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More frightening than UHC.. Michael Jackson... and Robbie's rat combined

Hmmmmm... Well, I'm a Bible believing person myself. BUT, I refuse to be pigeon-holed like I'm sure others would not want to be pigeon-holed. Just because a person believes in The Bible, it doesn't mean that it should automatically be assumed that they would vote a certain way - or not, just as one should assume that since I'm a man, I want to father children (which I do and have done) or that since you're a woman, you want to have oodles of children.

You are correct, but there are also levels of Bible believing.

Anyone who believes that they should allow God to tell them how many children they should have is probably on a much more... fanatical... if you will... level than my experience with you would indicate. Perhaps I am wrong... I am responding based on my own experiences with people in this demographic (at VT they called them "Bible beaters") and of course my experience is far from comprehensive.
It's just my personal opinion. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe, but keep your belief system out of my life. Again... no hard evidence on their website, just a hunch on my part.

Incidentally... with 19 children... how do they find time to MAKE more babies?!??!?

I do believe that they are on the extreme side but how are they in your life?

It sounds like you take offence to their lifestyle as they would of yours.

Two totally opposite lifestyle.
Fred, there's a difference between believing in the bible, and taking it to the extent they seem to. Having been on their website, almost every single thing they do seems to be dictated by a bible quote. It almost makes me wonder if they still make animal sacrifices?

I hear ya, Robbie. I've got my "questions" too (motivation? motivation? motivation?). I guess my "soapbox" is... until we KNOW further, why start slinging the mud?

I CAN understand attacking someone who blatantly spews out hate. I'm all with ya on that. But to attack a family that hasn't said anything? Just something I wouldn't do. If it is guilt by association... then, hey, I'm guilty too! But I would hope that my "reputation" (not the little green spots) on this forum would say otherwise.

All this being said, I know we all have the right to say/type what we want. I've got no issue there. :)
I do believe that they are on the extreme side but how are they in your life?

It sounds like you take offence to their lifestyle as they would of yours.

Two totally opposite lifestyle.

Lenny... that was a generic statement on my part regarding belief systems. Fanatical Christians have a tendency to get involved in my life by enacting and supporting legislation that supresses my human rights. I don't think that this is right or justifiably legal.

Based on the stances they convey on their website regarding family and reproduction, I stand by my conviction that the Duggars are more than likely a member of the "fanatical Christian" demographic... not to be confused with the vast majority of Christians.
The kids seem happy and healthy to me, which is the most important thing. And I think we all know that just because our parents drill a belief (whatever it may be) into us growing up, we're still going to be confronted with opposing beliefs. Maybe none of these children will want to live the same way once they're presented with a different lifestyle. I don't necessarily want to be first in line for starting a family orchestra, but they all seem happy enough to me.

I wonder if their children think that families with only one or two kids are as weird and outlandish as everyone seems to think them.
I hear ya, Robbie. I've got my "questions" too (motivation? motivation? motivation?). I guess my "soapbox" is... until we KNOW further, why start slinging the mud?

I CAN understand attacking someone who blatantly spews out hate. I'm all with ya on that. But to attack a family that hasn't said anything? Just something I wouldn't do. If it is guilt by association... then, hey, I'm guilty too! But I would hope that my "reputation" (not the little green spots) on this forum would say otherwise.

All this being said, I know we all have the right to say/type what we want. I've got no issue there. :)

It's not really guilt by association. It's the number of kids they've chosen to bring in to the world. Why bring that many in if you can't even begin to properly care for them without a schedule??? Life doesn't live by a schedule! There's plenty of bumps and obstacles in the road that you can't plan for. What happens then?
I find it odd to want 19 kids and can't imagine how she home schools the brood or gives them enough time doing 15 loads of laundry a day and cooking for a small army. I don't condemn her I just don't get it. Those kids are growing up in a decent family and seem to have the basics met for them, but what about the things like playing on a sports team, travel, or classes say art or dance. These things are not necessities but are valuable to creating well rounded, tactful, and socialized individuals providing lessons that can't be learned at home no matter how many siblings you have. I have 2 kids who leave me exhausted at the end of the day I can't imagine 19:)
You are correct, but there are also levels of Bible believing.

Anyone who believes that they should allow God to tell them how many children they should have is probably on a much more... fanatical... if you will... level than my experience with you would indicate. Perhaps I am wrong... I am responding based on my own experiences with people in this demographic (at VT they called them "Bible beaters") and of course my experience is far from comprehensive.

I hear ya... and it is INDEED shameful that this demographic has been so... horrible.
Robbie one kid demands a schedule,lol When to wake up, when to eat, play, run to play dates, practices, doctors appointments, it never ends.
Okay... just as a connection to validate my feelings....

