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Same day every week??

Where do I even begin. Ok, how about not condescending. Who the !@#$ are you to tell anyone they need to apologize. You don`t think that`s condescending. You`re unbelieveable. The basic principal of apologizing is to express sorrow for your actions not someone else`s.
How`s this one for ya,. Immature much. No Joe, that`s not condescending either.Nor is it hypocritical.
Joe , I really don`t know if I should ever finish saying what`s needs to be addressed with you. But apparently you lie to yourself. And I need to chill at this point because I haven`t begun to critique your previous 3 posts let alone gone back from there.
FlaStangBabe said:
OMG are you guys serious?!?! My buddy told me i had to check this thread out, i wasnt going to post anymore but you guys are way outta line... you do realize my frustration wasnt just from this thread, or just from the references to the search option... you are picking what i said and tearing it apart. i have always thanked people for their advice. and Princess i have stood up for you

so i dont know why i am getting hostility from you people. maybe because it is through the internet and a lot of what you type isnt how it sounds in your head when you type it.

you all bring up how i dont use it.. if you go back to my post about ghosts i did use it and it didnt give me what i was looking for. i was asking for comparison pics and i got battered for not being able to tell if it was an adult, yearling or hatchling.

I wasnt pissed at ONE thing... it was an accumulation... i am sorry if i offended anyone but i stick up for myself when i feel like it is needed. and as for looking for the quick way??? yeah i want quick answers and if i am having difficulty finding them i will post a thread... and as far as my schedual you dont know when i have time to come look on the boards... like now, i have time before i meet my mom before brunch, granted i should be getting dressed, but i think ill skip make up today to stick up for myself once again.

and i DO say thank you

in this quote i dont think i was mean in anyway, just trying to get my point cross after being told what i should know. how should i know if i dont have the experience?

i guess if yall dont get the point now you never will....

Alright, I haven't gotten past this post yet, but I feel like I need to say something before I go more crazy than most people here view me. If you are offended by people picking at something that YOU typed, then you need to get awway from all people everywhere. You most certainly DID say that you "don't have enough time to use the search feature". This is something that was addressed. You also came off as being VERY impatient waiting for someone to post. You also tried to gain sympathy by telling everyone that you had a job full-time and school full-time. THIS WILL NOT GET YOU ANYWHERE. As a college student with a dad that goes to school full-time and works full-time, I get to hear plenty about that. You'll also be wise to note that many of the senior members on here, avoid these kinds of posts. They strictly avoid them because there is no reason for them to post, especially when there ARE books and multiple threads concerning this topic. Calling a friend that has kept corns and asking them works, or talking to a pet shop who's bulk sales come from reptiles (these are normally "mom and pop" shops) is generally another good place to go, as most of them will breed many of their own snakes. You could also get onto Don's, Rich's, or Kathy's sites. They have contact info and will be more than willing to type out an e-mail or take a phone call. There are more ways to get answers (and quicker) to some of these questions without getting all bent out of shape. Heck, the ONLY reason I'm currently on this thread is because I was referenced here to see how far the thread had gone off-topic. I ignored this thread because of the topic. I generally stick to the genetics and breeding boards. They generally have more interesting topics, and don't tend to repeat questions as much. Sure I have to deal with someone that constantly tries to degrade my intellegence and tries to discredit me all the time simply because I'm 18 and he's 42, but I deal with it. If I took things as personally as it appears you have, then (at least by your preformance on this thread) I should not only have leaft any thread that he has done this to me, but left the forums all together with a big post disrespecting EVERYONE. This is not how one should EVER act, no mattter how new or old they are and no matter how long they have been on this forum. Respect and patients go a LONG way here, and since you are in college and have a job, I think it's time to either learn some or excersize it.
larryg said:
If I may make a suggestion, how about having a list of FAQs that people/newbies often ask, maybe 20 or 30 diffferent topics, and post answers including links to threads where those topics are discussed. I have seen this on another popular vbulletin forum, so it's not really my idea, but it could be applied to the topic of Corn Snakes. It could be done by creating a separate FAQ forum. Topics where there is normally a lot of disagreement should try to present the pros and cons of both sides.


