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Same day every week??


Elmo & Molly's Mommy
we feed our snakes every saturday...now if we want to change that feeding day is there downsides? also we were told to feed more frequently (every 5 days rather than every7) before upping the pinky from 1 to 2...true or false?

ZCore said:
I was going to ask this same question....hopefully we get an answer.

doesnt look like it... i normally get responses that go somewhat like "use the search" yada yada...if i wanted to read through tons of material i would get a book, i come here for quick answers...i am a full time student and have a full time job... sometimes i get a few mins to sit online... not usually...

oh well...what can you do :shrugs:
FlaStangBabe said:
we feed our snakes every saturday...now if we want to change that feeding day is there downsides? also we were told to feed more frequently (every 5 days rather than every7) before upping the pinky from 1 to 2...true or false?


No, there is no downside to changing the feeding schedule. Snakes in the wild dont eat every 7 days, obviously. Going 8, 6, or 10 days and changing it every week will not hurt the snake. It is just easier on us, to have a specific feeding day.

False? I've never heard of that. You can feed hatchlings every 5-7 days, but there's no need to decrease time before meals before stepping up. You'll hear that you should feed two pinkies before moving up to fuzzies, two fuzzies before moving up to hoppers, etc. I personally have never done that, so to each his own.
FlaStangBabe said:
doesnt look like it... i normally get responses that go somewhat like "use the search" yada yada...if i wanted to read through tons of material i would get a book, i come here for quick answers...i am a full time student and have a full time job... sometimes i get a few mins to sit online... not usually...

oh well...what can you do :shrugs:

No offense, but you're not the only one. However, the search feature takes less time than asking the question and waiting for a response. Most people here have answered this specific question dozens of times, and it gets a bit annoying to keep answering the same question every week.

I'm not trying to come across as an ass, I'm just explaining why a lot of these already answered topics that get re-asked dont normally get re-answered.
Joejr14 said:
No offense, but you're not the only one. However, the search feature takes less time than asking the question and waiting for a response. Most people here have answered this specific question dozens of times, and it gets a bit annoying to keep answering the same question every week.

I'm not trying to come across as an ass, I'm just explaining why a lot of these already answered topics that get re-asked dont normally get re-answered.

but, for me anyway, it is easier to ask and check in between classes... or at night before bed... i dont have the 20 mins to read through it... if i sign on and there is no answer i simply come back later... so for me it is easier to ask then to search and read...just like it is easier to call and as the reptile shop then read a book. and your not coming across as an ass....

i belong to another forum and we are constantly answering the same questions all the time...and as an old timer to that site i am glad to...whereas here i feel like i am being ignored and sometimes attacked...but to each his own...
we feed our snakes every saturday...now if we want to change that feeding day is there downsides? also we were told to feed more frequently (every 5 days rather than every7) before upping the pinky from 1 to 2...true or false?

Like Joe said, there is no problem with changing feeding days at anytime. In the wild they eat whenever they feel like it. What I wanted to add is, you are asking about upping from one pinky to two pinkies so I am assuming you are feeding one pinky at this time. With baby snakes that are eating one pinky a meal, I would suggest feeding every 5 days instead of every 7. When they move up to two pinks they can go every 7 days. This is just a suggestion.

And no, there should be no reason to feed more often before and upping in size or quantity of food. What you need to do is make sure the snake can handle the upped amount, that is what's important. If after the snake eats its food the prey item leaves hardly a noticeable lump in the belly, then it is definitely time to up the food. If the prey item is still leaving a very noticeable lump then it is best to wait. Too little food and the snake will not grow well but too much food and the snake could very well regurge.

Good luck with all. :)

doesnt look like it... i normally get responses that go somewhat like "use the search" yada yada...if i wanted to read through tons of material i would get a book, i come here for quick answers...i am a full time student and have a full time job... sometimes i get a few mins to sit online... not usually...

oh well...what can you do

Well, IF you really wanted to learn all you need to know about what you are doing, you would be willing to read through ALL the information you could get your hands on. And what better way then the easy access of a forum where you can read and copy and look things over without leaving your house. How easy would you like it?

I read EVERYTHING on all the forums when I first got my snakes. I bought the books and read them. THAT is the way to learn, not going for the "quick" and easy answers. I have to say, that is a little offensive for you to say that you are upset because someone doesn't answer your question right away and that sometimes you are told to look for the answers. The people you are ASKING to give you the answers are the people who have taken the time to study their hobby and read and do hands on learing, and then you want them also to give you the quick answers that they have written multiple times already. I have no problem giving answers when I can, as I did above, but am offended to have people want answers without putting any effort into it. This takes our time to write these out and we also had to spend the time studying and learning, remember that.
Well, IF you really wanted to learn all you need to know about what you are doing, you would be willing to read through ALL the information you could get your hands on. And what better way then the easy access of a forum where you can read and copy and look things over without leaving your house. How easy would you like it?

