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I am The Nitelion
Anyone excited for The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim???? I know I am!! I have been waiting for a new elder scrolls since 06. I have Skyrim,Guildwars2,And Call of Duty MW3 all coming out in nov. Busy month ahead!!!!
Almost as excited about Skyrim as I was for Gears3. ALMOST. I will no longer give my money to CoD. I'm getting sick of constantly upgrading that game.
Skyrim looks cool but i think i would be annoyed by the graphics.. But i have Battlefield 3 limited edition pre-ordered so definitely looking forward tot hat one. Unfortunately my current pc can't handle it and my new gaming pc has been delayed until December so i'll have to watch the box for a month.. *sigh*

Also not giving any money to cod anymore, i had it with those greedy ********.
I don't like battlefield series never have and after the beta for 3 I doubt I ever will. But I am a big Cod fan. As long as there at least still upgrading I will keep buying. Skyrim has great graphics why do they annoy you?
I don't like battlefield series never have and after the beta for 3 I doubt I ever will. But I am a big Cod fan. As long as there at least still upgrading I will keep buying. Skyrim has great graphics why do they annoy you?

Battlefield and cod are completely different games, i've played both.
Cod: amazing flow in gameplay, great graphics, all the good stuff. But i just grew tired of it after black ops. I also think they are way overpricing the upgrades.
bf: tactical team play (the one thing cod doesn't have), bigger maps, vehicles and good graphics.

About skyrim: it could just be that i watched a bad video, do you have a trailer for me? because i really love that sort of game but if the graphics are what i saw in the video it would annoy the hell out of me xD
Battlefield and cod are completely different games, i've played both.
Cod: amazing flow in gameplay, great graphics, all the good stuff. But i just grew tired of it after black ops. I also think they are way overpricing the upgrades.
bf: tactical team play (the one thing cod doesn't have), bigger maps, vehicles and good graphics.

About skyrim: it could just be that i watched a bad video, do you have a trailer for me? because i really love that sort of game but if the graphics are what i saw in the video it would annoy the hell out of me xD

I'm on my phone when I get home ill link a few. I thought oblivion had good graphics but so far skyrim kills anything I have ever seen.
I did see the right video. Those graphics do annoy me because i know they can do better with current technology. The movements are really unnatural and you can clearly see that the details are painted on. I'm sure it's a great game but since i started studying graphic design for games i get annoyed really quickly. These graphics seem very WoW like to me, which is well known for being a great game on an outdated engine.
I have GW2 preordered and Rage. I have to get some stuff together to go finish up my payment on Rage. LOL I pay off most of my pre-orders with trade ins.
Doubt any of the videos from skyrim are final versions of textures/model movement.

As far as BF3 vs CoD goes - it's two completely different games. In CoD I can carry my team of socially inapt 10 yr olds with ease and guarantee a win. Battlefield focuses on team play and communication. The gameplay is a lot more robust than CoD's smooth navigation but that's partially realistic of Dice to do.

I'm looking forward to skyrim because I'd like a new singleplayer game where I don't have to deal with idiots online ruining my experience because they are downright terrible.
Still enjoying Gears 3, looking forward to BF3, and I'm getting married on 11/11/11... so Skyrim will have to wait until after the honeymoon.
CAN NOT WAIT... seriously, I would sacrifice a limb for it right now, lol. As for the graphics... flat out amazing looking. It is such a beautifully artistic looking game, and I know for a fact that I'm going to love it. As for other games... I love the new Gears. I grabbed it when it came out and am super satisfied... No host... enough said, lol. Those are the only two games that I'll care to play (and spend $ on) for a long while, but the replay value for both are enough to last.
So, canceled Rage, and got Skyrim instead. I had to take a little off my GW2 preorder, but thats fine since the release date is still TBD, according to Arenanet employees. I am really enjoying Skyrim, it is pretty sweet, though after about an hour of playing I get a slight headache... I am not used to HD games yet...LOL
I've been playing Skyrim all weekend (and throughout the week so far lol). This game is amazing. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I have yet to have ever played any other game that can compare to Skyrim. It fully deserves the 98/100 and 10/10 ratings it's receiving.
I've also heard that it has over 3 trillion hours of available game play, which makes sense with all of the different routes this game can take (as, like all of the other Elder Scrolls, you don't have to actually follow any quest line).
It took me a while to get used to the way the camera and actual game play works though.

I too am sitting on the edge of my chair for Diablo 3. I've had beta testing for Diablo for some time now (probably a month or more) and it's going to be one of the best games of all time imo (especially now that they've patched a lot of imbalances); but there's only so many times you can play the same content over and over...