All government employees should get paid whatever the minimum wage is and buy their own healthcare or get medicare. Then we'll really see this country whipped into shape.
The entitlements of exCongress members should also be withdrawn, making them go back to work instead of living off taxpayers and receiving free medical expenses.
Not even close... First of all have a look at where our government spends its money...
As you can clearly see, the spending on government agencies is probably less than 20% of the total budget.
So are you really suggesting, for instance, that all of the scientist that work at the National Institute of Health be paid minimum wage? Let's say you are a scientist on the leading edge trying to find a cure for breast cancer, and you should work for minimum wage?
What about the scientists at the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)? What would happen if we got rid of all government employees during the next nationwide Salmonela outbreak? Who would you suggest to figure out where the outbreak is coming from? Exxon? BP? Or any private industry? Not a chance.
Currently, for every dollar we spend, we borrow 40% (40 cents). So lets say we get rid of all government agencies... You are only gonna get back 20%, but more importantly you are gonna lose all of the income tax revenue generated by government jobs. Remember, they have to pay taxes too.
I am sorry, but this whole concept - that the government is useless that - seems to be gaining steam recently is misguided.
Certainly, we are spending more money than we should be. And we should have thoughtful debates about how to reduce our debt and deficit. But, seriously, it was not spending on government agencies that got us in to this mess!
Demonizing government employees makes no sense. We should be rewarding them. Especially teachers and scientists who are fighting to make our future better than ever.
Note: I am not a government employee, nor have I ever been - I was just thankful enough to have really good (government paid) teachers growing up who taught me how to rationalize and use common sense.