Not necesarily. i dont read up on everything i want to pick up as a hobby, or on pets. I'm not a breeder and i dont feel like i need ALL the information that they need. These snakes are simply pets, not a project for me to see what i can get out of them. so i dont need ALL the information here. (including the posts about peoples cameras not working.)

I read EVERYTHING on all the forums when I first got my snakes. I bought the books and read them. THAT is the way to learn, not going for the "quick" and easy answers.

I bought the book too! congradulations... but like i said earlier i would rather be reading my sociology book to pass my final then read the cornsnake book. so i come here...

I have to say, that is a little offensive for you to say that you are upset because someone doesn't answer your question right away and that sometimes you are told to look for the answers.

I NEVER asked for an answer right away. Heck, I dont have time to look at it "right away" i am simply asking for answers. thats all. too much to ask? well sorry, in that case i will ask the reptile store that is around the corner and hope that all the sales poeple tell me the correct things to do.

The people you are ASKING to give you the answers are the people who have taken the time to study their hobby and read and do hands on learing, and then you want them also to give you the quick answers that they have written multiple times already.

There have been some occasions where i have used the search and it didnt give me what i was looking for so i would ask about it and i would get a smart ass remark like "Gosh, repeating myself again" or "use the search" when i have. so now it is more or less me just not wanted to be sniped at, and i am tired of yalls condecending ways.

I have no problem giving answers when I can, as I did above, but am offended to have people want answers without putting any effort into it. This takes our time to write these.

I appreciate your responce and help. But, who are you to say i don't put any effort into it? that offends me! i have had my BF look up some of these things... when he cant find it ill ask here. sometimes ill look up some things...when i cant find it ill ask here... but there are some times where i cant search for an hour and i ask and wait till i have time to check on my question.

BTW. i dont know why i am still here trying to defend myself... yall dont listen anyway. Time to go STUDY for my finals... dont really have time for more of this lovely banter
gardenmum said:
I read EVERYTHING on all the forums when I first got my snakes. I bought the books and read them. THAT is the way to learn, not going for the "quick" and easy answers. I have to say, that is a little offensive for you to say that you are upset because someone doesn't answer your question right away and that sometimes you are told to look for the answers. The people you are ASKING to give you the answers are the people who have taken the time to study their hobby and read and do hands on learing, and then you want them also to give you the quick answers that they have written multiple times already. I have no problem giving answers when I can, as I did above, but am offended to have people want answers without putting any effort into it. This takes our time to write these out and we also had to spend the time studying and learning, remember that.

Yeah, what she said!!!

Dianne, I did exactly the same as you when I first signed up. I read through every single post in the husbandry and basic care section and the feeding and health issues bit because they gave me specific information about the stage that my hobby was at. I didn't get into trawling through the breeding section and the cultivars section until a little later when breeding started to catch my interest. Flastang, you said that you didn't want to read everything because it doesn't apply to you, but why not learn something superfluous in the process of attaining your more 'general' knowledge.

Do your lecturers say to you to read paragraph 4 in chapter 2 by heart because that will be on the final? No, they expect you to learn a broad range of information and then test you on random bits to see that you have an overview. The search function is there as a learning tool, just like any search engine, you need to put in some effective keywords to get effective information back. If you typed in feeding frequency as I just did and got 29 responses, you'd be able to find that info in at least a handul of those posts. You could try other keywords like 'feed 5 days', 'hatchling feeding', 'feeding schedule', etc and get even more, also you'll notice on a thread when you scroll right down to the bottom, there's a list of threads on a similar topic...they can also be good helpers.

I'm like one of those annoying tutors that tells you which book to read to get the answer to your question rather than give you the answer outright aren't I!!!??? :grin01:

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.
princess said:
Yeah, what she said!!!

Dianne, I did exactly the same as you when I first signed up. I read through every single post in the husbandry and basic care section and the feeding and health issues bit because they gave me specific information about the stage that my hobby was at. I didn't get into trawling through the breeding section and the cultivars section until a little later when breeding started to catch my interest. Flastang, you said that you didn't want to read everything because it doesn't apply to you, but why not learn something superfluous in the process of attaining your more 'general' knowledge.

Do your lecturers say to you to read paragraph 4 in chapter 2 by heart because that will be on the final? No, they expect you to learn a broad range of information and then test you on random bits to see that you have an overview. The search function is there as a learning tool, just like any search engine, you need to put in some effective keywords to get effective information back. If you typed in feeding frequency as I just did and got 29 responses, you'd be able to find that info in at least a handul of those posts. You could try other keywords like 'feed 5 days', 'hatchling feeding', 'feeding schedule', etc and get even more, also you'll notice on a thread when you scroll right down to the bottom, there's a list of threads on a similar topic...they can also be good helpers.

