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ok so since we are going by this definition of little or no white, and we got on the subject of changing from white to black, here is my black albino SUNGLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what do you think by cherubs, and the other banned peoples defintions this is a sunglow

:sidestep: :eek1: :eek1: man im :crazy02:
tgebert said:
What a shame such an awesome forum becomes a medium for self appointed specialist who don't want to help but only criticize those who wish to learn.
Is that really what happened in this thread? Did someone seek answers, only to be criticized by self-appointed specialists? I certainly don't see it that way. Who is the victim in this thread?

I don't think there's anything shameful about the fact that this is a DISCUSSION board, and not an ADVISORY board. I'm not saying that seeking and dispensing advice should be discouraged on the forum, or that these things aren't a huge part of what this place is about, but they're not the only things. Maybe the truth rained on someone's parade. Life isn't fair. I think this Abraham Lincoln quotation sums up this thread nicely:

"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
CARattler40 said:
Anyway, to address the original question (I'm just a little late in doing this), here's a picture of my sunglow to clear things up:
Your 'ameow' has far too much white to be a Sunglow, now mine is a true Sunglow. You can trust me, I've been keeping cats for years now!


  • amber and michaelangelo.JPG
    amber and michaelangelo.JPG
    182.5 KB · Views: 270
Man, did I miss the fun or what!!!

Here's my contribution to the fun and frivolity . . .
(images borrowed through Google search and their link posted for reference)



image resized and borrowed from:http://www.lindhros.altervista.org/images/Troll.JPG


In my opinion: Y.O.N.=cornsnake-man=cherub :shrugs: (Rich could probably tell.)

As for the discussion at hand, Serp had the single best description/explanantion. No more lowering of standards people! Sunglow=Amel with no white on the dorsal with bright orange!

Here's my amel that 'could' be considered a sunglow in some circles, but in no way represents one as far as I'm concerned:

That's all folks!
Once again. I'm a day late and a dollar short! But I sure enjoyed reading everyone's comments! And my own personal opinion...despite the extremely poor photography, I would call the snake in question an amel and not a sunglow. Simply because
a) I see too much of a border around too many saddles
b) For the age of the snake, the ground color just isn't orange enough
c) If nightmare is comparing to the "sunglows" pictured by the "expert" breeder, then every amel should be considered a sunglow as many of those hatchlings looked blindingly white in all the wrong places

And did anyone else catch the age of cherub's children? One is 30, making her 17 when it was born...says alot about her right there. And at 47, she could be menopausal, which might explain her profanity and toy fettish. It doesn't excuse it, but I can have a speck of sympathy.

And now to go back and distribute some rep points! Just about everyone deserves them, but if you don't get any, it's probably because I need to spread it around first.

And here are some pics of MY sunglows!
Last edited:
No that I need to justify myself to you but here goes...

Last night was my off time, my recreation. This morning, I have things to do and am preparing to leave the house. I don't have time to sit by the computer 24/7 waiting to reply to inflammatory posts.

You are a small and pathetic excuse for an individual. You may be a mother of 3 but I'm sure you're an embarrassment to many more.
cherub369 said:
good morning ratboy..why dont you go back to the bedroom and play with your action men..you pretentious little prick..
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I just love how you think you've made any dent at an insult. Ratboy? r u cereal?!1 The mouse in my avatar's probably got more IQ points in his fecal matter than you and all your little cronies combined. Have fun getting banned again!

cherub369 said:
heyyy ratboy
In "all your 47 years of experience" I would have thought you would have learned the difference between a mouse and a rat by now. This is my last response to your stupidity, I refuse to let you become the center of attention, as this would only feed your retarded fetishes.

Public Service Announcement


Ladies and gentlemen, due to recent pest problems in the area, we kindly request that you do not feed the trolls.

If the trolls are not fed, they will eventually go away and find someone else to harass.


Dansk: Trollene må ikke fodres!

Deutsch: Trolle bitte nicht füttern!

Français: Ne pas nourrir le troll!

Nederlands: Trol! Niet voeren a.u.b.!

Español: ¡Prohibido dar de comer al troll!

Svenska: Mata inte trollen!

Português: Não alimente os trolls

Polski: Prosimy nie karmić Trolla

עברית: אל תאכילו את הטרול

Русский: Пожалуйста, не кормите Троллей!

Српски / Srpski: Молимо вас, немојте хранити тролове!
cherub369 said:
Oh Jazz. welcome back sweetie...see ....you all had to come back and see us again..even though you say you dont like us..you little terror...sleep well did you darling?
First off, your attempt to divert from my response above, which points out your self-contradictory statement (in what, 10 or 11 words?) is duly noted. You've proven that your ability to defend your points - if you've ever had any - in this thread is only surpassed by your ability to pop out your spawn at an irresponsible age. What's the UK equivalent of redneck?

Secondly, I never stated that I didn't like you. To do so would admit to attaching any emotion to a complete stranger - and the only interest I have in responding to you would be solely for comedic purposes. Matter of fact, if you'll research (a concept apparently foreign to you) this thread, you'll see that I actually hoped that you wouldn't get banned. But I have my selfish reasons for that, just as you had your reasons for returning.

Finally, while I'd entertain virtually anyone who read this thread by insulting you in ways that you wouldn't even have the cognitive capacity to recognize, I would unfortunately be entertaining you the most. As previously mentioned by a 16 year old who has a greater level of maturity than you, you're simply an attention junkie. You've been proven incorrect in the position you took by a 22 year old that cited YOUR initial source better than you. He even provided pictures from her website, presumably because he completely understood your linguistic capabilities by reading your posts, and concluded that you need visual information. Your response has been nothing but flames and vitriol.

Given that two young men - averaging 19 years of age - got into your head and took you down from both an argumentative and an intellectual standpoint, there's no point or fun in my continuing. You're too easily defeated in a battle of wits. Feel free to continue with Carlos or Joe, if you'd like. I'm sure it would be a new experience for you, having young men inside an organ that resides above your waist.

Good luck trolling. While I may respond to the thread, I won't be responding directly to you again. (Given your prior ramblings and intellectual displays, I felt it was important that I point this out to you.) You're just not worth it.
