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Military. *your Thoughts*


New member
Ok well i was thinking about the joining the Military *navy SEALS*.
And i want to know is anyone here in or was in the military?
Did you like it?
Was it something you would recommend?
Anything would like to add

Those of you not in the military/ SEALS.

Whats is your take.
Do you support our military
Blah blaah just give me your views on Navy SEALS all that good stuff and i wanna know cause it might be a real career option.

Now i know all about the intense training you must go trough and all that.

Belive it or not. (No bragging) if any of you know the training seals go through i dont think it will be easy. But with my Mental, And Physical state and Commiment i think i could make it if i wanted.

Now for those of you who dont know the training they go through heres a link.


That is a Youtube page scroll down look for

Navy Seal Bud/S Training Part 1A

This is pretty much the first of a discovery channel episode on youtube theirs only 6 you dont have to watch all but that will give you an idea. Those who dont want to watch here is a list basicly. That i made!

1.Log PT *A Huge phone poll ranging from 150-400lbs held above your head as long as they make you. Doing Reps and diffrent work out with them* Group work!

2.4mile conditioning run. *explainable.* 4miles under 32mins! i run the mile at school to day in 6:50. Barely make it.

3.Boat/Rafting * in ice cold water. With huge Waves!* team work!

4.Routine Bedroom Checks
5.Routine Uniform checks.

This is reapted trough out one weak know as PHASE 1. Failure in any catogory results in Punishment usaly in the form of Pushups or Getting Wet and Sandy.

Failure in a whole results in RollBacks or Getting Dropped.

PHASE 2. ( Hell Week) if i recall this correctly.
1.Breakout!: Your sleeping they wake you up like your in a Real Life Combat senario!

2. Getting in the Water and staying there *now this water is freezing cold!.

3. Dont remeber to well but its mostly whats in Phase 1.

Dive Phase.

1. Underwater testing begins in both the ocean and pool in what may be the most difficult test of all. The men are immersed with hands and feet tied and competing at underwater swimming, overcoming their panic and fear. They undergo advanced scuba and re-breather training and the SEAL instructors weed out those who just can't make the grade. - From Youtube!

2. Pretty much they learn diving and how to swim plant bombs and all the fun stuff.

Last Phase!

1. Tactics! Shooting Guns! pretty much they learn how to shoot guns work in hostage situations BLaah Blaah BLaah!. Thats how it goes then they gradute and go on to more navy seal stuff!


So what are your thoughts?

Just say anything you belive about the military.
Tell me if you like a certain branch better then others give me your opions!

P.S. i really couldnt spell today or puncutate so SORRY
Never been in but family all has served. I highly respect it. Be ok with being in and not being a SEAL though... very competitive... just make sure that you are not only going in for the "cool" job. All areas of the service are very needed and respected.
Whatever you choose your SEAL source rating to be, make it a good one that can help you on the outside. Also one that you'd be ok with if you wash out.
I can tell you that before you could even consider becoming a Seal, you actually have to pass Basic first. Seal training is in addition to the training you will get.

I went through basic in Ft. Sill Oklahoma for the US ARMY. Spent the majority of my military career there as well. I actually enjoyed the training. The hard part was being away from my friends and family. That took a little getting used to, but I would say most of the time, I didn't think about it. They keep you plenty busy.

Now to get to your questions:
Did you like it? Yes! It was fun and challenging.
Was it something you would recommend? To be honest, I feel that every able bodied person should be required to serve in the military for a minimum of 3 years after graduating from high school.
Pros/Cons? Yup, they take them too!
Anything would like to add I would start calling them rifles or firearms instead of guns! I made that mistake once and only once during basic. ;)

I hope what little info I provided helps!


*edit* Keep telling yourself it's easy through all the training. Mentality is a big part of the battle!
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Find your niche. Everyone, from those who cook the food to those who fly the planes to those who become seals are part of the team. The elite cream of the crop are admirable, truly a human work of art/science, honed for challenges that most of us could not handle but getting there is not easy.
The guys who load supplies onto the trucks are wonderful too, everyone who spends years in the behalf of our country deserves thanks.
So i really have been thinking. And this my be my career Goal one Quick Question.

