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Same day every week??

come on people!

i do more lurking around this site than actualy posting... but here goes

USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION!! it takes the same amount of time to read a couple posts in the search function as it does to post a new thread and check for responses. you dont have to read an entire thread in one sitting, thats the beauty of it. ive used the search function dozens of times, probably the one reason im a lurker and not a poster :)

and as for everyones attitudes, bravo joe and all who answered the questions and then suggested the search feature.

flastang... in my eyes no one was attacking you! if you really think you dont have the time to read what you find in the search function... then try being polite. thank people when they give you advice (EVEN if they suggest the search function at the end), and dont jump on them if you dont get a response right away.

ok, that took approx. 2 mins to type out... at the rate i read... i probably could have searched and read at least 1 thread starter and 3 or 4 replies...
Wow...this thread went downhill quick :(

Why does this thread keep going? Why is there still ravings? I think the point is successfully driven home about the search feature. Seems everyone wants to jump on and say what everyone has already effectively communicated and in the process jump on the 'beat up FlaStang' bandwagon. Hmm, no wonder she left.

I think we ALL need a little more patience :D

I hesitate hitting this 'Post Reply' button because I know now I will get the flak...

Ok, dangit I'm hitting it
I am always amazed at how a lot of the new people behave when they come on this site! Do you not know that to be respected, one must be respectful? By the third post in this thread, respect was already thrown out by you, FlaStang. I think Joe, Dianne, Drizzt, and all of the others that have replied to you have been VERY respectful despite your disrespectful attitude.

Well, I for one, am not going to answer your initial question since it has already been answered. I am going to post my feelings about all of the hostility. I see behavior like yours, hediki, and BLKsteeda almost every day when I am dealing with my 15 year old daughter. Unfortunately these days, it seems that most young people want the easy way out. They want to be spoon fed knowledge/experience instead of having to learn "the hard way." My own daughter is like this. She's lazy and expects life to just drop knowledge and "goodness" at her door. I am constantly having to battle that expectation.

Anyway, I don't get why it is OK for you to be inconvenienced by having to use the search function, but you don't have a problem about inconveniencing people that have answered this same question over and over again. That, in my opinion, is very selfish.

Daniel, it's not about jumping on the bandwagon to "beat FlaStang up." It's not even about using the search function, in my opinion. It's about respect and some "life lessons." If people would learn to do some work themselves and not expect everyone else to do the work for them, then this world would be a much better place. The blessings are far greater when a person helps himself. That person will appreciate the fruit of his work a lot more.

As was pointed out before, most of us have many responsibilities in life (jobs, families, etc), but yet we find the time to come here and try to help people out. I personally am going to spend my time helping someone with an actual problem before spending it answering a question that has been asked repeatedly.
Wow .... this is the first time I've re-checked this thread since my initial post (where I so rudely tutored FSB on the search function) and I have to say I'm shocked at her response. I'm not taking it personally at all though, for all the reasons you have all stated...People really want to be spoon-fed knowledge these days, we are increasingly becoming a society (and I'm refering to most of the societies represented by people in the forum) of convenience.

I just wonder how long before this issue comes up again.

I'm all for helping the noobs, I was a total rookie a while ago and found this resource brilliant. Now, I can help pass on some of my knowledge down the chain and if some of that knowledge includes---> 'Hey, the search function is great for finding specific info quickly and if you don't find an answer there then ask us and we'll help you' ...then so be it... now pay me my 2 cents!! :grin01:
For exoticpetz, hediki and others who think I was just trying to flame FlaStang.

I DID answer the question asked, in length, first. But I did feel that the remark she made was off and decided to ALSO reply to that as I feel that if someone is going to own an animal, any animal, they should be willing to learn about the care and such by reading what they can to learn what they need to. That is in the BEST interest of the animal. Granted that does NOT mean I think they should not ask questions and get answers for their questions. I have answered many repeat type questions and will continue to do so.

