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Same day every week??

Larry, I do believe that suggestion has already been made. I personally think it is a good idea. Maybe if enough people ask for it, Rich will comply. I wouldn't expect quick results, though, especially at this time of year.
You are definately right about Gardenmum. But in that one instance it appeared abit arrogant to me. I probably should have left out that mini-snipe and posted the point that I really what to make. A point that appears to be repeatedly missed by everyone posting here. I really feel that many veterans of a million posts feel entitled to bully the newbies and those that rarely post. I know that I`m not going to endear myself taking shots at anyone, but I`m not going to stepdown intimidated by anyones` post level either. The only thing I really want to provoke here is thought.
You know I found that you and several others here are a tremendous benefit to this site. But, again, I`m not going to stepdown because of your post level. Respect is earned by actions not senoirity.
exoticpetz...if gardenmum seemed arrogant, it was simply because she was offended at what was said BEFORE anyone had the chance to answer FlaStang's question. I have known gardenmum for 3 years now. She is not an arrogant person at all!

Most of us that have been here for any length of time are very willing to help people out whenever needed. It is nice when we can see that the person WANTS to learn and is willing to make an effort to learn. It makes things much easier. You need to try to look at things from our point of view, as well. Most of us do not have the time to keep answering the same questions over and over again. We have lives, too. If a person has honestly searched and cannot find the answer, then that's a different story. However, FlaStang said she didn't have time to use the search function, then she proceeded to made a snide remark about the general character of the people on this forum...without even giving anyone the time to answer her question. Gardenmum first answered her question (respectfully), then addressed the fact that FlaStang's statement had offended her.
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Hi Terri, I just tried to explain that I didn`t think that Gardenmum is generally arrogant. But I did think that one post had a bit in there. I am trying to see other points of view but I really don`t see alot of it elsewhere. One point I`ve tried to make is that she`s trying to give her snakes the best care she can by reaching out. She got answers. But she got ripped bigtime because it didn`t suit other peoples terms. So you and several others are tired of answering the the same questions. I understand.
Terri , I think I`m like alot of people that hate to be gauged on shipping. . Some want XXX for box, heatpacks , handling, etc in addition to shipping.
Some want actual shipping cost and consider the rest "the cost of doing business" Try viewing answering the same old, same old as "the cost of garnering your good people reputation"
CornCrazy said:
Larry, I do believe that suggestion has already been made. I personally think it is a good idea. Maybe if enough people ask for it, Rich will comply. I wouldn't expect quick results, though, especially at this time of year.
Drizzt80 said:
I believe Rich has complied, but stated it was up to 'us' to get the information together. Joejr14 started the thread . . .
CornCrazy said:
AWESOME! I didn't know that! Thanks for the link!
Sheeeeesh, Terri......all you had to do was use the search function. :sidestep:

(Go ahead....tell me about the correlation between me and the last half of my nickname.) ;)
exoticpetz said:
Hi Terri, I just tried to explain that I didn`t think that Gardenmum is generally arrogant. But I did think that one post had a bit in there. I am trying to see other points of view but I really don`t see alot of it elsewhere. One point I`ve tried to make is that she`s trying to give her snakes the best care she can by reaching out. She got answers. But she got ripped bigtime because it didn`t suit other peoples terms. So you and several others are tired of answering the the same questions. I understand.
Terri , I think I`m like alot of people that hate to be gauged on shipping. . Some want XXX for box, heatpacks , handling, etc in addition to shipping.
Some want actual shipping cost and consider the rest "the cost of doing business" Try viewing answering the same old, same old as "the cost of garnering your good people reputation"
Hello, I know that you said that about gardenmum. I was just trying to reinforce that because I have known her for so long. If she seemed that way...it was with reason. That's all I was trying to explain.

I have to disagree about FlaStang getting ripped because of her inquiry not suiting other people's terms, however. People took offense to her general attitude (which started before anyone had the chance to answer her). As I said before, I do not mind answering the same questions over again...IF that person has honestly tried to find out the answer on their own first.
jazzgeek said:
Sheeeeesh, Terri......all you had to do was use the search function. :sidestep:

(Go ahead....tell me about the correlation between me and the last half of my nickname.) ;)
LOL Jazz! You are too funny! :D

One more thing...the difference is that I wasn't seeking that information ;)
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I get both points of view on this thread, and I really don't think there's any need to be so rude and for people to get so worked up!!

