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Transparent Hypo? Blue Ice?

Those do look like the trans hypo... and for what it's worth, I think 'Lava' is a nicer name than Transparent hypo... But then, if I were going to name the morph along those lines, I'd prefer 'Magma' myself... ;)

That does bring up the question of, once we ascertain just what Trans Hypo is and what it is not, should we give it another name, one that doesn't contain the word hypo? It seems to be the trend... (Ex: Pine Island Anerythristic gave way to Charcoal, Hypo B gave way to Sunkissed...)

A name change is in order.

I think a name change is in order. I like Magma over Lava. I had to ask what he meant before I got it. Where I live, there are old lava flows and a National Park called the Lava Beds. My first thought was black rocks. Magma gives me a better image of the color of a Lava flow. I think collectively, we can come up with something that will be excepted by the majority. There is already a growing list of possible names. I guess we have a year to come up with a new name or keep one of the old ones. I like keeping hypo out of the name as well. That can be explained in the write up about them.
I think the only problem with calling them Magma or Lava corns, is that there's already someone out there calling bloodred outcrosses 'Volcano' corns. I'd rather not get the two mixed up, TBH... Not sure.

lets call the new hypo's whatcha-macallet's......i mean crap there so much stuff we dont know about them i think the name fits well.. lol
I am beginning to favor more generic names rather than genetics lineage descriptors or locality specific names. Of course, once someone asks what makes the "Sky Blue Orange Corn", we have to have a good idea what to say. Not that I could do this with most of the Hypos out there now anyway, but I would like to hope the water will get clearer rather than muddier. Something tells me this won't happen, but it certainly is discouraging to think that way.

Names that bring to mind what the animal looks like to buying one sight unseen would he helpful.

Hah! I am sitting here at the keyboard and was going to type in those gawd awful names I could only come up with for the Caramel Blood Reds, and here I am staring at a can of nuts sitting right by the keyboard. Why, look at the color of those things! I think this will fit nicely: Almond Corn! And if I can get a variety with a lot of white speckling: Salted Almond Corn!

Of course, I don't have a full adult yet, so maybe I should hold off on that for a couple of years. But do those names bring to mind what you would expect the animal to look like?

Sure sounds better than those other names I was coming up with!
Hmm... Almond corn fits (assuming that's what it looks like)... salted-almond...? Never eaten almonds salted... must be a Floridian thing.

Speaking of morphs that should really have names... what're you going to name the hypomelanistic lavender morph?

Almond Corn Photo

Do we get to see a picture of a young adult Almond Corn and/or hatchling? Or, did I already miss this somewhere?

You could write the name at the bottom of the picture in almonds. Are we going to pour some chocolate on our Almond Corns and mix in some cocoanut and make Almond Joy Corns? LOL. Or some caramel, amel, chocolate and marshmallows and make Mars Bar Corns.

We have both salted and unsalted almonds in CA. I guess in CO. there is more of that natural food.
Check RichZ's Serpenco Photogallery, Joe. ;)

And no, I don't see salted almonds here. I do, however, see cinnimon honey almonds, and all manner of dessert-type almonds... mostly at the Renniassance Festival during the summer. There's always someone there trying to sell you the "King's nuts" ;).

Just checking!

I read through this whole thread and can't find a single one of my postings. I know Rich doesn't delete them like Jeffb, but this is driving me crazy! I'm doing this to see if I get re-suscribed to the thread and if I can find the locality banter that was here previously. Sorry to post having nothing to do with the subject...
umm maybe I am wrong but didnt that take place in the photo gallery under serpwidgets post of comparison pics of the "trans" hypo and "dream hypo" or something like that? Please correct me if I am wrong...
There are several.......

There is more then one thread on this issue. I've seen your posts, maybe in one of the other threads?

Must be! I mainly found it odd that I became "unsubscribed" to the thread in question. I downloaded "ZoneAlarm" and maybe it deleted cookies. Odd only because I didn't have to sign in. Anyway, I knew it was all somewhere! I was just fairly certain it was this thread. Thanks for the quick replies!:)
I think after the thread becomes "Quiet" is automaticly(SP?) unsubscribes you from it or if its been a week and you havent really posted I think thats how it seems to work for me anyways.
Makes sense!

Thanks Clint and Crazy. I found it and then found myself staring at a photo of a snake I have in a cage right beside me! :D I swear, there is nothing prettier than a "normal" corn from the right place! :)


  • mamacorn.jpg
    99 KB · Views: 171
Yeah, it was a tossup between "Blood Clot Corns" and "Doggie Dirt Corns". I think "Cow Plop Corn" was a third runner up for a name...... :D
lava, magma or trans hypo??

I finally have a few minutes to post 'my' end of the story. Joe already posted some of my e-mails to him about the trans corn vs. the lava corn.