The reason why I took mild offense at FlaStang's post is this.....
doesnt look like it... i normally get responses that go somewhat like "use the search" yada yada...if i wanted to read through tons of material i would get a book, i come here for quick answers...i
This was posted at 10:40 pm and the original question was posted at 7:10 pm. So she comes on, asks a question, comes back to look a few hours later and "complains" because no one has anwered yet. THIS is where my reply to her came from. I don't mind answering repeat questions and do so very often, but I did mind having all of us slammed for not immediately answering the question she posed because she doesn't have time or the desire to do a search. IF she had done a search, she would have found a lot on that particular issue of feeding. BUT even if she had not done a search and waited for the reply, others, like Joe and I did, would have answered this, regardless of the other times it had been answered.

I tried to be polite about how I felt about this, maybe I did not do as good a job as I had wanted, and if that is so, then I apologize. I too work and I have a family, but I also take the time to learn about the care of whatever animal I have ever owned, including the rats and mice I raise for feed. I have NO problem in sharing any knowledge I have accumulated with anyone at anytime but did have a slight issue with that offensive remark like no one else has a life and should give time to answer her questions immediately.

And this reply to my post.....
I NEVER asked for an answer right away. Heck, I dont have time to look at it "right away" i am simply asking for answers. thats all. too much to ask? well sorry, in that case i will ask the reptile store that is around the corner and hope that all the sales poeple tell me the correct things to do.
FlaStang, if you never asked for a quick answer, why the remark 3 hours after your post that "gee, I didn't get a reply and they will just tell me to search anyway?"

And now for the irony of this all......I did a search of all the threads started by FlaStang and in ONE of them she was told that search's help along with being given answers. In all the others, answers were given even though they were ones that have been answered before. So, as I said, I tried to say what I said politely but I guess I did not do so well this time and if that is the case, I apologize for that.
CornCrazy said:
I am always amazed at how a lot of the new people behave when they come on this site! Do you not know that to be respected, one must be respectful? By the third post in this thread, respect was already thrown out by you, FlaStang. I think Joe, Dianne, Drizzt, and all of the others that have replied to you have been VERY respectful despite your disrespectful attitude.

Well, I for one, am not going to answer your initial question since it has already been answered. I am going to post my feelings about all of the hostility. I see behavior like yours, hediki, and BLKsteeda almost every day when I am dealing with my 15 year old daughter. Unfortunately these days, it seems that most young people want the easy way out. They want to be spoon fed knowledge/experience instead of having to learn "the hard way." My own daughter is like this. She's lazy and expects life to just drop knowledge and "goodness" at her door. I am constantly having to battle that expectation.

Anyway, I don't get why it is OK for you to be inconvenienced by having to use the search function, but you don't have a problem about inconveniencing people that have answered this same question over and over again. That, in my opinion, is very selfish.

Daniel, it's not about jumping on the bandwagon to "beat FlaStang up." It's not even about using the search function, in my opinion. It's about respect and some "life lessons." If people would learn to do some work themselves and not expect everyone else to do the work for them, then this world would be a much better place. The blessings are far greater when a person helps himself. That person will appreciate the fruit of his work a lot more.

As was pointed out before, most of us have many responsibilities in life (jobs, families, etc), but yet we find the time to come here and try to help people out. I personally am going to spend my time helping someone with an actual problem before spending it answering a question that has been asked repeatedly.

Your name says it all...well, at least the second half of it does! I know FlaStangBabe personally and she has more respect and more consideration for other people than most of the people I know. She ALWAYS takes time to listen what other people have to say and takes into consideration people's thoughts and feelings and ideas. I am not a hateful or disrespectful person either unless someone is disrespectful to me first, which yes, has happend quite a few times here! Some of he "more experienced" members here seem to treat the "new" people like a rash that wont go away. A moderator needs to lock this thread and put it to bed already!!! :bomb:
BLKsteeda said:
I know FlaStangBabe personally and she has more respect and more consideration for other people than most of the people I know. She ALWAYS takes time to listen what other people have to say and takes into consideration people's thoughts and feelings and ideas. :bomb:

Well I'm really glad that you know her and can share with us a positive experience in your interactions with her but the plain fact of the matter is that the way you know her is not how she represented herself here and as we do not have the benefit of knowing her otherwise, we have to evaluate her from that.