In their links section... they have a link to an organizaton known as "Focus on the Family." For those of you that do not follow gay rights, FotF is one of the groups that opposes gay marriage across the Nation and was one of the major proponents and funders for Proposition 8 in California last year-- the bill that stripped marriage rights from gay people in California after only a couple months.

Their website: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/

In particular, under stances and "Human Sexuality."

FotF Website said:
•Focus on the Family is dedicated to defending the honor, dignity and value of the two sexes as created in God's image – intentionally male and female – each bringing unique and complementary qualities to sexuality and relationships.
•Sexuality is a glorious gift from God – meant to be offered back to Him either in marriage for procreation, union and mutual delight or in celibacy for undivided devotion to Christ.
•Pro-gay revisionist theology violates God's intentional design for gender and sexuality.
•We affirm God's design for sexual expression as between one man and one woman in the context of a lifelong, marital covenant.
•We strenuously disagree with pro-gay revisionist theology as plainly contradictory to Scripture, historic and traditional Christian doctrine and the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.
•We oppose the ordination of non-celibate, self-identified homosexuals and the celebration of homoerotic sexuality as one of God's gifts.

So this is what I mean by people keeping their religious beliefs out of my life.

So you think it is a sin that I love a woman? Good for you. If it bothers you, then by all means, don't engage in a same-sex pairing yourself... but stay out of my life, and stay out of my human rights with regards to choosing my own partner-- legally, socially, and in every other way that is offered up to hetersexual couples.

Now before it gets brought up...

YES, I am commenting on their lifestyle while asking them to stay out of mine. If these folks were simply a family of 20 uber-Christian people living their lives... fine! But what they do is subtle political and social propaganda. A group that they clearly support (a link on their website indicates support... at least it does for me on our MDR herps website) is more overtly involved in keeping gays, lesbians and transexuals as second class citizens. That link is VERY meaningful to me... as are the other things I brought up prior to this post.

If FotF doesn't get you... check out some of their other links... the "American Family Association" has as its very first graphic the "Dfence of Marriage" picture and information...


I don't see this as coincidental.

I hear ya... and it is INDEED shameful that this demographic has been so... horrible.

It really, truly is... and it's sad that, as in a lot of other cases, these loud-mouthed haters are the ones people think of when they think "Christian." Because when I think Christian, I think about my grandma, my aunts... who are some of the kindest, most understanding people in the world... people who truly reflect Christ's love as it is reported in the Bible.

Not these bible-thumping, hate-filled people.
Lauren very tactfully and comprehensively covered things that I could have...very, very, very....offensively summed up in one word.
Which she certainly knows.

We rainbow/lavender people have our own unsavory gutter slang for those on the other side of the fence. And I think we demonstrate great tact and restraint by not yelling those words out in malls, on college campuses, in school-yards, at football stadiums, concerts, drive-thru's, etc.

And we have shown such restraint since the beginning of time... :devil01:
I can "see" why you get upset, Lauren. I can't say that I "understand" or "know" but I do empathize. But you need to know that not everyone who "believes" is out to get you or take away your freedoms. Perhaps when all sides decide to stop slinging, then all sides will see that they really have nothing to fear from each other.

I'm a "believer" that has stopped slinging - IN PART because of my last year on this forum where I've "met" wonderful people of all sorts of lifestyles, beliefs and idiosyncracies (Wade :p ). Hopefully, there are others like me who will do the same. I just hope that when I put down my "mud" others who want to sling at me will do the same.
Just like you or me, I don't want to me grouped with the extremest of our "group". It but the whole group down.

Did that come out right???

It comes out perfectly loud and clear! The same way that the average Islamic does not want to be grouped with Al Quaeda and its operatives, nor the average American with Brittney Spears or any other Hollywood nutjob.

So I guess what I am saying is that the fact that fundamental religious extremists read the Bible and find God telling them to breed often and have large families terrifies me. I see two things when I look at that family photo...

First... a legion of anti-gay crusader's in the making.

Second... the potential for one or two gay or lesbian children who will struggle for the rest of their life because of the belief system they were born into.

Many of those struggles end in suicide. I pray that will not be the case for whichever one of the Duggar's brood has been born homosexual.
In their links section... they have a link to an organizaton known as "Focus on the Family."

Ah yes.. based in Colorado Springs. You drive into the city limits and right away there is a large sign that says "Focus On The Family Exit ###" . You cant miss it! You cant miss the building either! I swear its the largest building in the city. I could never live in Colorado Springs, even though its a gorgeous place to visit!
sorry folks I'm a slow typer

I understand your views Lauren and I'm am sorry they are attacking "Gay rights". Thats not how I read the book.
And we have shown such restraint since the beginning of time... :devil01:

:wishing there was an emoticon with a crown on it:

This just may be The Post Of The Year. Certainly Post Of The Month.

:and a purple sash to go along with said crown for getting the point:

We so rarely complain, or remark about what constitutes "the other", that when we do, as here, it sticks out like a sore thumb.