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More frightening than UHC.. Michael Jackson... and Robbie's rat combined

My father has eight brothers and sisters and his family is far from religious, lol. That's the way it was back in the day, Brady Bunches were the norm rather than the exception. Nowadays, large families are the oddities that always seem to be in it for the money. I see why they would spout religion as the reason though, as that's the largest charitable demographic. If you were going to make your living off donations, that would be the group to hit up.
Fred you are always well-put with words, kind, and all inclusive.

And should be commended, in that it is my understanding that you virtually live your job...in taking care of, loving (a big broad gigantic thing), and, for whatever reason, raising other people's children.
I am reminded of the old television series/game show, "You Bet Your Life", starring Groucho Marx. He used to interview the contestants before the game started, and that's what led to most of the comedy on the show.

One time, one of the contestants was a mother of 8 children....

"Eight children? That's quite the family!"

"Well, yes....my husband loves me very much."

"Look, lady - I love my cigar, but I take it out of my mouth every now and then!"

You didn't have to be Fellini to understand the imagery. :D

A very close friend back in Cali would call us straight people "Breeders", so that may be the one... She used to crack me up with that... :D
That would be it, Danielle. We in the rainbow community know that, for survival of the species in general, we have to keep herds of them around. Some just breed. Some can be trained to perform simple repetitive tasks, like assembly lines in factories. Taught to produce food and dry goods, even luxury items. Why some even, who don't like real work, do us the favor(?) of going into politics to run things.*

Somebody has got to keep the race alive for the DaVinci's, Michelangelo's, Botticelli's, George Washington Carver's, etc., to be born...... :laugh: ;)





*Footnote : I hope everyone knows that I am being extremely sarcastic and campy in the first several sentences of this post.
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Wow! 19 children? If they wanted more I have 7 here. I'd be more than happy to share a couple, or a few, for a while...just hope they send them back as well mannered as the ones they all ready have when their done with them. LOL
Gosh, a picture's worth a thousand words.

I never had, but always wanted a brother. But as the oldest, and only son, I kind of cherish being...well...kind of spoiled. And a mama's boy.
In a family like this I'd lose all of my benefits. :laugh:
Gosh, a picture's worth a thousand words.

I never had, but always wanted a brother. But as the oldest, and only son, I kind of cherish being...well...kind of spoiled. And a mama's boy.
In a family like this I'd lose all of my benefits. :laugh:

LOL I know how you feel Eric. I was an only child for almost 20 yrs when my sister came along. I was and still am a very spoiled brat. Even though I was an only child and enjoyed the benefits, I can't imagine what my kids would be like with out each other. I have 3 sons and 4 step children and if one is alone they drive me crazy because they are bored. LOL But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Here's my thing... It seems to me that the ones casting stones here are also the ones who don't want stones cast in their direction. I'm not attacking or anything, but that's what it seems to me.

I CAN understand the "exploitation of children" argument. I cannot, however, understand the attack on their beliefs. As far as I know, I have not heard the Duggars say anything derogatory towards gays or lesbians. Yet here, we have gays and lesbians (which is FINE with me - to each their own) as well as others, denigrating them as a family and their belief system.

Can you imagine IF they had said anything derogatory of someone of another race or creed or lifestyle? There would be a thread a million posts long. BUT, it seems "okay" to attack the other way?

I dunno... but the phrase "those who live in glass houses..." comes to mind.

Live and let live is what I try to remember every time I post... I guess I'm the only one who thinks that way?

Fred, I tried to rep you but this dam.n rep system just isn't working. You are wise and thoughtful my friend, I would like to meet you someday.

They do state numerous times that they believe that we should live "based on the Bible," and if I were a betting person, I'd definitely bet that the Duggars would be among the first to "Vote Yes For Proposition 8" and other such things. This is a guess based on my experience with others of similar belief systems.

It's just my personal opinion. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe, but keep your belief system out of my life. Again... no hard evidence on their website, just a hunch on my part.

Incidentally... with 19 children... how do they find time to MAKE more babies?!??!?

Lauren, I feel like you are being really unfair. I have only seen the show a couple of times but I have never heard them say anything that I would construe as political on any subject. I am sure they have their beliefs but I don’t see them preaching them on their show. There are lots of Bible oriented people who are very excepting of the gay lifestyle. They believe that a large family is something their god wants for them. I think they are entitled to that belief. I don’t hear them saying that you should join them or change your ways.

Since we all want to live our lives in our own way it is only natural that we will have many different approaches. One does not need to exclude the other. I think we all need be really careful to not criticize those who criticize. We can’t complain about persecution from the people we persecute.

I'll fill you in Lauren since you may not know. In heterosexual relationships it only takes a second;)


Fred, there's a difference between believing in the bible, and taking it to the extent they seem to. Having been on their website, almost every single thing they do seems to be dictated by a bible quote. It almost makes me wonder if they still make animal sacrifices?

