There are several things about this "family" that make me want to
First... the way it is clear that Mr. Jim Bob is considered the "leader" of his wife... says so multiple times in the FAQ's. Perhaps it is my inner feminist lesbian shining through, but hearing a man call himself the "leader" of his woman is disgusting to me... cave-man like.
Second... fundamentalist, conservative Christians... they corrupt the religion and its ideals towards hate and bigotry. Out of one side of their mouth they say "love everyone," but this could not be farther from the truth... (case in point, again in the FAQ's, he was taught at a young age that a Christian should not date non-Christians, and he passed that on to her and most likely their kids, too)
Third... the fact that they say they "love children" and children are "God's blessings."
Sorry for this... but if you love children that much and are blessed enough to be able to care for 19 of them financially... why not adopt?? There are hundreds of thousands of kids across this Nation and the world who do not have homes or families to call their own... many of them will spend 18 years in foster care without a permanent placement and then be cut off when they come of age.
What about those kids?? Actually do something GOOD for this world instead of just lip service....
Fourth... they exploit their children via webpages, media, fundraising... this is in fact how they pay for their 19 children! Some may feel this is an acceptable way to raise kids... I for one do not. :shrugs:
Whatever... they pay their own bills. If people are dumb enough to donate money to such situations, who am I to complain?