Unless I'm attacked, I don't attack. Unless I'm put down, I don't put down. Unless I'm provoked, I don't provoke. Live and let live.
But, don't you feel that if you see some one behaving in a morally unacceptable way, that as responsible members of our society, we have a duty to try to educate? Live and let live only goes so far . . . if I have a student who believes it is ok to bully another student because they are smaller/shy/a difference race, I can't stand back and say "Live and let live." Besides it being part of my job to step in and not allow that type of behavior, morally I couldn't just let that kind of behavior go.
I am sure that is not what you meant, but you have to be careful of phrases like that, they have such a bigger implication. Like . . . you realize a neighbor beats their spouse, their child, or their dog . . . wouldn't you call the police/child services/humane society, even
though "technically" it is none of your business?
As for your other statememts, I have to say I don't really agree with "don't put down unless someone else does it to me". If some one puts me down, I am not going to turn around and try to put them down in response. I think that is just escalating the issue and not really addressing the root of the problem. Why is that person putting me down? Are they insecure about themselves or feeling threatened by me? I'm not going to turn around and do the same thing to someone that I find unacceptable in the first place.
I work with a lot of low-income, gang affliated students who come from broken homes, abuse situations, and haven't really been taught how to deal with people except "well, if someone attacks or provokes me, I will meet them in kind". This just perpetuates these types of situations. I tend to have a lot of success with those students everyone else has given up on because I never treat them like they are just "gang-bangers". I am very patient with them and never meet their attitudes with one of my own. Over time, they start to realize that they can let down that wall that so many of them hide behind. I not saying that it always works, but the teachers I see meeting these kids with the same attitude the kids have never make that connection with them. It becomes a power struggle between them and it never works.
I try to accept people for who they are and recognize that not every one sees things the way that I do and they don't have to, but the problem arises when people who have different opinions WILL NOT accept those different from them and recognize that different does not equal wrong. Or their beliefs cause harm to another. Then I can no longer sit back and "live and let live".
It all goes back to humans not being perfect . . . as I tell my students, "a good student (and teacher!) is not perfect, but they
Every day I try to be a little bit better than the day before. . . I am not always successful, but at least the effort is there
Boy, this thread got very philosophically heavy. Isn't it crazy how that happens around here? ~LOL~
You know what song started running through my head? "C'mon people now, Smile on your brother. Ev'rybody get together. Try and love one another right now."