I'm like one of those annoying tutors that tells you which book to read to get the answer to your question rather than give you the answer outright aren't I!!!??? :grin01:

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.


i know how to use a search engine i am not asking you to teach me. YOU Princess are one of those condecending people that i just cant handle. I'll get more respect from the people at the shop aound the corner.

I DONT NEED YOUR STUDYING TECHNIQUES. but thanks anyway. I know how to study on my own. so your little quote about fishing doesnt apply. because i dont need you to teach me to use the search option, because i know how to use it. but thank you anyway.

enjoy your time being RUDE to newbies. I am one who wont take the "I know more then you, so I will hold it over your head" ways of thinking.
Princess, apparently you`re royal pain in the ass
Gardenmum, come down from your high horse. She`s trying to achieve the same thing you once were via a different method. One that fits HER lifestyle and commitments.
While gardenmum and princess may appear to be on high horses, I believe their responses were respectful and appropriate. Unfortunately the rude manner in which others take those responses and 'retaliate' back is in my opinion ridiculous. You come looking for help, get helped, and then complain about the manner of help you got. I ask 'Why ask for help in the first place? Apparently your too smart to be helped.'

I get this all the time at my PT pet store job. People ask for help, you help them, and then they argue with you about your answers which have been based on successful personal experience . . . :shrugs: Bummer for them . . NEXT?!!

gardenmum said:
Like Joe said, there is no problem with changing feeding days at anytime. In the wild they eat whenever they feel like it. What I wanted to add is, you are asking about upping from one pinky to two pinkies so I am assuming you are feeding one pinky at this time. With baby snakes that are eating one pinky a meal, I would suggest feeding every 5 days instead of every 7. When they move up to two pinks they can go every 7 days. This is just a suggestion.

And no, there should be no reason to feed more often before and upping in size or quantity of food. What you need to do is make sure the snake can handle the upped amount, that is what's important. If after the snake eats its food the prey item leaves hardly a noticeable lump in the belly, then it is definitely time to up the food. If the prey item is still leaving a very noticeable lump then it is best to wait. Too little food and the snake will not grow well but too much food and the snake could very well regurge.

Good luck with all. :)

Well, IF you really wanted to learn all you need to know about what you are doing, you would be willing to read through ALL the information you could get your hands on. And what better way then the easy access of a forum where you can read and copy and look things over without leaving your house. How easy would you like it?

I read EVERYTHING on all the forums when I first got my snakes. I bought the books and read them. THAT is the way to learn, not going for the "quick" and easy answers. I have to say, that is a little offensive for you to say that you are upset because someone doesn't answer your question right away and that sometimes you are told to look for the answers. The people you are ASKING to give you the answers are the people who have taken the time to study their hobby and read and do hands on learing, and then you want them also to give you the quick answers that they have written multiple times already. I have no problem giving answers when I can, as I did above, but am offended to have people want answers without putting any effort into it. This takes our time to write these out and we also had to spend the time studying and learning, remember that.

:Stands and cheers:

I totally agree with this. I jumped in when I first started posting here, and made more than a few mistakes, but the wealth of knowledge is obtained by searching, reading, and learning---not being told.

If you're not prepared, or refuse to learn, then perhaps you shouldn't own pets. I'm just painting a broad brush here, and I do understand that you are under a lot of stress with finals, FlStang. I just got done with 3 myself, but I still find time to come here and try to help people out--as I did with you.

It is coming across as if you are throwing a temper tantrum because you dont agree that you should be inconvenienced to use the search feature---which imo is extremely rude. Not many here breed corns for their living, which means they have a real job or are going to school. I'm in college too, so spare the sob story about being in school and working. Everyone else here manages to find time to browse posts and give advice or learn new things.

Like I said, I understand that you're stressed with exams, but why come off rude about it? Why not wait a week, and then since exams will be done you can spend some time reading the CSM or browing posts on here that pertain to what you would like to learn, instead of getting fiesty that nobody answers a question that has been asked 100's of times in what you consider an 'appropriate length of time'.


:sobstory: :wavey:

If you feel that you can find better advice at a petstore or some other online forum such as reptileforums, have fun. I'd wager a bet with you that those sources dont come nearly as close to the knowledge on this board---not one bit.
i dont think you should be sending people to use the seach feature on this site when they ask a question, it is useful in soem ways, but the poin of this forum is to ask questions and share knowledge. if the seach feature was more useful than actual respectfu andl meaningful post, im sure rich would have cut out certain parts of the forum. so if some1 as a question and your not gonna answer respectfuly dont answer. so FlaStangBabe dont leave people like princess and gardenmum will always be here so dont let them scare u :cheers: .
exoticpetz said:
Princess, apparently you`re royal pain in the ass
Gardenmum, come down from your high horse. She`s trying to achieve the same thing you once were via a different method. One that fits HER lifestyle and commitments.