One thing I have noticed is that newbs do seem to get a slating for posting simple questions... Firstly, it takes just the same amount of time to give them a quick answer as it does to tell them to use the search etc and secondly if you are sick of answering the same questions over and over then don't. There are plenty of semi newbies and people who are just new to the site who will be able to answer these simple questions. Give them a chance to shine and it keeps the forums busy! There's no rule that you can't post something just because it has been posted before...
One thing I have noticed is that newbs do seem to get a slating for posting simple questions... Firstly, it takes just the same amount of time to give them a quick answer as it does to tell them to use the search etc and secondly if you are sick of answering the same questions over and over then don't. There are plenty of semi newbies and people who are just new to the site who will be able to answer these simple questions. Give them a chance to shine and it keeps the forums busy! There's no rule that you can't post something just because it has been posted before...

Well seeing as newbs do and are the ones who post the simple questions, I would say that is a fair and proper assumption. Obviously since someone who has been here (or owned/breeds snakes for many years), knows, or believes they know, the basics, they will not post those questions. That is a given and logical.

And I do have to differ with the time of posting. It does not take long to say "that issue has already been heavily discussed, try doing a search for XXXX topic" then it does to write two or more paragraphs explaining said topic. I will say that I have answered many repeat newb questions and some in great length. I do not mind answering them when I have the time and I see no problem with newbs asking the questions as many have NO idea that they could even do a search.

No one is telling anyone that they cannot answer a question. If a semi newb or someone knowledgable but new to the forum wants to make a reply or put in their two cents, there is no problem with that nor are they told not to. In fact, if you look at a large range of the questions asked on this forum, you will find posts answered by other newbs or semi-newbs only, as well as them answering along with the more knowledgable.

If take a good look at the questions that newbs post you will find that the majority are answered even though they are repeat upon repeat questions. In some cases the person may be referred to the search method AS WELL as being given an answer. In some cases the person is refered to the search because it would give them the best answers. You have to understand, when these basics have been answered in other threads, the person can glean much more information by doing a search than getting one or two people to take the time to repeat answers, so this method is not only a savings for repeat writing but also a much better tool for learning as much as possible and also getting various other points of view.

I think some people do not understand the reason for my reply. I can say that I, and many of us here, have answered AND will continue to answer newb questions without complaint. Answering the question was NOT a problem for me and was not the cause of my first reply. I did answer the posed question. It was the attitude of wanting the answer immediately and saying there was no way a search was going to be done. I can understand a persons frustration if in EVERYTHING they asked they were not given answers but told to search. That was not the case and I didn't, and still don't, feel that is fair to the non-newb who has put in their time to learn by studying and such. Because we have taken the time to learn and because we have been in this longer, we are happy to share this knowledge and help others enjoy this hobby, that is how we learned and they are going to learn, but appreciation for it also should be in order. I don't think that is a lot to ask for the time we take to help others out. I know I am extremely grateful for the time others have given in helping, and still help, me learn. And believe me, all the answers to my questions didn't come within a few hours. Some not even in that day. If the person I am asking a question to is busy and can't get back to me immediately, I wait. Then I thank them after I get it. And yes, I am still learning, and always will be, and I still sometimes ask questions to those who have been in this longer and I trust their knowledge. Sometimes I am told where to look for my answer instead of given the answer. I thank them for their answer even if it is the next day. I don't complain about it. Respect has to go both ways.
I think it should be possible to post a link to a search, which would be more helpful than telling people to search, without even any mention of what terms to use.



As far as the FAQ, I would make it a separate read-only forum, which Rich mentioned as a possibility. Or just make it part of the FAQ at the top of the board, which is also possible (might require a bit more time/work.)
Drizzt80 said:
High Five to Joe. I'm really the digging the majority of positive posts your puttin' out there lately! Great comments! (Can't give you any pos rep points yet, gotta spread the wealth apparently!) Too bad you're forced to deal with the problem of 'he who shall not be named' :cool: :crazy02:

Thank you.

I really haven't been online much this weekend, and wow, this thread went downhill fast. I would really love to post some comments, but they'd be very attacking and rude so I'll go read around some more before I come back and address those points.
Okay, now before I hit the hay I just wanted to make my final post.

