but I do believe that this should have been properly conducted face to face with Robbie...
I don't blame them though, because this is a very awkward and depressing situation... and I can only imagine they did what they thought( and possibly still do ) best. Robbie, try to understand the obvious discomfort people have with approaching you with such things... it's a horrible inner turmoil that goes on and they are not sure exactly how to respond... sometimes, people need to be able to detach from immediate proximity in order to think straight.

I honestly wish I could be of help, but I am over here in the Middle East.

People, I do believe that Robbie would appreciate your help... but I also think that some snakes at least, should be temporarily nursed and cared for by Robbie's friends, and when they return to good conditions, be returned to Robbie should he be able to provide for them. That doesn't mean that most of them should not be re-homed though.

I believe that true help assists the person to get back to his feet. Snakes have proven to be a part of Robbie's life- I don't think it is fair to expect him to hand them -all- over and relinquish all ownership. Help him back to his feet, to a state where he can take care of at least a few favorites.

Robbie- I wouldn't want to be in a position where I lost control. I too would have felt uncomfortable if people would have started making plans for me.
Therefore, I suggest you consider this an opportunity, and take charge of this situation- be the one who willingly relinquishes ownership on most animals and ask for them to be rehomed. Decide on 5 or so snakes(no more than that, I advise)- and ask your closest friends to care for them until they get better and you're in a state to take care of them.

I really am sorry that it has come to this, and I am sorry you need to deal with it all. All I can say is that you're a wonderful person, and I think that any lesser man would have been dealt with severely, with no compassion or care- the fact that an entire community stands by you even in the face of your admission that indeed, some animals suffered from neglect- comes to show just how important you are to everyone.

We all want you back on your feet and herping again.
Treat this situation as the opportunity it is.

If you need anything, to the best of my abilities... shoot me a PM.

Well... isn't this thread an eyeful.
I was clueless, though I have to admit- Robbie, I was concerned back when... which is why I sent you those few PM's... your recovery seemed to be, a bit too good to be true... but I preferred to believe that it was so, as you said.

I think Tara and Lauren did a wonderful thing- but I do believe that this should have been properly conducted face to face with Robbie...
I don't blame them though, because this is a very awkward and depressing situation... and I can only imagine they did what they thought( and possibly still do ) best. Robbie, try to understand the obvious discomfort people have with approaching you with such things... it's a horrible inner turmoil that goes on and they are not sure exactly how to respond... sometimes, people need to be able to detach from immediate proximity in order to think straight.

I honestly wish I could be of help, but I am over here in the Middle East.

People, I do believe that Robbie would appreciate your help... but I also think that some snakes at least, should be temporarily nursed and cared for by Robbie's friends, and when they return to good conditions, be returned to Robbie should he be able to provide for them. That doesn't mean that most of them should not be re-homed though.

I believe that true help assists the person to get back to his feet. Snakes have proven to be a part of Robbie's life- I don't think it is fair to expect him to hand them -all- over and relinquish all ownership. Help him back to his feet, to a state where he can take care of at least a few favorites.

Robbie- I wouldn't want to be in a position where I lost control. I too would have felt uncomfortable if people would have started making plans for me.
Therefore, I suggest you consider this an opportunity, and take charge of this situation- be the one who willingly relinquishes ownership on most animals and ask for them to be rehomed. Decide on 5 or so snakes(no more than that, I advise)- and ask your closest friends to care for them until they get better and you're in a state to take care of them.

I really am sorry that it has come to this, and I am sorry you need to deal with it all. All I can say is that you're a wonderful person, and I think that any lesser man would have been dealt with severely, with no compassion or care- the fact that an entire community stands by you even in the face of your admission that indeed, some animals suffered from neglect- comes to show just how important you are to everyone.

We all want you back on your feet and herping again.
Treat this situation as the opportunity it is.

If you need anything, to the best of my abilities... shoot me a PM.


