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Letter From My Senator About US Default

This is a great quote... however, modern day gun laws nether forbid the carrying of arms nor disarm those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes"...

I'm sorry, but you CAN'T be serious.......

Try walking into any post office carrying a gun and tell me what happens. Try getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Maryand, Illinois, Massachusettes, New Jersey, Hawaii, Washington D.C., or New York City and tell me how successful you are. Grab a rifle and walk around Washington D.C. and see how long it takes you to wind up in handcuffs. Walk onto ANY school yard openly carrying a gun and tell me how successful you are at NOT being forcibly disarmed. Next time you go to a bar, lay a gun on the counter when you order a beer or take a stroll through your local airport with your shotgun tucked under your arm. We'll be reading about you in the news....
I just read through every post, and I really have to commend the people of this forum. I'm new here, but I'm a long time vet of many forums and before that newsgroups. I have *never* in the 15+ years I've been on the internet, I repeat NEVER seen a political discussion remain so civil and informative. That's even more of an accomplishment now, due to the stressful polarizing climate of modern politics. I sat here and read with a bit of awe, and it kinda made my morning. I've left forums where I've invested years of time, over politics. I, personally, stay way the hell out of discussions like this, but seeing how it can rip a happy community apart is painful to watch. So, yeah. Good on all of you.

I really really like it here.
I just read through every post, and I really have to commend the people of this forum. I'm new here, but I'm a long time vet of many forums and before that newsgroups. I have *never* in the 15+ years I've been on the internet, I repeat NEVER seen a political discussion remain so civil and informative. That's even more of an accomplishment now, due to the stressful polarizing climate of modern politics. I sat here and read with a bit of awe, and it kinda made my morning. I've left forums where I've invested years of time, over politics. I, personally, stay way the hell out of discussions like this, but seeing how it can rip a happy community apart is painful to watch. So, yeah. Good on all of you.

I really really like it here.

One thing you will notice about things around here, is no matter how our opinions differ, we keep in mind that we are here for the snakes. And, we can still be friends with those whose opinions differ. Usually the trouble makers, end up walking out the door.
I just read through every post, and I really have to commend the people of this forum. I'm new here, but I'm a long time vet of many forums and before that newsgroups. I have *never* in the 15+ years I've been on the internet, I repeat NEVER seen a political discussion remain so civil and informative. That's even more of an accomplishment now, due to the stressful polarizing climate of modern politics. I sat here and read with a bit of awe, and it kinda made my morning. I've left forums where I've invested years of time, over politics. I, personally, stay way the hell out of discussions like this, but seeing how it can rip a happy community apart is painful to watch. So, yeah. Good on all of you.

I really really like it here.

I am so glad you like it here! This is my "home". I spent alot of my time here. (I am currently at work, but not alot is going on right now).
This place is really really special. I have made friends here that I treasure, and have met many in real life. This place is not just a "forum", but a community in the best sense of the word.
I am so happy to be a part of it, and I am glad you are too!
As Bethany said, most of the "old timers" here are a pretty congenial lot, and we like to discuss EVERYTHING, just as you would with old friends. And some of us do get together and meet IRL at shows, too.

I have been here quite a long time. I have observed over the years that sometimes newcomers (often youngsters, but sometimes they are not so young!) will "stir the pot" a bit and some of our members can't help but take the bait at times. But once a few months go by, newcomers who love drama either start to settle down and fit in here, or they leave for greener (more exciting!) pastures. Or get themselves banned, lol!

So if you ever find an overly dramatic thread in Chit Chat, just wait a bit. Things will soon calm down. And most (sometimes not all) will forget it shortly and will be friends again, just as any minor spat between friends usually ends up. Those who have been here a while love it, and welcome new, like-minded, members into the fold.