When I was in the second grade my public school teacher told me I was going to hell. That was my first taste of Christianity as I was raised in an evolution and science environment. We celebrated Christmas and I heard several New Testament as well as Old Testament stories as well as fairy tales, Greek/Roman myths, and Celtic folklore. I was amazed to discover that some of these stories were taken to be fact, but others weren't and wondered why the so called "True Believers" got so angry with me for questioning. But to tell a seven year old child that she is going to hell is monstrous. Much of the time religion is used to condemn not to uplift, so I will not raise my sons in any particular belief structure. They will not be any less crazy then the average American kid.
I, however, choose to believe in fairies. I can have my own ethereal friends and I'm not hurting anyone. I will never knock on anyone's door and ask; "What have the fairies done for you today?" No matter how tempted I am to try that just once and see what reaction I generate.
I am sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience as a child.
I mean no disrepect when I say this, but who's to say that the bible is "truth", & that the stories labled as myths & folklore are not true? People believe those stories as Christians believe the bible is true.
I believe in a number Gods & Goddesses.
I believe that there are many beings around us, including fairies.
My chosen religion is nature based. It's more spiritual, than an organized religion. That is who I am. That is the path I chose to follow.
I am not "going to hell" because of my beliefs.
I do
not worship satan. A common misconception about Paganism/Wicca, etc is that we're devil worshipers.
We are not. The devil/satan, is a Christian deity, "he" has no place in Paganism.
Have you seen Practical Magic? "There's no devil in the Craft".
Satanists are a branch of Christians, they just chose to worship Satan, instead of the Christian God.
I do not base my opinion of anyone on who/how they chose to worship, or not worship. My opinions are based on how people treat others.
There are "good & bad" of
any religion, people that due to their actions, give that religion a bad image.
Yes, religious (& political) topics often get pretty heated. Yes, there is also some conflict in this thread, but if you sit back & look, I see a number of people that are open minded & accepting of other people's views, & the general attitude (for the most part) towards each other is pretty good, considering the topic.
Thank you, to those that have stepped forward saying that as Christians, you do not share the mindset of the OP. I for one, do appreciate it!