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Soo, how long did you wait?

I waited 2 weeks to get my second. And then another week or so before my third. And then a whole year before number 4... after that, it all just went downhill from there. I wound up averaging about a snake a month. :p
I got the first 4/06, the 2nd 10/06, 3rd 12/06
(the 12/06 girl was having issues from the start and died 6/07)
then none until I went to a CS.com SoCal member BBQ 9/07.
I went from 2 to 65 in under a year..
It is a fabulous addiction to have and enjoy the friends
I have on here also.
wow!!! I got my first corn an Amel back in 1998 and it took until 2006 to get my second snake..and now..well we just leave it at that;)
I got my first one last August and my second one, from the same breeder, a week later. I kind of jumped the gun on that one but it was to make a future breeding pair so I tell myself it was okay. ;) My next snake, my boa, I didn't get until January for my birthday.

Welcome to the addiction! Lol.
I got my first corn in October of 2005, then another in November of 2005, then my third in January of 2006... LOL! I have had snakes for 5 years and have 13 of them now. Not bad I dont think, considering my fast start. I just had to upgrade to my second rack... addicting for sure!
I got my first snake, my Amel corn Drake, in September of '09 and got my second snake (not a corn) in January of '10...so I waited 4 months lol
For me it was a W/C garter that was the catalyst. We had her for 2 yrs before any other snakes were purchased BUT then addiction definitely took hold for me!!

I bought a little Normal corn and then 2 weeks later I bought an Amel and a Cali King. From there things grew to where they are now. Certainly not as quickly as some others members collections, but I have a husband and financial restraints that keep me reined in.
No idea when I got Zu....hmmm...got Muscles and Nippy in...November? and released Nippy in...ehhh...April/May? I got Zeus the day after i released Nippy (was a wild garter to begin with, wasn't doing well in captivity, no flaming!!) so a few months, maybe.
My parents don't wan't a bunch of snakes, yet they are allowing me to breed in a year or so, so I guess I got it good :) (Yes I am researching all I can, I am definatley going to do this right!)
I got Humphrey August or September 2009. Attitude October 2009. Icabod autumn 2009 (can't remember exactly). Since March 2010 I have gotten 7 more, 6 more corns & 1 BP. More arriving this summer sometime (that's up in the air). Another arriving early July as soon as I can drive to Maine. I am on various hatchling lists.

First breeding planned for next year. Icabod tried his best this year but Pretty just wouldn't give it up! :rofl: So next year is Icabod x Pretty unless... And I may have up to 3 females ready to breed next year so if everybody breeds and lays, I could have 3 clutches, not just one.
I bought my first corn snake on the first day of a two-day reptile expo. On the second day of that expo I returned to purchase a second one. Too many temptations at those shows!
I purchased my first corn in October of last year.By November I had three.:D Now from seeing all kinds of corns on this site I'm trying to justify to my wife on why I should build an addition just for a bigger snake room.:crazy02:
Wow, some of you guys go all out! I'm impressed! :p I'm thinking my next one will be in September, I'm definitely, maybe, possibly thinking of going to that expo in Toronto.
Hm .. a snake room you say ..
My timeline?

FinFang: dec 09 2006; my first corn. He was a normal I got for free, back then I thought "who cares about morphs, anyway?" But he is priceless to me now.

Amel Boy: may 11, 2007; Didn't really "want" him, but a friend wanted to re-home him. I didn't think to hard about it and said yes pretty quickly.

Thanagar: Aug 26, 2007; a college student BEGGED me to take him. I said no at least 3 times, lol.

Moss: Feb 06, 2009; I wanted to actually pick out a snake for once. I went to a good local breeder for him.

Cardassia: sept 27, 2009; didn't really want her either but she REALLY needed a home and my friend twisted my rubber arm. I'm so glad to have her now!

I am happy with what I have now, and don't feel I have the room for any more. It's tough enough moving with 5 snakes, and there are lot of things I would do before I ever got rid of any of any of them.
I got mine a week and a half ago. I found out someone was waiting for eggs to hatch the day after I got her and decided to try to make room for a new snake by the time they were hatched. I'm still waiting, but I don't know I'll be able to get one, but we'll see!
Wow, after reading this topic, I think it's a complete miracle that I got my corn snake in March, and still only have one. Not to say I haven't been extremely tempted to get more though ;)
It appears to be inevitable; you will get another and another and another or, at the very least, you will start breeding. Also, the longer you wait to get an addition, the more additions you get at once. Some mathmagician should develop a formula chart the number of snakes (how many snakes obtained at once) over time (the length of wait to obtain a snake). I would be surprised if there were no correlation.