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Oh, Craigslist...

It's just natural habitat....I don't really have a problem with it although I'd have plants in there and the heat lamp would NOT be in the cage with a cornsnake...they like to climb on things....the live mice deal would not be happening either...
That is what I was wondering.. poor snake.. :(
I was thinking snow but it looks like its in shed too.. would't surprise me with that thing on it's back.. sighs. what's wrong with people..

Looks like another one for the rescue, huh huh huh? Lol
I would not give him money for that poor snake- I'd take it for free and tell him I'll be happy to get it back to health and take it to a vet, instead of trying to squeeze money of people. That poor thing needs help.
I don't know what to think about this habitat....


Yes, the sand and the dirty water dish bother me a lot, as well as the heat lamp.

The actual viv doesn't look bad from what I can see and the snake looks well fed from what I can tell. There are two hides which is good but definitely would benefit from more habitat enrichment.

If my snake's water bowl ever looks like that, take me out and shoot me. At the least it needs disinfecting and a good scrubbing.
The front shot of the viv made it look better....I'm not keen on sand but it doesn't look like just sand-more like packed dirt with sand.....it takes about 5 seconds for a snake to track dirt into a water bowl when they live in natural substrate....mine are constantly tracking dirt, pine needles, leaves and sand in there when they start crawling around the cage....that cage is still better than the majority of cages with paper on the bottom and a water bowl...the snake looks in good condition and weight as well...
You may be right on tracking natural substrate into the water. I'm going more by what looks like a bathtub ring that looks like buildup and possibly algae, not just the dirt particles in the bottom. However pictures could be deceiving. Overall this is not the worst Craigslist I've seen in my limited experience. I hope the water dish is not as bad as I originally thought.
Those "natural" stone dishes are not a favorite of mine since they tend to stain and are difficult to get clean and keep clean. I use just plain glass bowls or rubbermaid shoeboxes for water depending upon the species and the size of the animal.....easy to wash....not quite as pretty in a natural setting but it works....and yeah, for sure not the worst setup we've seen on Craig's list....at least it looks like the snake has been fed and in good condition...
These folks recognize that they are not doing justice by their snakes and are rehoming them. I'll give them some credit for that.

I couldn't not clean before taking pics. Then again I spot clean daily (or more) so my viv always looks clean and that also ensures that I don't forget that I have a snake.:eek:
That cage has many, many feces in it as well as old sheds....they should be cleaning it more often than that....
Omg...I feel so bad for this snake. Here's pics but will gladly post th link if y'all want it. I sent him an email saying please bump th humidity up to 60% & give him a soaking bath!




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That cage has many, many feces in it as well as old sheds....they should be cleaning it more often than that....

Totally. I really can't understand the conditions in the pic. That's months of no cleaning of any kind, spot or full.

Just another example of corn snake cohab.
It's hard to tell, but the grayish corn looks thin, like maybe you can see his spine? Maybe it's the way the guys holding him but he looks off.. I mean, from what I've read around here, people usually feed adult corns every 7-10 days- so is 14 days too long or relatively normal? I just feel, personally, that two mice a month for a full grown corn does not seem like enough.
But then again I'm paranoid about making sure my boys eat lol
They look small but not thin, they're still fairly roundish in shape at the body from those pictures. Though a rat pup every two weeks does sound very minimalist.
2 rat pups is more than sufficient for an adult.....I only feed my snakes every 3 weeks or so...they get a rat weanling....they are in good weight....
They look small but not thin, they're still fairly roundish in shape at the body from those pictures. Though a rat pup every two weeks does sound very minimalist.

Yeah to me it seems a little less than what I would feed but ya know lol By the way, I just moved from Clermont to the Panhandle! I lived there since I was 8! So crazy to see another Clermartian on here!