Another "Name the Morph" thread? Lovely. I guess all these people out there with eggs in the ovens are getting their thinking caps on trying to figure out how to rock the boat the most.
Anyway..I kind of like the "Ultra" name, assuming it isn't the same thing as the Lava gene. For me it describes what the Ultra hypo ultra lack of melanin. Heck I'm all in favor of renaming all of the Hypos to some kitchy name. Hypo A, B, C, D, etc just doesn't do much for me. And those names should go along with whatever morphs they're crossed into. But it seems as we progress with the Hypos from A-Z the more melanin is removed. Maybe we need to think about that and name them accordingly.
This is just a demonstration, not something entirely in mind:
Hypo A = Ghost: So any cross would be Ghost (Morph)
Hypo B= Phantom: Phantom (Morph)
Hypo C= Ultra: Ultra (Morph)
Hypo D = Lava: Lava (morph)
Ultra doesn't confuse me in the least, as a representive of the Public. I understand the hypo mess for the most part and see the different variations as uniquely different. Although hopefully the test breedings come out and show everyone one way or another.
I also don't see a problem with discussing this while we're waiting on the eggs to hatch. Better to come up with ideas before the trouble begins than afterwards. But I think we should just be throwing names out and discussing them rather than getting dead set on a name before we even know what we're dealing with.
For me I love the name lava for the strictly Hypo individuals..but when it starts getting crossed into the other morphs it doesn't quite fit too well.
Wouldn't it be a kick in the head if the Ultra Amber look actually came from the cooperation of both the different hypo genes? Then what do ya do? =P
As for the names suggested earlier and some of my own additions:
Saffron: Sounds yummy to me and I know it matches the color of the saffron rice I have in my cupboard.
Ochre: I tend to think more of ochre as the red variety
Gold(something): Not too fond of it. Reminds me of Goldmember too much. =P
Canary: I expect a neon-yellow snake
Mustard: Maybe =P
Lemon: Again, neon yellow expectations
Cadmium: Sounds damn cool to me, but I'm a science geek
Daffodil: It looks like the color of my daffodils blooming in my yard atm
Buttercup: Again another close match for flower color
Pineapple: A maybe
Mango: Matches the fruit flesh color
I personally lean towards the food names more so than anything else. But for a good all around name, I still think Ultra fits the bill for being the most easily understood.