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Soo, how long did you wait?

Alright, today marks one month since little Fen has come in to my life and I can honestly say that I love him to pieces!
Here's a quick month in review: brought little snakey home, that day he got horribly stuck in duct tape (vegetable oil to the rescue!), had his first feed a few days later, shed shortly after that all in one piece, second feed, then he got mites!! (used that handy Nix solution that Jay from PJCReptiles posted on his personal forum, life saver!), no sign of mites after that, third feed, and took his first snooze inside my shirt today! :crazy02:

Needless to say, it's been pretty awesome and roller coaster-ish, but so far so good!

My real reason for posting this, however, is to see if I'm exhibiting normal corn snake owning behaviour, or if I'm just maybe addicted? :p You see, even though I've only had my little guy for a month, I can't help but think of which ones I'm going to get next, especially during those long hours at work! I've already been thinking of names, and I'm looking up breeders and everything.. I don't have the money yet to purchase another one, and I don't think I'm experienced enough either, but I know owning another one is definitely in my near future. Which is funny, because I think when you first purchase a corn snake, you don't realize that you've really just purchased the smallest collection ever, and that it's probably going to get bigger over time!

So, my question for all of you is - how long did you guys wait before getting another one after your first? Was it immediately? After the first week? Carefully deliberated for a long time? Never? I'd love to know! :)
My real reason for posting this, however, is to see if I'm exhibiting normal corn snake owning behaviour, or if I'm just maybe addicted? :p

So, my question for all of you is - how long did you guys wait before getting another one after your first? Was it immediately? After the first week? Carefully deliberated for a long time? Never? I'd love to know! :)

Yeaup! Thats addiction ;) I only have one snake :( , but you dont know how much I have begged my parents for another one. I spent more than a month looking at more snakes, like you, figuring out names and breeders and tubs and all that good stuff. My mom actually had a talk with me not to long ago and she asked me "Is your snake poisnous?" and I said "No! I told you this a million times already!" and she was telling me how I was addicted to snakes because I wanted more and how she was worried about me. She told me she was worried about me! And she was telling me how people on the TV were being killed because they had a whole mess of angry, hungry snakes that attacked them. And I fell in love with them too when my snake fell asleep in my shirt pocket also! I have a picture of it on my albums.
But I will get more snake and no one will stop me. :fullauto: :)
Which is funny, because I think when you first purchase a corn snake, you don't realize that you've really just purchased the smallest collection ever, and that it's probably going to get bigger over time!

I think that's the best way I've ever heard anyone put it. I'm going to quote you on that if you don't mind.

I bought Ariadne, my first snake, at the end of November. The next snake I purchased was at the end of December/beginning of January. So I waited just about a month. The second snake was the only unplanned addition to my household as well. I wasn't even thinking about getting another snake, and then the evil pet store lady put a beautiful carpet python in my hands when I was looking at heating equipment.
I got my buddy in February I think, and will be getting my next in July or August. So about 6 months. Yep, it is addicting. Never thought I would find them so interesting!!!
I think pets in general are addicting. If you look at most peoples signatures (ok, not mine) you'll see that lots of people have lots of animals. They're just fun to have around. Corns are especially cool because all of the different morphs.
snakes are like fries, you can't just have one. I suggest you make a list of names for future use :spinner:
I had my first corn for about 7 months before getting another snake. But I promptly increased my collection by 5 animals within the next 3 months. I've been at it for 2.5 years and only have 12 snakes.
Well I still only have my first...but I came close to getting a second only a week after I got my first. The only thing that has really been stopping me is the fact that I'll be moving soon, and I don't want to deal with moving a ton of snakes. But trust me, I've done a lot of thinking about it ;)
I got my second about 6 weeks after my first, it would of almost been immediately but I wanted to at least have some time under my belt before doubling my load.
I got Calvin, an amel yearling, in March of 1996 from a guy at my herp club.
I think it was Sept or Oct that I picked up a mate for him at the herp club expo. i named her Katie. Well, a year later I found out that Katie turned out to be a Kasey. So then that February, about a year and a half later, I won a rootbeer het for amel female yearling at the herp dinner raffle. Named her Katie. Didn't realize at the time that she was a rootbeer, but found out later on that she was the by product of a creamsicle project. I stopped breeding her after that.
I lost Kasey at the age of 9 in the winter of 2004.
I still have Calvin and Katie (and 28 others......)
Very dangerous! If you have names reserved, you are under pressure to use them! I know this from experience...

LOL! Me too!

I never could find a creature perfect for the name, "Alastair", though. I finally got a GPS and gave it that name :).

I save the best names for my macaws. They're the ones most likely to live the longest (50+ years).

BTW, I'm actually running out of names. Can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing :).
About 2 1/2 weeks. Of course, I was working at the rescue by then, so I'd had plenty of time to confirm that I was indeed in love with my little Worm, and I did in fact need to bring him home as well. It's oh god not even 2 months since I got my first now, and I too have been looking up breeders, making notes on who has the prettiest stock, studying what I can about the genetics, et cetera et cetera ad nauseam (at least according to my husband). It's actually been along the lines of an awakening for me. Not only am I doing the rescue, but I've started going to reptile shows whenever I can, and tbqh I wasn't leaving the house very much for a long time before that. Snakes cured my agoraphobia AND my driving phobia-- can't be terrified to get behind the wheel if the rescue is 15 miles away!

I hope/plan to get 2 or 3 more snakes this year. We'll see where we go from there.

Corn snakes, corn chips-- can't have just one. ;)
When I first got (BACK) into corns I bought 2 and then waited 2 years and bought like 10 more. :D After 5 years I am up to 19 snakes, including a couple of ball pythons. I plan to get at least one more BP (OK< probably 2) this year. Plus I will be keeping at least a pair back from my ultramels I hatched this year... they add up fast!
I got one snake, then 10 months later got 2 more, then got another after a month, then another after 2 months......(the last one was a week ago, so who knows when this will end...). Oh, actually in another month, if all goes well, I'll have 18 more!

Don't worry, you've got 3 months to figure it out. That's when the big herp show is in Toronto!!! :)
Haha, Sweetseraph, thanks for feeding this addiction even more! I'll have to look into that for sure. Eighteen more if all goes well?! I'm guessing you're hatching some of your own, or you're planning on raiding a pet store :p

And I guess I am doomed because I have the next morphs AND names already picked out! :uhoh:
Haha, Sweetseraph, thanks for feeding this addiction even more! I'll have to look into that for sure.

Misery loves company! :grin01: Here ya go: http://www.reptilebreedersexpo.ca/ You're welcome! :duck:

Eighteen more if all goes well?! I'm guessing you're hatching some of your own, or you're planning on raiding a pet store :p

Yup, got me some eggs! Normals het snow. My very first clutch ever. It wasn't really planned; I bought the male and female and she was already preggers, but I'm going with it. Raid a pet store?? That's a great idea! :dgrin:

And I guess I am doomed because I have the next morphs AND names already picked out! :uhoh:

Yup, you're toast. :smash:
I got my first snake last August, and had my second by December. The only reason I don't have more by now is because I'm broke!
I got my first July 2008, then got two corns and one ball python in November 2008, and then the fifth in December 2008. They're addictive!