Oren - This was so well said and thought out it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you!

Robbie - ((((hug)))) you are in my thoughts I know I haven't interacted with you that much, I am more of a lurker but I am here for you, you are loved and respected. I wish I was able to help you but I am here for you and will be sending good thoughts your way.

Thank you everyone who has shown their support for such an awesome person, one day I will get to Daytona and meet all of you that make CS what it is!

The first 21 posts are personal attacks.

Jed, you can call it what you want to call it. As Darcy said, we initially attempted to do this privately, but the point simply was not made.

To put it simply, every single reptile keeper I have spoken with is firmly AGAINST legislation banning or limiting reptiles kept as pets (i.e. HR 2811) and always says "We don't need legislation, we will police our own."

It's high time we stop saying we will police are own and freaking DO IT.

What we saw was WRONG. It needed to be STOPPED. Period.
It sucks when you find out that someone you care about is hurting.

I gotta be honest, I couldn't really care less about the snakes, right now. I've never met Robbie in person, but I know he has always been an informed, passionate and caring reptile keeper. For a situation to get like this, something is going on that nobody but him knows about.

I can't offer you much help Robbie, but I'm here with a shoulder and an ear if you want a non-judgemental place to vent.
Hi Robbie...

So sorry to hear you are having some problems. I have never been to your place, but I know you have been through some rough times lately. It is really easy for things to get out of control when life hits you hard. I am trying to downsize my own animal collection lately, mainly because of the horrible economy.

I am not sure what I can do to help. But I look at you kind of like a "little brother". So if you ever need to talk, or I can help in some way, let me know.
I seriously thought this thread was a sarcastic joke when I read the first post. How could Robbie be a bad keeper? He's always made intelligent comments with regard to husbandry. I'm deeply sorry that you're going through whatever it is it's clear has brought you down to this point, but I'm deeply glad that our community is here to help and support you. It says so much that, rather than just leaving it to gossip, Tara and Lauren had the immense courage to confront you about it, publicly or otherwise.

As for Jed... Frankly I'm shocked that you have the gall to come in here, particularly as a new member who doesn't know the people involved and say that Tara and Lauren are bad friends for doing this. I take it you've never known anyone with any serious addiction, or you'd have felt differently. I'm sorry that you've been dissuaded from buying animals from Robbie now; perhaps it's for the best considering his current situation. But I'm certain that this will help him straighten himself out after what appears to me to have been a very traumatic and upsetting life event, and I'm equally certain that once he does, his animals will be top-notch. So your loss, I guess.

I'm so glad that there are members here, some of which haven't even met Robbie, who are willing to extend anything he needs; a patient listener, a temporary home for his animals, what have you.
Jed, what is your place here! You come in swinging. We are here to help Robbie. Your acting like I used to act. No reason just wildly attacking. I don't know why you have chosen to come forward in this manner, and all it is doing is making all the people here with GOOD intentions and you seem to come in with guns firing! Why? Why have you chosen to make an already delicate situation worse?
Yeah I gotta agree with you Lexie, this Jed dude should not be inserting his thoughts into this. Especially as a noob. Heck I have been around this place a little while and I would not even try to say something like he has as I dont know the people involved myself. But I am glad that people are trying to help and prevent negative news for us reptile lovers and I can see that they really care about Robbie. I hope the best for him and that he will see this as help and support, rather than what this "Jed" critter sees it as attacks and disdain.
Ya know, I wasn't even going to comment here, but I agree with Tyflier. Snakes are snakes. I do not condone their neglect or mistreatment, but humans come first. If Robbie is having issues, he comes before the snakes. Send them all to someone to rehab and get some help. If you need an impartial ear to bend, you know where to find me!
If you need any help, I live close by. I would be willing to offer any assistance that I could give. Just drop me a P.M. and we can set something up.
"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to..." the many good people on this thread. Robbie, if you read this, we love you, OK?
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