What is going on around here lately? So many noobs calling out respected, knowledgeable keepers/breeders--it's ridiculous.

From what I've seen on reading so many of these threads, is totally in contradiction from what you're saying. I've never once felt that Gardenmum gallops around the forum on a high horse.

hediki said:
i dont think you should be sending people to use the seach feature on this site when they ask a question, it is useful in soem ways, but the poin of this forum is to ask questions and share knowledge. if the seach feature was more useful than actual respectfu andl meaningful post, im sure rich would have cut out certain parts of the forum. so if some1 as a question and your not gonna answer respectfuly dont answer. so FlaStangBabe dont leave people like princess and gardenmum will always be here so dont let them scare u :cheers: .

Perhaps so, but the point remains that nobody is too 'good' to use the search feature. There is no reason that someone cannot type in 'feeding size' or 'feeding frequency' into the search and read those threads. The specific two questions she asked have been answered many times over on this board.

It's as simple as this: If she is too inconvenienced to use the search feature, why should others be inconvenienced to respond to a question that has been asked and answered numerous times before? Usually questions get answered, regardless of if they've been asked before, but dont expect those questions to be answered right away--and dont get fiesty when they dont.

The time that is spent complaining or bitching could be spent looking at threads and finding the answer, or flipping to that particular section in the CSM. It would save everyone a lot of time and a lot of aggrivation---and hurt feelings.

I need to get my butt in gear about these 'Read Before You Post' stickies.
hediki said:
i dont think you should be sending people to use the seach feature on this site when they ask a question, it is useful in soem ways, but the poin of this forum is to ask questions and share knowledge. if the seach feature was more useful than actual respectfu andl meaningful post, im sure rich would have cut out certain parts of the forum. so if some1 as a question and your not gonna answer respectfuly dont answer. so FlaStangBabe dont leave people like princess and gardenmum will always be here so dont let them scare u :cheers: .

9 times out of 10 an answer is posted ALONG WITH a recommendation to use the search function to find out more about the question being asked.

FSB had the time and effort to write a rather lengthy response to gardenmums very respectful response to her question. First off, it contradicts her comments that she has no time. Secondly, it came off as rude, inconsiderate, childish, petty, whiny, and rather insulting.

High Five to Joe. I'm really the digging the majority of positive posts your puttin' out there lately! Great comments! (Can't give you any pos rep points yet, gotta spread the wealth apparently!) Too bad you're forced to deal with the problem of 'he who shall not be named' :cool: :crazy02:

BTW, back on topic, changing your feeding schedule shouldn't be a problem. I personally feed same day every week with an occasional week off for everyone. I used to feed newborn hatchlings twice a week, but switched to once a week, but moved them up to larger sized meals sooner than I did when feeding twice a week. Also, if you use the search function you can probably find all kinds of other information about feeding schedules and such . . . :sidestep:

Drizzt80 said:
9 times out of 10 an answer is posted ALONG WITH a recommendation to use the search function to find out more about the question being asked.

FSB had the time and effort to write a rather lengthy response to gardenmums very respectful response to her question. First off, it contradicts her comments that she has no time. Secondly, it came off as rude, inconsiderate, childish, petty, whiny, and rather insulting.

High Five to Joe. I'm really the digging the majority of positive posts your puttin' out there lately! Great comments! (Can't give you any pos rep points yet, gotta spread the wealth apparently!) Too bad you're forced to deal with the problem of 'he who shall not be named' :cool: :crazy02:

BTW, back on topic, changing your feeding schedule shouldn't be a problem. I personally feed same day every week with an occasional week off for everyone. I used to feed newborn hatchlings twice a week, but switched to once a week, but moved them up to larger sized meals sooner than I did when feeding twice a week. Also, if you use the search function you can probably find all kinds of other information about feeding schedules and such . . . :sidestep:


If you people don't have time to answer her questions where do you come up with all the time to attack her?
Thanks for quoting me completely, because I did answer her question as well as defending others who happened to have answered her questions. Why did she attack them back when they gave her answers . . . for that matter, she was attacking 'everyone' before she even got an answer . . .

doesnt look like it... i normally get responses that go somewhat like "use the search" yada yada...if i wanted to read through tons of material i would get a book, i come here for quick answers...i am a full time student and have a full time job... sometimes i get a few mins to sit online... not usually...

oh well...what can you do

That was the third (her second) post on the thread . . . a mere 3 1/2 hours after she originally asked the question. I started a thread looking for information on charcoal stripes several DAYS ago that hasn't gotten any response . . . am I going off half cocked about not getting any responses?
