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Tula_Montage said:
You will need a sunglow to start off with :grin01:
:uhoh: Tula, how mean! It's a (insert expletive) sunglow because she says it is and her friend says it is. She asked if it was, won't listen to anyone saying it might be, it might not, wait and see etc. I think for now it's a lovely little amel. But then apparently I'm a penis. :shrugs:
your_only_nightmare said:
becuase my favorite snake is the motley sunglow, i couldnt find anywhere to buy one, so i bought both a sunglow and motley, im going to breed them, keep back a male and female babie, breed them when ols enouth and i SHOULD have my little motley sunglows.
That might work. It seems that more amel mots are sunglow than not. But it still won't be a sure thing. :)

diamondlil said:
But then apparently I'm a penis. :shrugs:
Can we please keep this about snakes, and stick to snake terminology? You're a hemi-nob. :grin01:
Roy Munson said:
Can we please keep this about snakes, and stick to snake terminology. You're a hemi-nob. :grin01:
Y'see, this is why we all need an occasional cherub (or seraph, I guess) to come around here. They become our muse, our inspiration, our longing to achieve greatness.

Either that, or they're just plain idiots that give us the opportunity to make great comments on the foolish things they have to say.

Then again - what's the difference?

Taken from waaaaaaaayyy back on page 1......

your_only_nightmare said:
ther snake is fomr 2 sunglows. and ther clutch befoe these ones wer allsunglows, some of which were motley, and they turned out exactly like yours shown

So is it a 'sunglow' het mot..????
Man, this thread has it all...laughter, tears, violence and beeeautiful pictures of sunglows! Yay for violent sunglow threads!

An eclipse of the sun, so to speak? =D
your_only_nightmare said:
what adviuce was that, we had a vet triop planed but the ****ing prolapse happened the day before we wwere gonna take her, i loved her so much, you think i wanted it to happen or have her put thru that?

Three bannings in one thread. Certainly a record on this site. :wavey: See you in three days.
Sorry barbara, forgot to also quote this on my first post..... :)

your_only_nightmare said:
becuase my favorite snake is the motley sunglow, i couldnt find anywhere to buy one, so i bought both a sunglow and motley, im going to breed them, keep back a male and female babie, breed them when ols enouth and i SHOULD have my little motley sunglows.
Lol, was it really all worth it? I could go on about how much I love my Bob (a normal) but the point has been made.. I think Serp said it best when he mentioned the whole standard thing.. made me think at least.. anyway, I'll check back after the 3 day cooling period.. I'm sure Rich is loving the break as well!:grin01:

dayum...........got home and checked out from page 22 on.............and, what would you know, nothing of importance. IT IS A SUNGLOW !!!
I'd agree about the standards, totally. I am happy with my snakes because I don't think I'm ever going to make any money on breeding them, if they at least pay for their food bill it'll be a first amongst my dependents! I think/hope that my Christmas and Reverse turn out to be how the standard says they should be, because I was aiming to get the best example I could find when I got them. If Lola turns into 'just' a vibrant hypo, and Slim is 'just' a bright amel, so what?
(When I kept fantail fish I got a perfect show-quality ryukin who must have accidentally been put in with the normal fantails at the wholesaler, I had no idea until I saw 'his' picture in a book, but he was still 'just' one of my fish :) )

Gah! I shouldn't have taken that gosh-darned nap! I've missed so much crap all in one thread, but I'm glad we now have a well of joke material that should last us a while.

Here's my belated wavey train to the now-banned idjits:
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :grin01:

Anyway, to address the original question (I'm just a little late in doing this), here's a picture of my sunglow to clear things up:
princess said:
not fair...no photo shopping allowed!!! :grin01:

That's a lovely snake!! :cheers:

Princess, I hope you are not saying that is not my snake? Do all these threads turn so ugly. You have been the only helpfull person I have found. What a shame such an awesome forum becomes a medium for self appointed specialist who don't want to help but only criticize those who wish to learn. you are free to rave more about my snake though!
CARattler40 said:
Anyway, to address the original question (I'm just a little late in doing this), here's a picture of my sunglow to clear things up:
No way is that a sunglow, far too much white!
CARattler40 said:
Anyway, to address the original question (I'm just a little late in doing this), here's a picture of my sunglow to clear things up:
Cool, your sunglow is homo pied!!!