1. What are the advantages of buying from a store or a breeder?

2. What is the legal and correct way to ship snakes?

3. If buying from a store, what should you look for?

4. If buying from a breeder, what should you look for?

5. Housing the new snake

6. Allowing the new snake to adjust to its new home

7. Feeding - how often and what to feed.

8. Feeding - Going up in size.

9. Feeding - Problems - Regurgitation.

10. Feeding - Problems - Snake won't eat.

11. Feeding - Where to buy food.

12. Handling dos and don'ts

and so on

FSB answered why this won't work. Some people just "don't have time" to go looking for it, but would rather ask others to inconvienence themselves to answer it. Unfortunately, though it is a good idea, there is no reason to try it or to even expect it to work.
exoticpetz said:
Where do I even begin. Ok, how about not condescending. Who the !@#$ are you to tell anyone they need to apologize. You don`t think that`s condescending. You`re unbelieveable. The basic principal of apologizing is to express sorrow for your actions not someone else`s.
How`s this one for ya,. Immature much. No Joe, that`s not condescending either.Nor is it hypocritical.
Joe , I really don`t know if I should ever finish saying what`s needs to be addressed with you. But apparently you lie to yourself. And I need to chill at this point because I haven`t begun to critique your previous 3 posts let alone gone back from there.

*hands exoticpetz a shovel* Welcome Vinman2. I think you better join your mentor in his delusionary world.
To think that you`re crazy would imply the belief that there`s something happening between your ears.

FSB answered why this won`t work. Some people just "won`t take the time" blah, blah, blah
Even you should be able to grasp this. Some people do things differently even though they strive to achieve the same results. It`s called individuality.
*hands exoticpetz a shovel* blah blah blah
You are just plain comical. I hope someday that anyone will be able to laugh with you
exoticpetz said:
Where do I even begin. Ok, how about not condescending. Who the !@#$ are you to tell anyone they need to apologize. You don`t think that`s condescending. You`re unbelieveable. The basic principal of apologizing is to express sorrow for your actions not someone else`s.
How`s this one for ya,. Immature much. No Joe, that`s not condescending either.Nor is it hypocritical.
Joe , I really don`t know if I should ever finish saying what`s needs to be addressed with you. But apparently you lie to yourself. And I need to chill at this point because I haven`t begun to critique your previous 3 posts let alone gone back from there.

Well, they both do need to apologize. They both attacked very well respected members of this forum, and it was uncalled for. Therefore, they need to apologize for their inappropriate behavior. If you cannot grasp that fact, then that is too bad. Advising them that they need to apologize is not condescending.

Telling FSB that she was being immature is not condescending, or was I being hypocritical. Not one post from me on this thread is condescending, nor immature.

Feel free to bring your issues with me directly to me, all while burying yourself in the process. I find it highly amusing that you've been here since Oct 2004 and have aquired all of 14 or so posts since then, they majority of them coming on this thread.

Your 14 posts on this thread and your most recent ones attacking and criticizing me have absolutely zero weight with me. The fact that I have recieved plenty of positive feedback from numerous people for my posts on this thread have told me that they approved of my posts, and saw nothing wrong with either my posts, or the way I presented my opinions.

Quite frankly, I dont really care what you think. You have contributed nothing on this website other than to attack me. Your opinion is worthless and as EGG said, you appear to be Vinman2. Have a great time digging yourself a hole.
exoticpetz said:
To think that you`re crazy would imply the belief that there`s something happening between your ears.

FSB answered why this won`t work. Some people just "won`t take the time" blah, blah, blah
Even you should be able to grasp this. Some people do things differently even though they strive to achieve the same results. It`s called individuality.
*hands exoticpetz a shovel* blah blah blah
You are just plain comical. I hope someday that anyone will be able to laugh with you

Thanks for proving my point VInny. Keep the personal attacks up. You really need to stop showing why you shouldn't be posting. Oh? You're not Vinman? Sorry. Just thought by the way you like trying to slam other people that you were. Must be a VinBot. Not even capable of understanding that there seems to be a thing called manners, etiquette. You seem to be lacking in both areas. Doing things differently is different then coming on here and posting a question, trying to look for sympathy with a sob-story that's been used tons of times, and slamming people for no reason, even before they post. If that is your idea of individuality, then you need to get a real life and see how REAL people interact with each other.
Serpwidgets said:
Everyone give a warm welcome to our newest troll: "exoticpetz."
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: HI TROLL!! I can dig up threads of Vinamn for you to study. And who knows, maybe you'll be as bad of a speller as he is some day! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
Joe, This thread is a pretty good example of why you see that I`ve tried not to post anything anywhere on this site (other than stock inquiries). I`d rather just read and see what`s available. I allowed this thread to get under my skin and have played a role in this thread getting out of hand. You know, even though I haven`t shown it much, I do appreciate that you are generally a big asset to the forum. And while I don`t agree with some of your opinions, I do realize that I`ve crossed the line more than once. I apologize for that.
Serp, You seem to be implying that it`s been my intention all along to cause a train wreck in this thread. That simply isn`t the case.
May I please ask what the point of continuing this thread is?