About 4 years ago I bought a significant portion of a corn snake collection that had supposedly been part of Tim Rainwaters collection. There were motleys and stripes of many of the normal morphs. There were lavenders, butters and other double het creations. Also included in this grab bag were the 'stonewashed' anerytheristics and the Translucent hypos. Now, the stonewashed animals have been described in the Love's corn snake book....but the transluscent hypos had no lineage information. What was I to do?
The last 3 years i have bred my transluscent hypo to my 'hets' always getting an even split ratio close to 50/50 of the hypos and normals. After I acquired a number of these, I started to sell them under the name of 'lava' corn. As I was, to my knowledge and research, the only person with this morph at the time, I changed the name from transluscent hypo to lava corn. I felt transluscent hypo really didn't describe what these corns looked like. Transluscent in my mind is clear...but these obvioulsy hava a color. So, I created the name lava corn due to the fact of molten lava and the nice orange/red these animals have. (I also thought lava was short and simple and could easilty be combined with lava ghost, etc...)

Well, that didn't last too long. Too many bad e-mails that I grew tired of everyone 'yelling' at me so I merely kept everything back to make the project big. This upcomng year was my 'test' year. The first years I concentrated on producing more of the hypos and outcrossing to other genes to go for motleys, ghosts etc... (Not immediately testing this was probably my mistake. I should have tested this line to see compatibility issues before releasing it. However, to my credit, I did not release it claiming a new morph. I said was unsure of the morph, but the genetics appeared simpe recessive and testing to other hypos needed to be done to confirm for sure. Plus, I personally felt it was more important to get started on the ghosts etc and when those dh and triple het offspring were breedable...I would test the gene AND have the ghosts and others all in the same year).

Instead of testing my animals this upcoming year, Joe and I have decided to breed one of his males to my females and see what happens. If I get hypos, the mystery is solved. (We both believe this should be the case since Joe DID sell Tim R. some of these and I have a direct link to Tim R's animals). Therefore, the lava corns may soon be the same as the trans hypo corns.

In any case, either this year or next when the tests are done, we need to come up with ONE name and market this animal under that name. Dozens of names for the same animal will only lead to confusion and possibly incompatibility issues when people start breeding these out. And no one wants an angry customer that just found out their morph wasn't compatible with another morph.

Obviously I'm game for 'lava' corn. I created it because I felt it was a good describer and short and sweet. I had polled several people, snake lovers and plain jane public who had seen the corns, and they thought the name was appropriate. I also like the proposition of magma corn as that has a similar indication. I am currently shying away from trans hypo corn becuse it is a longer name and doesn't quite describe the animal. HOWEVER, that being said and my scientist background kicking in, since Joe DID find/discover this morph, I think it is only fair for him to have a significant part in describing it. Other people have done the same. Kathy Love, for example, took her hypo okeetee and termed it sunkissed.

Nevertheless, a name needs to be given, either now or next year when we find the answer to the mystery. Are my corns the same? Is the ultra hypo the same? The dream hypo?
Time will tell....
Jeff Mohr
I don't why, but thinking about yet another Hypo gene is making me feel like cold wet tree frogs are walking up and down my spine.... :eek:

Maybe, with any luck, ALL of the multiple hypo genes out there will be cumulative, and a quad homozygous hypo will be completely invisible.

Of course, working your way through the multi-het animals will be pure insanity.

Anyway, seeing people working together on naming conventions is very gratifying, rather then each side fortifying themselves within their own camp. One person is just not going to be able to come up with the answers. It is going to take a lot of note comparing between a lot of people to give us all the clues we need.

But bear in mind, that some answers just may not be obtainable. We have reached a point where the time it will take to prove that something new is just not a variation of an existing gene is long enough that many people won't be inclined to do that. It would delay far too long their bringing it to market to sell with a new name attached to it. Now the first one in the chain will likely say something like "Yes, I call it a SunBleached Corn, which is a kind of Hypo, but I think it is something new. I haven't test bred it with anything other than Sunkissed and Type A Hypo, however, but am working on test breeding it against the other Hypos." The next person in line that buys a pair of them, breeds them and offers them for sale will shorten that description to: "Yes, it's called a SunBleached Corn. It's new. I can't remember who I got it from, but I think he told me it's not related to anything else."

And on and on.

I have sold LOTS of animals apparently het for mulitple Hypo genes over the years before I even realized what the heck was going on in here. That Pandora's Box has been open for a long time and there is no closing it now. Personally, I am racking my brain to think of a term to replace Hypo to be more generic sounding and not imply that every animal that appears lighter colored is the same genetic Hypo line.

Wish I had kept up my Latin studies I had in high school.....

But I think the best thing is for everyone to stay light hearted and clear headed about this naming stuff. Don't take naming an animal so seriously. Try to pick what is best, even if it is not the one you picked yourself. Really, no one really cares who came up with a name, and even the one who first created it will soon be forgotten anyway.
Wish I had kept up my Latin studies I had in high school.....

I took a year of Latin in college... want to borrow my old textbooks? ;)

Actually, there's a decent online latin dictionary... just do a search for 'Wheelock latin dictionary' on Google and you should be able to find it.
