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Soo, how long did you wait?

I've got you all beat...I got my first snake in January of 2009. I really liked two of them that I was looking at, but ended up choosing one. But I couldn't resist. I went back and bought the other one that same day. So my answer is...less than 24 hours! Then about a month and a half later I bought 4 from Don at SMR...then about a month later I bought 2 more from Don...But luckily I've been able to hold out since then! But that urge has returned and I don't think I will be able to resist this time...
It appears to be inevitable; you will get another and another and another or, at the very least, you will start breeding. Also, the longer you wait to get an addition, the more additions you get at once. Some mathmagician should develop a formula chart the number of snakes (how many snakes obtained at once) over time (the length of wait to obtain a snake). I would be surprised if there were no correlation.

You're probably on to something. It's thin ice I tread :D
#1: November '07
#2: December '08
#'s 3&4: January '09
#'s 5-7: February '09 (first expo!)
#8: March '09
#'s 9&10: April '09
#11: May '09
#'s 12&13: June '09
#'s 14-23 (bred for the first time): July '09
#'s 24-29: August '09 (another expo)...

I think that's it! So, in other words, it took me a year and a month (almost to the day) to get my second snake... And then it all went downhill from there: 27 snakes in 8 months. Oops! Didn't mean to do THAT... lol

These days I'm back to just the one and I don't plan on getting any more. (Well, okay, maybe ONE more... ;)) I learned the hard way that big collections aren't for me. Oh well. Live and learn.
Got my first in November 2009 (Petco...), got my second on Valentine's Day 2010 (Grand Rapids Expo), getting my third on July 24th-25th (Evansville Expo).... if this keeps up, I'll probably get my fourth in December or so xD
I got my first snake in 2006 it was a normal corn. Now 4 years later I have 18 and I dont plan on stopping there. The pic is my first corn.


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Yeaup! Thats addiction ;) My mom actually had a talk with me not to long ago and she asked me "Is your snake poisnous?" and I said "No! I told you this a million times already!" and she was telling me how I was addicted to snakes because I wanted more and how she was worried about me. She told me she was worried about me!

Tell your mom that it beats drug addiction..
I've had my little fella for five and a half years now and not really been tempted to pick up another just yet. I'm moving to Singapore over Xmas and unfortunately I might not have the room available to house him over there, so it's looking like my mum is going to adopt him.

I'll miss him but once I'm settled over there with my own place I'll hunt down some breeders and have a look at acquiring another.
I have had my first corn snake for exactly 5 days and I am already plotting where I can put another tank and what color I want.
It really is. My bf is none too happy either. But I seriously am totally loving snake ownership. And with all the different colors and morphs available in corns, it's hard not to want more. I'm still not completely sure what to call what my snake is, but I want a non orange one next, to complement each other in their not yet existent side by side tanks :)
It really is. My bf is none too happy either. But I seriously am totally loving snake ownership. And with all the different colors and morphs available in corns, it's hard not to want more. I'm still not completely sure what to call what my snake is, but I want a non orange one next, to complement each other in their not yet existent side by side tanks :)

So you're shooting for an anery, charcoal, or lavender then? I personally really love the charcoal, don't ask me why.
because my boyfriend believes the only good snake is a dead snake. He's such a strange man. Although he has held Fluffy a few times so far and last night she sat in his lap. And he also knows he is not allowed to kill anything, ever. And he's terrified that she's going to escape somehow and crawl in bed with us...2 flights upstairs. He doesn't think rationally.
...Interesting. Maybe you'll make him see the light. I must say that guys who are that paranoid around snakes amuse me. I always loved when I was working at the zoo, to go into the guest area with our red tail boa wrapped around my waist, and see these buff, tough looking guys shy away like little girls around the snake. I think I have a little bit of a masochistic sense of humor.
yeah, he just thinks snakes are dangerous, and really thought they were slimy. I was like the only time a snake is slimy is when they're wet, and even then they're not slimy, they're just...wet.
At least he's not snake phobic. He has no problem sitting next to me on the couch while Fluffy crawls all around, or even holding her. They're just not his type of pet I guess. Which is all fine and dandy. Even though his brother came over yesterday and the first thing he did was take him down to show him Fluffy :)