Again Robbie, isn’t it OK for them to believe strongly in the Bible? That is not a threat to you or I. I can’t help to feel that if I openly oppose them, that leave me open to be opposed by them.

I'm a "believer" that has stopped slinging - IN PART because of my last year on this forum where I've "met" wonderful people of all sorts of lifestyles, beliefs and idiosyncracies (Wade :p ). Hopefully, there are others like me who will do the same. I just hope that when I put down my "mud" others who want to sling at me will do the same.

I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended by that statement. “all sorts of lifestyles, beliefs and idiosyncrasies (Wade :p ).” Just what do you mean by that Fred? Why did you choose a pink smiley face to put next to my name? For that matter, why did you single me out? I’m taking it as a compliment. Only because it is ridiculous to think it might be a criticism.
Ah, Wade, you've GOTTA know its a compliment! You make me smile with just about EVERY post! :) I can't think of anyone else on the forum that does that, so that's why I singled you out.

Absolutely NO offense intended... and I'm glad it looks like you saw that.
Wade, it's okay for them to strongly believe. But they also don't have to quote scripture every other sentence.

In my opinion, the bible is nothing more than a story book for teaching children morals. Again, that's my opinion. I don't know why people hold so much stock in a book that was written 2,000 years ago and repeatedly translated. Yes, some of the stories make excellent points and have good morals, but most of it, in today's society, is a crock. And yes, I have read the bible. Cover to cover.
Me too. And I agree with everything you say. But I don’t mind if other choose to believe. As long as they don’t preach to me. I don’t mind if people say hey I learned about this great thing let me tell you about it. But when I say I’ve heard enough, I would like that to be the end of it. They can continue to read L. Ron. Hubbard, but I don’t want to hear about it anymore.
Lauren very tactfully and comprehensively covered things that I could have...very, very, very....offensively summed up in one word.
Which she certainly knows.

We rainbow/lavender people have our own unsavory gutter slang for those on the other side of the fence. And I think we demonstrate great tact and restraint by not yelling those words out in malls, on college campuses, in school-yards, at football stadiums, concerts, drive-thru's, etc.

Unlike the conservative, close-minded haters who seem to feel it is just fine to degrade, insult, and assault us in public. ~rolls eyes~ Of course, if we started acting like that we would be just as bad as them AND we would get slammed in the public eye even worse.

Being bi, I would often find myself in a unique position. When I was out with girlfriends, I would experience the discrimination, but out with boyfriends, I would be accepted and assumed to be straight and subjected to random offensive comments about gays by some people (not all the time, thank heavens, but sometimes). Sometimes I would find out people I knew would be 'nice' to someone gay to their face, then make horrible comments once they left.

Anyway, I digress. About the original post:

One of the main problems I have with this family (and with any family that has this many children), that no one seems to have mentioned, is that I think it is irresponsible for anyone in this day and age to have that many children. Our world is in crisis. There is not enough food and freshwater to adequately provide for all the people that are currently living on our planet. We already encroach on the remaining natural environment and threaten ecosystems with our need for space and resources. The population of the Earth is increasing exponentially and we have no clear idea what the carrying capacity of the Earth really is. We are overfilling landfills with non-biodegradeable waste, polluting our air, water, and soil, and consuming energy at an unbelievable rate. Humans need to establish a policy of zero population growth until we can fix what we have harmed.

Being an agnostic Jew, I am not that familiar with the Bible, but I am pretty sure that "love thy neighbor" should probably be extended to "love thy neighborhood".
We rainbow/lavender people

Eric, it behooves me to point out that you can be a rainbow person or a lavender person but a lavender rainbow is just a purple stripe.
I sum things up like this: Some people practice religion, what ever it may be, by just going once a week. Others my go on Sunday and pray at every meal. Then there are others that are very firm believers in what their religion says and make sure people know they practice what they preach. It's their right to practice their religion how ever they choose. I'm not sure why so many people are against this family. They are committing no crime by having children. It appears they are taking very good care of them. The children are well behaved and are helpful to each other and show a lot of love towards every one. Like some one else said here, it was not that long ago that a huge family was not uncommon. My grandmother had 13 children. They were not ridiculed for that many kids. So why is this family? Is it because they receive donations? If so, no one is forced to give them money. They just do. Or is it because they teach the children religious morals? If more families were like these people with raising kids, there may not be as many troubled teens and children as there are today. My husband is in the Army and we are pretty strict on our kids. But I wish my kids would act a little more like the Duggars kids.

I personally don't care what religion or any other personal beliefs a person has. Just because I have a friend that practices Buddhism or is a hard core catholic, doesn't mean I have to do what they do or even agree with what they practice. If I don't like some thing, I just don't watch, listen or partake in it. It's pretty simple. Life's way to short to get my self worked up over some one elses home life that has nothing to do with me.

Disclaimer: These statements are based solely on my opinion and no flaming is allowed. :grin01: