This is a great quote... however, modern day gun laws nether forbid the carrying of arms nor disarm those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes"...
I'm sorry, but you CAN'T be serious.......
Try walking into any post office carrying a gun and tell me what happens. Try getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Maryand, Illinois, Massachusettes, New Jersey, Hawaii, Washington D.C., or New York City and tell me how successful you are. Grab a rifle and walk around Washington D.C. and see how long it takes you to wind up in handcuffs. Walk onto ANY school yard openly carrying a gun and tell me how successful you are at NOT being forcibly disarmed. Next time you go to a bar, lay a gun on the counter when you order a beer or take a stroll through your local airport with your shotgun tucked under your arm. We'll be reading about you in the news....