In the past I've also been a busy university student with employment that added up to more than full time when you counted my event management business and I still managed to balance my horses, boyfriend, friends, social life, family, dog, etc -so I know what it's like to be busy. Being busy is no excuse for demanding someone helps you and then being annoyed that they haven't jumped to attention within a couple of hours of your asking.

I've asked a number of questions on the forum that have not received answers. and I've answered a number of questions for new people multiple times. You can ask any of the regualr posters that have been around here for 12 months+ how they feel about the same questions being asked over and over and you'll get much the same response as mine.

I don't think dirrecting someone to the search function is doing them or anyone else on the forum a disservice...you may think differently but that's up to you.

I'm dissapointed that this thread turned the way it did, but I honestly don't think I've done anything wrong in sharing my thoughts on the merits of the search function.
OMG are you guys serious?!?! My buddy told me i had to check this thread out, i wasnt going to post anymore but you guys are way outta line... you do realize my frustration wasnt just from this thread, or just from the references to the search option... you are picking what i said and tearing it apart. i have always thanked people for their advice. and Princess i have stood up for you

FlaStangBabe said:
I am a noob (sorta) and if I was greeted that way I would cry and never come back to chat with yall...

ok maybe not that...but I think Princess gets the point

so i dont know why i am getting hostility from you people. maybe because it is through the internet and a lot of what you type isnt how it sounds in your head when you type it.

you all bring up how i dont use it.. if you go back to my post about ghosts i did use it and it didnt give me what i was looking for. i was asking for comparison pics and i got battered for not being able to tell if it was an adult, yearling or hatchling.

I wasnt pissed at ONE thing... it was an accumulation... i am sorry if i offended anyone but i stick up for myself when i feel like it is needed. and as for looking for the quick way??? yeah i want quick answers and if i am having difficulty finding them i will post a thread... and as far as my schedual you dont know when i have time to come look on the boards... like now, i have time before i meet my mom before brunch, granted i should be getting dressed, but i think ill skip make up today to stick up for myself once again.

and i DO say thank you
FlaStangBabe said:
thank you so much... he has some beautiful picturesok maybe not that...but I think Princess gets the point

in this quote i dont think i was mean in anyway, just trying to get my point cross after being told what i should know. how should i know if i dont have the experience?
Joejr14 said:
:rolleyes:Come on. Those pictures I posted are clearly not hatchlings. If you own a hatchling, you should know that those dont look like hatchlings.

FlaStangBabe said:
no offense, but sometimes yall come across really condecending.

the search option wasnt giving me what i was looking for. i wanted to compare the hatchling pic to the pic of when the snake is an adult.

and no i cant tell. there is nothing to compare the size to. is that a yearling? and at what age is a corn considered an adult? these are things i still do not know... i am new to this. but thanks for your help anyway.

btw.. thanks for helping arson

i guess if yall dont get the point now you never will....
BLKsteeda said:
Your name says it all...well, at least the second half of it does!
What right do you have to pass that judgement on me? You say you are not a disrespectful person, but yet you passed swift judgement on me that I am mentally unstable. You DO NOT know me, have never talked to me, etc. You have just proven how disrespectful you are.

BLKsteeda said:
I know FlaStangBabe personally and she has more respect and more consideration for other people than most of the people I know. She ALWAYS takes time to listen what other people have to say and takes into consideration people's thoughts and feelings and ideas. I am not a hateful or disrespectful person either unless someone is disrespectful to me first, which yes, has happend quite a few times here! Some of he "more experienced" members here seem to treat the "new" people like a rash that wont go away. A moderator needs to lock this thread and put it to bed already!!! :bomb:
You must not know many respectful, considerate people. :(
CornCrazy said:
What right do you have to pass that judgement on me? You say you are not a disrespectful person, but yet you passed swift judgement on me that I am mentally unstable. You DO NOT know me, have never talked to me, etc. You have just proven how disrespectful you are.

You must not know many respectful, considerate people. :(

OMG.. you cant take a joke?.. this is what i am talking about with the internet discussions... he wasnt being disrespectful... whe was trying to lighten the situation... not saying your a unstable person but trying to make a point at how silly this whole thing is....insecure much?
Okay . . .

FlaStangBabe, I'm gonna be blunt with you . . . as you like to say "no offense, but . . ." your 2nd post to this thread basically says "I don't have time to use the search function, yet I'm gonna stomp my foot and insult people because nobody hops to and answers my question!" Now, maybe you did not mean it that way, but it's certainly how it comes off. I have spent too much time reading through this post myself (you aren't the only one who's busy!), yet I do take the time to come here and read through posts to glean bits of info here and there. And yeah, I have 2 books on corns that I have read cover to cover, even tho I am a full time college student (17 hours last semester, thank you very much!) and also a full time mother of 2 boys, with all that entails.

I have done lots of research on lots of things and have found that frequently we project our anger at ourselves onto other people. Perhaps you are frustrated that you do not have as much time as you would like to devote to your cornsnake hobby? I can certainly relate to that one! Yet by projecting your anger onto others you only bring it back to yourself. Really. My advice to you would be to take a few deep breaths, study for your finals and THEN think about changing your snakes' feeding schedule. IMHO one of the best things about corns is how truly low maintenance they are!! There is a huge gray area between overfeeding and underfeeding, and you are unlikely to fall into either extreme if you use common sense and do some research. And your snakes most likely will be fine in the mean time. I have seen so many people come here with truly life and death situations with their snakes and have received help and consolation, be glad your snakes are healthy and doing well.

I have come here with questions that have been asked over and over and been told to use the search function, and I have done so with great success. Sometimes I post just cause I want someone to talk to about my snakes, I don't think there's anything wrong with that either. But getting all in a tizzy because 1) people don't always appreciate answering the same question over and over and 2) nobody answers your question right away, isn't doing anyone any good. I'm sure that you are a very nice person who has a lot on her plate right now - but please stop and look at how you are presenting yourself on this forum.

Good luck on your tests! I'm still waiting for the results from mine . . . I had 3 tough finals in 1 day on Monday, plus a traffic jam that held me up for 30 minutes on my way to my first one!!! That was a rough day, I am SO glad it's over . . . tho a week later I'm still trying to recover. :shrugs:
FlaStangBabe said:
OMG.. you cant take a joke?.. this is what i am talking about with the internet discussions... he wasnt being disrespectful... whe was trying to lighten the situation... not saying your a unstable person but trying to make a point at how silly this whole thing is....insecure much?

The thing with communicating in text is that it's very hard to pass on the intended insinuations and sarcasm...and for this purpose we have smilies.

This one :rolleyes: -is for implying sarcasm.
This one :grin01: - might also do depending on the context.

I took that comment on 'your name says it all' exactly the way Terri took it as there was no attempt to inject any tone of friendlyness or sarcasm into it with use of smilies or '*jk*' written in there to imply that it was not meant litterally.

Mary (peep 827), you summed it up nicely.

Stress and level of busy-ness is a relative thing. I know a woman with 2 kids, one of them in full time school, a cleaner, a part time nanny, a gardener and a high earning husband who can't handle how stressful and busy her life is (she needs to co-ordinate picking up her son from school and picking up the drycleaning all in one day ..oh my!!) Another mum I know has 2 kids about the same age, keeps an impecably spotless home, is heavily involved in a lot of activities through her sons school, cooks all meals from scratch, works part time, always looks beautifully presented and always has time for little emergencies that might pop up...and takes it all in her stride. It's all a matter of how you time manage and how you perceive yourself as being able to cope. The first mum sees herself as a victim of circumstance the 2nd relishes her roles and extends herself to do them as best she can and gains a lot of satisfaction from them. This is not dirrected at anyone in particular....it's just food for thought on what it is to be busy/stressed/overstretched in whatever way we perceive it.

