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LOL, I must say though that this game cracks me up sometimes.
I keep wondering how some of these aspects of the game work...

If I eat a Giant's Toe I can really learn an alchemy trait from it?

Why is there raw venison and rabbits legs on people's book shelves when I go into their homes?

Why do vampires keep potatoes in a barrel underground in their lairs?

Can I really eat this tomato that I took out of a crate under the water in a wrecked ship?

Who keeps all of these torches and braziers lit in these underground crypts that were all sealed up under a mountain?

And last but not least... Why oh why, when I hit you (dear mob) in the back of the head with my arrow... do you look around and say "is someone there?".. give up the search a few moments later sit back down saying "it must have been my imagination"... while my ARROW is still protruding from you HEAD!?

Oh yeah... why is it that I have a saber cat pelt that weighs 1 lb but when I turn it into leather, it weighs 10 lbs?
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I got a quest titled "Ill met by moonlight" (It's on that wiki site) and if you follow through it and help the werewolf you get a ring that transforms you. But I believe there are other quest lines you can follow too.
So, became a wolf, and started to help the leader guy become human again... and now he is dead, that sucks...LOL.... Now I have this head in my inventory, and no one to give it to...
LOL, I also have someone's head in my inventory (actually their remains) and no one to give it to! It weighs 1 lb too! Taking up bag space, IMO.
I think I am going to look for a cure to the beast blood for myself. Maybe I will go kill another witch and take her head to the place and burn it... just to see what happens...lol
I got the game when it came out, and I really just plundered and explored to start off. I went with a Wood Elf to have a better character for just roaming, and it really fits my style. It also seemed to help me level up quicker at the skills I wanted, to start, and I was able to find good items (even future quest items) along the way, so it seemed to be a pretty solid way of doing things. My only problem is that my Archery is now at 100, so it's kind of pointless to even use my bow anymore, as far as leveling up goes, so I'm stuck figuring out exactly what I want to become good at now.

I'm also a 100 at Smithing, which totally rocks because I can create Dragonscale Armor, Glass Armor, and all sorts of stuff. It was actually a pretty easy skill to get up to 100 too. All you have to do is just go from town to town and buy as much Iron Ignot and Leather Straps as you can, and then forge as many Iron Daggers as you can. It's probably as easy of a skill to level up as it gets (from what I've done).

Such a great game, though. I almost get lost in how much there is to do, so I try not to be on for too long, otherwise I'd just become addicted, lol.
Yeah, it is a good game.
My archery, enchanting, smithing and sneak is all 100. I made me some crazy OP gear with double enchants. I also enchanted a set of gear (chest, bracer, ring and necklace) which all have max smithing increase to them (25% bonus increase to improving smithing items) which I put on while ugrading my dragon armor.
All bosses, bears and Daedras are now 1 hit. :grin01:

oh yeah... I took a smithing pot meanwhile too....
i was gonna buy skryim this month... but then i took an arrow to the knee.

Sorry couldn't help myself xD I'm gonna have to wait until January to buy skyrim :( the price of the hard drive of my new pc doubled due to the crisis so i don't have any money left this month :(
But my birthday is this Friday so maybe i'll get lucky :D Otherwise i'm just gonna play battlefield and minecraft this month.

Best arrow to the knee joke i heard is this one:
I used to be ammo for a bow, but then i took a knee to the face.