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Transparent Hypo? Blue Ice?

Homo Lava/Charcoal 2004 hopefully

Check out this email I just got. Good old Rainwater! He bred the Lava Corns to the Anery B and produced double hets lava/charcoal. This lady has some and we may get a look at a double homo lava/charcoal in 2004. Hopefully, the anery a gene won’t get in the way.

It was nice to find some more Lava Corns that Rainwater sold as Trans Hypo floating around out there. Hopefully, more will be found. I have found some that I sold to people years ago, thanks to some of the ads I have been running recently.


Hey joe,
Hows it going, this is shannon down in bishop.
I like your cool corns great job.

I have some animals here that were from rainwater a few years ago(he called them transparent hypos?).He bred a trans hypo to a anery b (charcoal) and I got a pair of dbl-hets.
They will breed for the first time this year so we will see what happens.

I am pretty sure its the same line of hypo as your lavas?
If it is I will stick to your lava name as it is a much better name than transparent hypo?

Anyways,Good luck this year and hope to see you san diego,

Oops! Again

I hope she doen't read this. I mean I hope he doesn't read this. Too, late I already gave him the thread location. I am sure it is not the first time someone has made that mistake.
Well I got a pair of the double hets from Shannon, they are ready for action this season. They are het charcoal and "lava" so will see what coming out of them.
Great News!


That is great news. It sounds like it will be very likely that we will get to see a homo charcoal/lava since there is another pair to produce from.

I guess we will have to play the name game again. Who will be first so they can name it. If we stay with the Ghost them, and since I used Ice for the Ghost/Lava combo, perhaps Diamond Ghost will work. Diamonds are referred to as Ice sometimes and diamonds are made out of charcoal. They will most likely resemble Ice Ghosts, I will speculate, since anery A and B look very simular.
As long as we're talking carbon-based minerals, how's about Graphite? ;) Somehow I'd wager the snake would come out looking more like it than like diamonds.

Graphite sounds good. I was thinking about a raw diamond with poor clarity. I need to jot down all these great possiblities on all the morphs before I forget them.

Some old Rainwater names were brought up to me that I haven't heard in a while. He was trying to call an amel lav "Pearl" which could be used for something else and "Stonewash" for anery A, which is basically un-named, except for Black Albino.
John Albrecht said:
I've hunted the "Hunt Club" for years and I can tell you that if a scientist spent only 1 month road cruising in front of the place he'd be lucky to get 2 animals.
So how's he get all this "1 of of 20 look like this or that" data? The whole thing sounds flaky. And those animals don't look much differnet than what others already have for sale anyway.

IN 1996 I caught 6 okeetees on the same road within 2 miles in 2 weeks right along the side club road cruising. one side of the road was okeetee the other side was privet land. the year before I caught none on that same road
PtDnsr said:

Vinman - you do realize this thread is three years old right?

It is an old thread, but has been visited quite a bit over the years. I always thought about doing an up date to this thread. Quite a bit has change over the years. This thread is what caused me to become a member of this forum.

I am not going to read though this entire thread again to make sure that I don’t repeat something that has already been said, so forgive me if I do. The Transparent Hypos have become Lava Corns, and the name is the accepted Trade Name of this hypomelanistic gene. The Lavas have been tested against, Hypos, Sunkissed, Ultras, Christmas, and Strawberry Hypos and have proven to be incompatible with all of them, so the Lavas did prove out to be a new hypo gene after all and is the most tested of all hypo genes.

Blue Ice Corns have become Ice Corns. The name of Ice Ghost has been changed to Ice Corns, due to some confusion the name caused. The reason for this change is that a Ghost is homo for Hypo and Anery. An Ice Corn does not have the Hypo gene involved at all and are only homo for Lava and Anery A. Ice Corns and other similar types such as Hypo Charcoals do look ghostly, so the name seemed fitting at first, but Trade Names have genetic meaning too, so a Ghost (Hypo and Anery A) stands alone.

I ended up buying the one and only “Charcoal” Lava that Carlos produced and was thinking about calling them Diamond Corns. This year, I tested them with a Pewter and produced 100% Normals het for Ice Pewters, so a Charcoal Lava does not exist yet. I was actually trying to produce Charcoals het Lava Blood, from this "test" and was very surprised by the results.

Lava Lavenders have been produced and a few more should be produced this year. I may produce a few more Lava Morphs this year, if Murphy is kind. Some of the possibilities are Lava Motleys, and Ice Motleys, which Jeff Mohr produced in 2005. Some new possibilities that are likely to be produced, which I have eggs incubating right now are; Lavamel Motleys (Amel Lava Motleys) Lava Caramels, Lava Caramel Motleys, Lava Butter Motleys, and Striped Ice. There is a chance of seeing a Lava Blood, but very few fertile eggs were produced from that project. Another project that I am just now getting breedings from will have the possibility of producing Striped Lavas, and Striped Lava Lavs that wont be hatching until sometime in November.