The Crazy Alaskan
Anti gun, the restriction or possession of fire arms of citizens.
You and I both have the right to bear arms. That means I have the right to own a gun or guns if I want. I do think that felons and violent offenders should NOT be allowed to own guns how ever I do not think the government has the right to tell me what guns I can or cannot have. For example the US just restricted the import of shotguns that are not considered "sporting" such as the Saga12. The Constitution says NOTHING about "the right to bear arms for sporting purposes" it says I have the right to bear arms. I have the right to own a gun for self defence of me and my family. If I choose to own a shotgun that holds more then 8 rounds is MY choice! The government has no right to tell me I cant own a gun that holds more then so many rounds. Funny little fact, most guns that are used in crimes are actually small CHEEP handguns that hold less then 8 rounds!
As for politicians who are anti gun, politicians who want to even farther restrict what I can and cannot own....
For one was Bill Clinton, he him self pushed the ban for "Assault weapons", yet it did not call for a ban on hunting rifles. This is complete ignorance! Most hunting rifles are FAR more powerfull then guns such as the SKS or AK-47 or AR-15. Here is an example
Harold Koh is another one who is a legal adviser to the state department is another, he has strait up said that guns cause violence (a gun is a TOOL NOT A KILLER!!! The person who pulls the trigger IS the killer! A gun is a tool) and even has gone as far as to say that a sole sociaty cannot exist with gun ownership that it kills civil sociaty.
Obama himself nominated a very anti gun person to run for the head of the ATF, Andrew F. Travor has publicly called for a full semi automatic rifle ban and for those who did not turn them in right away were stormed by swat teams.
Michael Bloomberg, New York Mayor is going after private sales of fire arms of legal citizens.
Thats just a few.
As has been seen in countries such as the UK, Gun control has not effected crime but let it rise in many places since now criminals know that LEGAL (once owners) gun owners no longer have fire arms to defend them selves with. Up here in Alaska we have a law that allows any one who is of legal age and statas to own and conceal carry a fire arm. We do not have shoot outs like many places in the country and is well known through the state "Be nice, you never know who is packing" but many will say that you must have more gun control. The fact is all it controls are legal citizens. Criminals will still have access to guns, there will always be a black market so why limit what legal citizens who can legally own a gun, again it does not effect those who FALLOW the law!
Here is a lady who is against hunting and is all FOR the right to bear arms, watch it had she had a gun her family would still be alive!
The fact is there are politicians who are against you and me and our rights especially the right to bear arms.
I hope this didnt come off "pissy" because I didnt mean for it to, as I said before this is a touchy subject I feel strongly about.
You and I both have the right to bear arms. That means I have the right to own a gun or guns if I want. I do think that felons and violent offenders should NOT be allowed to own guns how ever I do not think the government has the right to tell me what guns I can or cannot have. For example the US just restricted the import of shotguns that are not considered "sporting" such as the Saga12. The Constitution says NOTHING about "the right to bear arms for sporting purposes" it says I have the right to bear arms. I have the right to own a gun for self defence of me and my family. If I choose to own a shotgun that holds more then 8 rounds is MY choice! The government has no right to tell me I cant own a gun that holds more then so many rounds. Funny little fact, most guns that are used in crimes are actually small CHEEP handguns that hold less then 8 rounds!
As for politicians who are anti gun, politicians who want to even farther restrict what I can and cannot own....
For one was Bill Clinton, he him self pushed the ban for "Assault weapons", yet it did not call for a ban on hunting rifles. This is complete ignorance! Most hunting rifles are FAR more powerfull then guns such as the SKS or AK-47 or AR-15. Here is an example
Harold Koh is another one who is a legal adviser to the state department is another, he has strait up said that guns cause violence (a gun is a TOOL NOT A KILLER!!! The person who pulls the trigger IS the killer! A gun is a tool) and even has gone as far as to say that a sole sociaty cannot exist with gun ownership that it kills civil sociaty.
Obama himself nominated a very anti gun person to run for the head of the ATF, Andrew F. Travor has publicly called for a full semi automatic rifle ban and for those who did not turn them in right away were stormed by swat teams.
Michael Bloomberg, New York Mayor is going after private sales of fire arms of legal citizens.
Thats just a few.
As has been seen in countries such as the UK, Gun control has not effected crime but let it rise in many places since now criminals know that LEGAL (once owners) gun owners no longer have fire arms to defend them selves with. Up here in Alaska we have a law that allows any one who is of legal age and statas to own and conceal carry a fire arm. We do not have shoot outs like many places in the country and is well known through the state "Be nice, you never know who is packing" but many will say that you must have more gun control. The fact is all it controls are legal citizens. Criminals will still have access to guns, there will always be a black market so why limit what legal citizens who can legally own a gun, again it does not effect those who FALLOW the law!
Here is a lady who is against hunting and is all FOR the right to bear arms, watch it had she had a gun her family would still be alive!
The fact is there are politicians who are against you and me and our rights especially the right to bear arms.
I hope this didnt come off "pissy" because I didnt mean for it to, as I said before this is a touchy subject I feel strongly about.