My 04 weighed 35g when I got him late dec, is now 57g, He's taking a while to bump from fuzzies, have tried 1/2 dayold chick to see if he'll beef up but looks like 5 days would be better than 6 I was advised?
My early 05s are 48g and 20g, and my late 05s are 20g and 12g. The bigger is on fuzzies , the smaller is Lil who is my problem girl.
The early 05s were on same schedule of pink every 4 days, but the reverse has started to grow faster and has just bumped to fuzzies, the carolina just bumped to 2 pinks.
I think it looks like I've been too conservative in their feeding, will see what I can do.
If I get some good growth, how do I apply for a satan jacket?