First, I just want to say thank you to the three people who gave me rep points. It's really nice to get feedback on your posts (especially pos. feedback). I know it doesn't really 'mean' much, but it is really nice to know that your posts are at the very least appreciated.

Now, onto the thread.

Your name says it all...well, at least the second half of it does! I know FlaStangBabe personally and she has more respect and more consideration for other people than most of the people I know. She ALWAYS takes time to listen what other people have to say and takes into consideration people's thoughts and feelings and ideas. I am not a hateful or disrespectful person either unless someone is disrespectful to me first, which yes, has happend quite a few times here! Some of he "more experienced" members here seem to treat the "new" people like a rash that wont go away. A moderator needs to lock this thread and put it to bed already!!!

Um, wow. BLK, you have to understand that whether or not you were joking (and I dont think you were) that is very offensive. Terri is very helpful and friendly in the chat room, and especially helping out on the boards. To insult her and call her 'crazy', which is exactly what you did despite someone running to your defense and calling 'joke', is totally inappropriate. I'd like to think that we're ALL past the age of calling people names because we're in an argument or discussion that got heated.

OMG.. you cant take a joke?.. this is what i am talking about with the internet discussions... he wasnt being disrespectful... whe was trying to lighten the situation... not saying your a unstable person but trying to make a point at how silly this whole thing is....insecure much?

FSB, you're digging yourself a very big, steep hole. First, your boyfriend calls Terri crazy, now you're calling her insecure?

How's this one for ya: Immature much?

FSB, your behavior on this thread is indefensible, period. I can already picture how this went down. You had an attitude, took what was said as an attack, were already stressed out and you exploded. Instead of admitting you screwed up, as we all do, you blame-shifted onto very respected members of this forum. Then when others saw this, and commented, you ran to your boyfriend who of course had to come running into your defense and jumped right in, not looking.

BLK, you did no better. You didn't like what was being said about your girlfriend, so you started throwing insults out, insteading of responding with a level head.

I am not a hateful or disrespectful person either unless someone is disrespectful to me first, which yes, has happend quite a few times here!

What? So why come out and attack Terri, when she wasn't at all rude to you. In fact, she didn't even address you. So, I guess there goes your previous comment, eh?

This is my point. You saw (or were told) that FSB was being 'attacked' and you came to the rescue. And by doing so, you attacked the member whom you perceived was attacking your girlfriend.

Perhaps you should have stepped back, read the whole thread with a cool head and you would have seen that your girlfriend dug herself this hole. You shoud have realized what everyone else on this thread has, and told her that she needed to simply apologize for coming off the way she did. I knew damn well that after my last post it would only be a better of time before you showed up on the thread defending FSB. I knew it and I called it, and here we are.

I was 19 once, two years ago in fact, and I know damn well that I was plenty immature enough then. I see freshmen in the dorms at FSU and shake my head and say to myself "there is no way I acted like that when I was a freshman", but I know I did. BLK, you were 19 once too. However, you're what, 32 now, and you know the difference between right and wrong, and calling someone 'crazy' while professing that your girlfriend is a great person while ignoring the mistakes she made is not something I would expect out of an adult. FSB is 19, and makes mistakes like we all do. That type of behavior is expected out of someone that age---I know because I do the same thing from time to time, but you need to be an adult about it and fess up and learn from the mistakes. There is no shame in admitting you were wrong. You do that, move on, grow up and learn---and become a better person for it.

Nobody here is attacking you, or your girfriend. Nobody here wishes that you both leave the site. That would be the exact opposite reason of all of us being here. This website is here to help out fellow cornsnake breeders, hobbyist, pet owners, etc. Everyone here remembers when they first got their snake and all of the 'dumb' questions they had, which are now being asked again by the newest owners. I laugh when I see a post about someone's snake shedding for the first time and how excited they are. It's not a condescending laugh, it's just a humor laugh. Like I said, we were all there once.

Everyone here posts to either learn information, or help others learn it. People who post here to be rude, disruptive and chase people away, do not last. We have had plenty of people banned for being jackasses, and Rich doesn't put up with it. However, nobody is going to get banned and no thread is going to get locked for tough love. I am sorry that both you and FSB thought you were being attacked, but that was not the case. I don't think that Gardenmum or CornCrazy considered any of their posts to be attacking, at any time. In fact, after you both insulted CornCrazy, she was very polite in her answer back. Like I said, I know you both were feeling attacked, but that does not justify an immature name calling response. You are both adults, and not 13---you both should be well past the name calling stage of elementary school. We all know the heat of the moment while posting might come and perhaps we're pissed off and say things we shouldn't have, but apologies usually follow.