Yes we (mostly) agree that FSB was a teensey bit quick to complain that noone answers her questions quick enough and a little-tiny bit lazy in saying that she wants the info given to her rather than looking it up....but I'm getting a smidgie-little bit sick of this dirrection....if you catch my drift :rolleyes:

Can we call it a day? Yes, some people are sorry....some people are defiant...some people are insistant one standing their ground and fighting for it to the death.

We've all argued our positions and it seems that it's turning (or turned depending on your view) into a thread of personal attacks rather than any specific point related to CORNSNAKES

Let's get back to the real reason we have this fantastic resource...the snakes.
princess said:
May I please ask what the point of continuing this thread is?

Yes we (mostly) agree that FSB was a teensey bit quick to complain that noone answers her questions quick enough and a little-tiny bit lazy in saying that she wants the info given to her rather than looking it up....but I'm getting a smidgie-little bit sick of this dirrection....if you catch my drift :rolleyes:

Can we call it a day? Yes, some people are sorry....some people are defiant...some people are insistant one standing their ground and fighting for it to the death.

We've all argued our positions and it seems that it's turning (or turned depending on your view) into a thread of personal attacks rather than any specific point related to CORNSNAKES

Let's get back to the real reason we have this fantastic resource...the snakes.

We are continuing this thread sheerly for the love of argument ;) Corn snakes take a back seet to a good flaming post! LMAO! Anyways. Points are points are points. You can make them all day, but the reactions when someone sitd on a point is what really is entertaining. Whether they stand up and swear, or they just look at it, point and laugh. Just depends on the person and the point ;) As far as I see, there just happens to be a lot of swearing, not a lot of laughing. But that's been happening a lot lately on the forums, so I expect it will either stop soon, or get really bad really quick. Hopefully it stops.
E. g. guttata said:
We are continuing this thread sheerly for the love of argument ;)
No we're not.
Hopefully it stops.
Hopefully it won't.



"This isn't an argument! This is mere contradiction!" -- Michael Palin of "Monty Python" in the "Argument Clinic" sketch
Well, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.

Yes, but it isn't just saying "no it tisn't."

Yes it is.

No it tisn't!
E. g. guttata said:
FSB answered why this won't work. Some people just "don't have time" to go looking for it, but would rather ask others to inconvienence themselves to answer it. Unfortunately, though it is a good idea, there is no reason to try it or to even expect it to work.
There will always be 'some people' who won't make use of some feature. Realistically, FAQs are found in other similar online venues, and they do work for most people, which is all that can be hoped for. They help to keep the message boards uncluttered with basic questions when it is obvious to check the FAQs before posting. Kathy Love suggested FAQs a few months ago and has already written at least a few, although she said she doesn't have the time to write all of them. Btw, I don't mean to upset you, but for someone who rags on others for misspellings, you are far from a perfect speller. I wouldn't give up learning to spell just yet (no offense intended.) :cheers:
larryg said:
There will always be 'some people' who won't make use of some feature. Realistically, FAQs are found in other similar online venues, and they do work for most people, which is all that can be hoped for. They help to keep the message boards uncluttered with basic questions when it is obvious to check the FAQs before posting. Kathy Love suggested FAQs a few months ago and has already written at least a few, although she said she doesn't have the time to write all of them. Btw, I don't mean to upset you, but for someone who rags on others for misspellings, you are far from a perfect speller. I wouldn't give up learning to spell just yet (no offense intended.) :cheers:

I posted this thread under 'discussions about this site' about a month ago. Rich said he would allow it, so within the next week I'm going to start getting these things together and written up and get some ideas thrown my way.

Here's a link to that thread.
