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Well my friends.....

Sometimes, we have to see beyond the words. Someone who does not feel like a little kids party is a worthwhile sacrifice (which it is) may not have had such a party himself.

I remember the CEC parties when my kids were little bitty, and I'm hoping this one here will generate just as many memories.
Pfff, a "not needed" kids party? The internet's "not needed" either!

The fire sounds terrifying... I, for one, am glad you're alright. ;) Hope your son has a GREAT party.
Thanks Emily :) This is a partial pic of my son's room where he was sleeping

That seriously is enough to bring tears to my eyes. How awful... Thankfully, you're all alright.
yellowbelly, you're an awesome mom! OMFG, my words fail me totally. i'm a daddy to a bucket load of kids, and find myself honored to be in your presence here. there's no words to express what goes through my mind when i'm confronted with a wonderful parent like you. keep it up and take care of yourself and your family. i look forward to seeing some nice pics. goodness knows ya'll deserve the best!

best wishes,
Ty so much...it was very devestating for my kids and husband....I seem to be the one holding everyone up,which can be hard. My husband goes in for his 4th dr. appointment next week because of anxiety and nightmares. It's funny how don't realize how lucky we are to have shoes, a toothbrush, shampoo....ect. till you go a week without.
Says the one who always posts about his high end Boas :shrugs:!

What the hell do my high end boa's and pythons have to do with anything? Me buying those snakes certainly isn't effecting the payment of any of my bills, or putting me into debt, every snake I own was paid in cash, upfront.

I think jealousy is a huge factor from those who chastise others for buying high end snakes, if you could, you would.. but you can't. so you don't
What the hell do my high end boa's and pythons have to do with anything? Me buying those snakes certainly isn't effecting the payment of any of my bills, or putting me into debt, every snake I own was paid in cash, upfront.

I think jealousy is a huge factor from those who chastise others for buying high end snakes, if you could, you would.. but you can't. so you don't

So your ego makes you attack mothers? My internet is a luxury. Not like electric or gas or anything truely important. Yes, I will give up something *I* like for my child. Seriously, my children get a childhood ONCE. For that, I will go without anything I *enjoy*.... Im sure your parents did it for you and when you become a parent, there is no doubt in my mind you will do the same. And I don't care about your boas or what shoes you wear. I do, however, love my son deeply and will sacrifice what I can to put a smile on my dear child's face. If that means no facebook,cornsnakes.com or hotmail.....BIG DEAL!
yet as a mother, you flame other kids on the forum ;) :roflmao:

I haven't flamed anyone. Just called out disrespect. I won't tolerate it from my teenage daughter nor you. Let me tell you this,...I have a hard time being mean to anyone! Im a hippie and feel everyone is capable of love as I love them (people) before I judge. Im not quite sure why I have had a hard time with the kids here but I would never be rude to any of you first. Im just trying to stick up for myself.

I love humanity,people and animals....and most importantly my children. Im sorry that seems offensive to you but I won't pay internet bills over my son.

*sorry if I offended anyone*
Ryan don't you still live with your parents? Funny how your a grown man who can pay thousands for boas in a year, but still mooches off the rents. If you were actually an adult you would have things like rent, or a mortgage, internet, phone, tv, electric, gas, food, and other bills that would make it harder to support your boa habit. Since you don't yet and do not live as an adult you have no clue how disrespectful you were to YBH and for what reason?

You are also not a parent yet and when that day comes you may see that no internet connection or snake will complete you like a child does. Their smile, hugs, kisses, and sqeals of joy don't compare to a few days away from cs.com. Being you can't even put a roof over your own head because your selfish and would rather blow money on animals instead of acting like a normal fully functioning adult keep your jaded, insecure, unqualified, cocky, immature, and ignorant opinions to yourself until you can walk in the shoes of an adult parent who actually does support yourself.
I am guessing you don't have kids. I can live without the net for 4 days to make my 8 yr olds birthday is super fun for him. And your wrong....my kids come before internet. Why are there so many corn balls on this site?? I swear!

This makes sense! I would rather pay 20$ to go herping with my half brother than be on "Der interwebz 2 hav lots uf fn!
Ryan don't you still live with your parents? Funny how your a grown man who can pay thousands for boas in a year, but still mooches off the rents. If you were actually an adult you would have things like rent, or a mortgage, internet, phone, tv, electric, gas, food, and other bills that would make it harder to support your boa habit. Since you don't yet and do not live as an adult you have no clue how disrespectful you were to YBH and for what reason?

You are also not a parent yet and when that day comes you may see that no internet connection or snake will complete you like a child does. Their smile, hugs, kisses, and sqeals of joy don't compare to a few days away from cs.com. Being you can't even put a roof over your own head because your selfish and would rather blow money on animals instead of acting like a normal fully functioning adult keep your jaded, insecure, unqualified, cocky, immature, and ignorant opinions to yourself until you can walk in the shoes of an adult parent who actually does support yourself.

I guess we don't get it till we have our own *human* babies....and ty btw.
When you become a parent you will take a payday loan out just to pay for boy scout outings. Im NOT ashamed.
Yup! and I will give you a hug as much as you mock me or dislike me! Im sorry, it is just my true blooded nature. My dad was a daedhead and passed that love to me. What a good papa I have!!!
My dad ran off with some random chic and had a kid! That may be why i am so drmatic! My life is fullof it!