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So What's Your Snake(s) Called?


~ <- Tyra (My Snake)
This is the thread for telling us all what your Snakes name(s) is/are, and why you decided on that name.

My Corn is called Tyra (Pronounced 'Tirra').. and the reason i settled with that name is because, basically, i see snakes as more of an evil/scary/'Baddy' type of animal, rather than say a fluffy pink Bunny.. so i went through a load of related words, and came across the word 'Tyrant'.. and took the first 4 letters to make Tyra, which i thought sounded cool :D

Your turn...
Tobias is my male normal - I just always liked that name!

Nike is my snow female, after my fav statue Nike of Samothrace.

And Moby is my ball python because I was listening to Moby's CD play with my boyfriend and we both liked the name!
I will have a couple more snakes soon - no names yet!
Toulouse is the name of my amel, simply because there's a city in France named Toulouse, and I just love the sound of the word rolling off my tongue.

Racemus is the name of my lavender, as the word 'racemus' is Latin for 'bunch of grapes'. His saddles remind me of tiny little concord grapes!
Mines called Ted - and although normally I'd avoid that as a name for a snake because it really doesn't fit the animal, there is a reason behind it (That some of you will know).

My girlfriend is a bit of an artist, and for my birthday she drew me a picture of a snake, knowing I like them. That picture was placed on top of the snake's viv, when we still hadn't got around to naming the creature within. The drawing was signed with her initials - TED. And so, as we had no other ideas, the snake got called Ted. :)

Also I've decided that if/when I get a breeding pair the male is going to be called Sam and the female Ella. I think you can figure out why. :grin01:
This will be more of a list than a response :)

Gitzey, Bacchus, Pyretta, Helios, Ember, Kaylee, Inara, Mal, Dojah, Sativa, Cloud, Serenity, Choas, Killian, Slingshot, Delilah, Harley Quinn, Betty, Haze, Nivia, Loralei, Nieva, Sin, Aria, Sloth, Heinz, Parkay, Persephone, Hades...

I think I got them all :shrugs:

Oh, and about 70 more on the way :)
Oz, Dorothy, Tony, Cleo, Cassie (a name she came with), Lady Murisaki, ? and? that's it. susan
My corns are named alphabetically to make it easier with so many of them. THe girls are:
Ashely, Bella, Cleo, Dorri, Ember, Fiona, Ginger, Heather, Iris, Jessie, Kenya, Lizzie
The boys are:
Aries, Blaze, Charlie, and Dexter
My Boas are:
Legolas, Pandora, Snickers, Big Guy, Xena, and we just got a 6 week old hypo that still needs a name. Maybe I can get some good ideas from this thread! :crazy02:
corny names

Frost, because if she bit me i could say i had a frostbite. And yes i've been frostbitten. Was my fault, didn't wash my hands after handling her food.

Miss Hissyfit, because she is a total spaz and rattles her tail. She's only a baby so hoping she calms down as she gets older.
Well I've only got two snakes and one isn't even a corn.

I named my corn Nagini after the snake in the Harry Potter books. I always thought it was a pretty name and I decided before I even got her, that if it was a girl I would name it Nagini.
My king I named Ekans :grin01: It's a pokemon name, snake spelled backwards.
Okeetee= Cornelius,we call him Corny for short
Diamond pattern banded Okeetee=Diamond Jim,'cause of the diamond pattern
Banded Okeetee=Daffodil,'cause my 3 year old daughter likes daffodils!
:-offtopic (2 pair of California valley quail= Fred & Wilma,Barney & Betty,what can I say I liked the Flintstones!)
All of our snakes have names. Way too many for me to post. There is no rhyme or reason behind the names other then the fact PJ and I feel they need a name. There is a saying we have here...... "If you have a name you can stay". Do you know how hard it is to come up with names for 100+ snakes and animals?
Jay :cool:
PJCReptiles said:
All of our snakes have names. Way too many for me to post. There is no rhyme or reason behind the names other then the fact PJ and I feel they need a name. There is a saying we have here...... "If you have a name you can stay". Do you know how hard it is to come up with names for 100+ snakes and animals?
Jay :cool:

100+,I think I'd name them 1,2,3,4...........................................!!!!
creamsicle male- Pandora, this was before I knew he was a he
Snow female- Hope, this is one of the things pandora released from the box
Opal male- Oppeur, who knows, just sounded neat
Lavender male- Steve, another who knows, it just fit
Amel female- Tula, after Elle

Normal ball python, sex unknown- sparkle cause she is pretty:)
My new baby's called Eve for two reasons (but mainly the second):

1. I loved Jan Brady when I was a kid (played by Eve Plum)
2. I named her after Eve from Abrahamic creation myth; she got the rawest of raw deals.

But, as I said before, I almost always change my pets' names a few times before I settle on one. I'm considering Morgan Le Fay, the Morrigan (partly because I think it would be rad to have a pet called something starting with "the"), and Pixie. I've always loved the name Ophelia, too (from "Hamlet").

Or...I can just keep buying corn snakes until I run out of names... :crazy02: