I'm still not so sure why she has been called a thief just yet. "Breeding Loans" would indicate that the animals would be needed for at least another month, or close to it, and at least me, personally...I still believe in an individual being innocent until proven guilty. In this case, innocent until she actually does something wrong.
Eric, I can see that your involvement comes from a position of genuine concern for her well-being. I don't think anyone can fault you for caring about someone you've grown close to that suddenly decides to drop all contact. I think it's sad, for you, but truthfully...you can't force someone to be your friend. Putting forth more effort to mend a friendship that is evidently considered dead by the other party is never going to give you satisfying results, and you don't deserve that. For your own sake, I urge you to let it go before ytour emotional attachment becomes a detriment to your health.
Those that have breeding loans out...This is an awkward situation. From a purely personal standpoint, I can't see giving someone my animals upon our first meeting. No matter how "close" we are on the internet, I wouldn't entrust my animals to someone whose house I've never seen, techniques I've never witnessed, animals I've never met, and attention to details is completely unknown.
My feelings really are two-fold...first...she hasn't actually done anything wrong yet. Being worried for your animals well-being is great, but as I said above...it's still breeding season, so breeding animals on loan probably shouldn't be expected back yet, anyhow. Second...while I sincerely hope and trust that all borrowed animals will be returned to their rightful owners in a timely manner I have to say...it wouldn't surprise if they weren't. I mean seriously...if you gave your animals to a complete stranger that lives 1,500 miles away from you...you kinda don't really have anyone to blame but yourselves, in my opinion. Especially if you failed to draw up and sign a written contract...
I like wstphal. She was always a fantastic person on the forum, and I truly hope her life is heading in precisely the direction she intends, with or without CS.com...