And officer DO they get to be in battle? And lead i hear a lot of things about them not being in battle but i am a leader and i just wanted to know.
Yes, officers do go into battle. Generally the only ones you don't see on the field are your high ranking officers.

I am not sure how the Navy is, but I know that VT had a program for officer training where you joined the Corp of Cadets as part of Army Reserve Officer Training and went and got your bachelor's degree for "free." In return you agreed to serve as an officer in the Army for X number of years upon graduation.

So you may want to look into programs like that, too.
I am not sure how the Navy is, but I know that VT had a program for officer training where you joined the Corp of Cadets as part of Army Reserve Officer Training and went and got your bachelor's degree for "free." In return you agreed to serve as an officer in the Army for X number of years upon graduation.

So you may want to look into programs like that, too.

Mr. New, I wish you had a name.

You mentioned that you might be interested in Zoology. The army/navy may be the way for you to get that done.
Whats is your take.
Do you support our military
Blah blaah just give me your views on Navy SEALS all that good stuff and i wanna know cause it might be a real career option.

I can't comment too much on SEALS. BUDS is supposed to be an intense school from what I have read. What I will say is I support our military 100%. The civilian leadership may mess up at times, but I don't think the guys & gals in uniform have let us down since maybe WWI (bad tactics on the part of generals in that war).

Keep in mind that Special Forces (SEALS etc) is a very small part of what the military does, and a lot of people wash out before they get that far, and just because they do does NOT make them a bad soldier or sailor or marine. Set your sights high and do your very expletive-deleted best.

Special Forces is not a lifetime career though. Nobody can keep the pace physically forever, so get some skills that will allow you to go on in either the military or the civilian world. Consider OCS if it's offered to you and it's something you could see yourself doing.

Myself, I wouldn't want to be a SEAL if I were a guy -- I really wanted to join the Marines & go to the Marine Raider school. YMMV.
And most of the High Ranking Officers were in battle before they became High Ranking.

Sometimes! Military life is just like office politics. The more asses you kiss, the better your chances. The majority of your ranking offices haven't seen a field since leaving Military School or Basic Training. :shrugs:

Was in the USAF. It was one of the best things I have done in my life. I would recommend the military to anyone capable. There is almost nobody I respect more than a US military member. Someone willing to sign a contract to give up to and including their very life to protect complete strangers and their freedoms. That in my mind goes to the very fabric of what it is to be an American. Good luck!
I am not sure how the Navy is, but I know that VT had a program for officer training where you joined the Corp of Cadets as part of Army Reserve Officer Training and went and got your bachelor's degree for "free." In return you agreed to serve as an officer in the Army for X number of years upon graduation.

So you may want to look into programs like that, too.

That's a good point I was going to elaborate on, but last moment I chose not to. Even if he serves in the regular NAVY, before entering SEAL training, he can go to school. Sometimes you can earn enough credit to enter OCS.

Sometimes! Military life is just like office politics. The more asses you kiss, the better your chances. The majority of your ranking offices haven't seen a field since leaving Military School or Basic Training. :shrugs:


I will second this. Most of the 'higher ranks' I work with have gotten there through ass kissing. But, of course, this is the Navy.
Mr. New, I wish you had a name.

You mentioned that you might be interested in Zoology. The army/navy may be the way for you to get that done.

Well My name is Ryan.

And yes i am very much in love with animals.

But also this new intrest building inside me is overwhelming. And its not like me to Change Goals so fastly im very stong minded and stubborn. Refusing to give up and i always want to be the best in everything witch is why i thought navy seals would be for me.

Also another question.

Ok talk to my mom about the idea. Im an only child and she was basicly like
H*LL NO! So what should i do about that can i join with out her perimission i thought i needed it signed by a parent.

I know not alot of you know much on Navy Seals but there is Prep School to get you in shape for BUD/s. Prep school is optional its 8 weeks would you do it?
How old are you?

If your 18, you do not need her permission. You may want to include your parents in your decision. You are going to want that support structure.

I think you should do your best to educate her to what the military is all about and what they have to offer. It's not all about fighting, battles and war. There is a lot to learn from becoming a soldier.