From what I've seen here, there have been no apologies. That says to me that neither one of you feel like you did anything wrong, or you're just not willing to apologize. If you choose the latter, then that is too bad. It seems like FSB is already decided not to post here anymore, and if that is the case then that is a shame.

I do hope that you both realize that there is not a better website for cornsnakes out there, and that pet stores usually give bad advice. It would be great if you both would stick around, but I do believe that some apologies are in order. I really do hope that you both are willing to step up to the plate and simply apologize for a mistake that has gone downhill so quickly. The fact that this thread is approaching page 3 is silly, especially when it should have simply ended on page one with a very simple apology.

I truly hope that you both do re-consider and apologize. I have no doubts that if that does happen, open arms will be awaiting and this will be a non-issue.

George Soros:
"Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition, there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes."
I found that last post extremely thought provoking. Unfornately I disagree with alot of it. At this point I`m only going to address apologies. Where do I find yours`? Do you know what for? Oh, I really like this one, where do you find all the newbies that jackasses like you speaking in condescending tones have intimidated and driven away, to apologize to them? Maybe the next jackass Rich drives ought to be you. Right now those people with a thirst to learn might be struggling to care for their babies and not know where to turn for quality advice from experienced keepers.
I wish that hadn`t told Gardenmum to come down from her high horse. But it did coincide with with a valid point ( at least I feel that way) so I find it hard to apologize for that. Dianne, I hope you understand.
Princess, I do apologize to you. What i said to you was uncalled for.
no hard feelings at all, people get all wound up in these tangent threads and logic seems to take a vacation often enough!! I just hope threads like this one can decline significantly and our forum can go back to the lovely place I remember it as being. I'm sure these threads will never stop, but there have been a fair few more inthe last 6 months.
Sorry Joe,
I forgot to apologize to you . I shouldn`t have called you a jackass. I may have you read accurately, but it was childish and wrong for me to say it. What I should`ve said is that it appears to me that you`re runnig a race wearing blinders. And that it appears to me that you an eye exam. Not to mention that with 1193 current post and all the newbies that you`ve played a big part in driving off, I`m sorry that I probably wont live long enough to see the seeds of your labor come to fruition. That is assuming that you have the type of character that you seem to want to demand.
exoticpetz said:
I found that last post extremely thought provoking. Unfornately I disagree with alot of it. At this point I`m only going to address apologies. Where do I find yours`? Do you know what for? Oh, I really like this one, where do you find all the newbies that jackasses like you speaking in condescending tones have intimidated and driven away, to apologize to them? Maybe the next jackass Rich drives ought to be you. Right now those people with a thirst to learn might be struggling to care for their babies and not know where to turn for quality advice from experienced keepers.
I wish that hadn`t told Gardenmum to come down from her high horse. But it did coincide with with a valid point ( at least I feel that way) so I find it hard to apologize for that. Dianne, I hope you understand.
Princess, I do apologize to you. What i said to you was uncalled for.

Well, I'm sorry that you dont agree with my post. You are entitled to your opinion, so to each his own.

I'm not really sure what you don't agree with, but I would like to find out. I do not believe anything in my most recent post was condescending in any way. I am sorry if you feel that to be so.

I also do not understand what on this thread I should apologize for, and I am having troubles reading and understanding your points following you asking me if I have apologized.

I do not believe that I have driven away any newbies due to condescending posts.
exoticpetz said:
Sorry Joe,
I forgot to apologize to you . I shouldn`t have called you a jackass. I may have you read accurately, but it was childish and wrong for me to say it. What I should`ve said is that it appears to me that you`re runnig a race wearing blinders. And that it appears to me that you an eye exam. Not to mention that with 1193 current post and all the newbies that you`ve played a big part in driving off, I`m sorry that I probably wont live long enough to see the seeds of your labor come to fruition. That is assuming that you have the type of character that you seem to want to demand.

You may have read me accurately? And what have you read, if I may ask?

What does my post count have to do with anything? Again, I ask where are these newbies that I have driven off?

I really dont like the unfounded attack on my character, this after calling me a jackass. Seems to be a bit hypocritical, if I do say so myself.