I know when I was about 20-22, I was juggling a lot (mentioned in an earlier post) and handled it all really well. It makes me dizzy now to think just how busy i was and makes me wonder how I fitted it all in stayed sane when I compare it to the relative ease of my life now.
BLKsteeda said:
why don't you just change the site to www.cornsnakesusethesearchfunction.com that always seems to be the advice given here! I've received the same condesending treatment on this site as well from many members here!

I will agree with you 100% that there are condescending attitudes around here, but you know what? Just about every thread that goes 'down that path' had to start somewhere. The attitude you are met with is the attitude you generally receive back. FSB started out this thread with some attitude. She was actually responded back to with some helpful advice and answers to her questions . . . which was then met with some attitude by FSB . . . again. It takes two to make an argument, but the reality is this thread started 'down the wrong path' before any answers could be given. Quite frankly I'm looking at it from both sides and got involved in this thread because I personally was hoping I could get FSB to see her mistakes in the reaction she posed to gardenmum and princess. Apparently, FSB doesn't want to look at herself for improvement, nor recognize constructive criticism. Who am I to offer constructive criticism? Someone who is just as sick and tired of reading some of the crap attitudes on this board as others. If no one speaks up when will it ever end? Such is life.

After catching up on all the other posts that have been written . . .

Some observations I've made over the last 2 years hanging around here:
1. There are people who've left this site and haven't been missed . . . because of their attitude. :(
2. There are select few people who everyone wishes would leave the site . . . because of their attitude. :rolleyes:
And my personal favorite . . .
3. People who have once had attitude, threatened to leave, had a moment of reflection, changed their approach to life and this board, and have been welcomed 'back' with open arms. :crazy02:

I've said my piece, and will have fun sitting back and watching what choice FSB and others make.

If I may make a suggestion, how about having a list of FAQs that people/newbies often ask, maybe 20 or 30 diffferent topics, and post answers including links to threads where those topics are discussed. I have seen this on another popular vbulletin forum, so it's not really my idea, but it could be applied to the topic of Corn Snakes. It could be done by creating a separate FAQ forum. Topics where there is normally a lot of disagreement should try to present the pros and cons of both sides.


1. What are the advantages of buying from a store or a breeder?

2. What is the legal and correct way to ship snakes?

3. If buying from a store, what should you look for?

4. If buying from a breeder, what should you look for?

5. Housing the new snake

6. Allowing the new snake to adjust to its new home

7. Feeding - how often and what to feed.

8. Feeding - Going up in size.

9. Feeding - Problems - Regurgitation.

10. Feeding - Problems - Snake won't eat.

11. Feeding - Where to buy food.

12. Handling dos and don'ts

and so on
hi everyone, i have been on this site for around half a year, and what i do is: before i post a thread with a question, i search for the keywords which i think will pull threads with the answers i need. That way,

a) if some one has posted it before, i have the information instantly and dont have to wait days for ppl to post, so i am a happy bunny :dancer:


b) i know that ppl havnt already answered my question before, so i dont feel like an ass, and i dont feel as though i am annoying anybody or getting on the wrong side o them (six months later, and still the newbie attitude)

meh, i only have one snake and i am no expert, i dont think i have to expertise to flame anyone, so i just give advice within my experiences, that has worked for me up to now, so if you want, give it ago :)
It's called projection. -when you see negative characteristics in others that you may not admit to yourself that you have.
I can see that questions are not easily translated into a few key search terms, especially for newbies not familiar with all the jargon commonly used, and often the results will contain mostly non-relevant info. I will make a suggestion to Rich, but I do think the addition of a FAQ section (about snakes) is the next logical step in the 'evolution' of this forum. If people spend more time talking about other people not using the search feature than they do making substantive posts, then obviously there is room for improvement.