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What's the weight of your largest '05?

Taceas said:
Unlike Preita, I think snakes are like dogs in that they could literally eat themselves to death.

See my dog wasn't like that, she was a snacker lol. But I see your point.

Taceas said:
I don't think there is "proof" regarding either method (maintenence vs Roys) as to if its actually detrimental to the health of the snake in the long run. Power-feeding to me is carrying on such an aggressive feeding schedule with ALL sizes of food throughout the snake's life. And that common-sensically would be detrimental. But doubling up and feeding more pinks bugs you?

This is what I thought power feeding was too. So I don't really consider gorging on pinks as power feeding when fuzzy's are introduced the feeding schedule drops back. If the same 3 day schedule continued into larger food items I might be on the other side of the fence.

Taceas said:
I personally think you need to find a new hobby or something, stirring the pot has gotten old. At the very least, all I see of Roy is his now expensive pink orders. If you don't order snakes from Roy in the future, I'm sure its no skin off his teeth. I wouldn't do business with you either considering how outlandish your attacks have been on the forum. So I guess that just leaves more hatchlings for me in the future, so that when they get here I'll "cram food down their throats with a chopstick" every 4-5 days like all of my own hatchlings get
Taceas said:
LOL :cheers: I think this discussion is just about wrapped up with the exception of any actual proof out there on either side of the argument :D

I'm with you Misty, more of Dean's snakes for the rest of us!!
Preita said:
Oh please, we know you & Dean stuff your snakes! lol

Actually I'm the one that first started the comment about stuffing snakes. I was teasing MB about her beefy monster. It absolutely had nothing to do with you. It still doesn't.

Duff said:
but guess once you get in good with everyone, you can do whatever you want without anyone saying anything.

Clique: An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose.

Sounds to me like you were describing a clique. But whatever :shrugs:
Taceas said:
If you don't order snakes from Roy in the future, I'm sure its no skin off his teeth.

Well, I would hope that this discussion wouldn't make me a "bad guy" to Duff in terms of potential sales. Heck, I'm practically local. And if I sell Duff a bloodred, it will be, without a doubt, homozygous for diffusion. :)

Duff said:
And everyone thinks it's cool how fast your corns grow?? From my past reading experience here, power feeding (yes, that's what the above is describing) has never been accepted, but guess once you get in good with everyone, you can do whatever you want without anyone saying anything. Hope you're at least gonna be apologetic to your breeding slaves down the road when they run down early from being pumped full while young. If you're that impatient, then maybe you should just find some adults instead of buying hatchlings and racing them up to weight.

To each his own, but I'll keep my corns on a more natural and healthy growth cycle and wait for them to be ready for breeding, not push them to fit MY schedule.

Here's your initial attack on me Duff, and all you have to say about it is that it was "admittedly quick". It was more than that, and that's pretty clear to see. It was misinformed, incorrect, and it was downright personal, in fact. I can't think of a person on this discussion board that I feel would deserve an attack like this from ME-- even you. I don't care that you are an unapologetic hothead-- should you feel the need to condescendingly "school" another poster again, you may want to select one whose knowledge of the hobby doesn't exceed your own.
Duff said:
One last point, going along with the words in my mouth thing, I never at any point made reference or inference to Roy or any one else "cramming food" down a snake's throat, yet I keep getting attacked for saying that

Why do you think that is, then?

I know precisely who said it, Dean himself, very sarcastically I might add. Just because you didn't use those phrases doesn't mean you weren't implying that exact thing. The joys of language, learning to read between the lines.

Duff said:
I've noticed it's even become a running joke in other threads (I'm not stupid, I know what people are referring to).

I must not be reading the right threads then. I've never seen anyone reference you like that. Now sure, there's some running jokes on other "village idiots", but I haven't seen one about you yet.

Duff said:
I also never used the work "clique", which became a big part of this thread originally.

You didn't use the word clique, correct. But you said it not in so many words.

Duff in Post #27 said:
but guess once you get in good with everyone, you can do whatever you want without anyone saying anything.

If that doesn't mean clique, then I'm a fool. I may be a fool otherwise, but that's beside the point. Stop playing such silly-ass semantics games.

Duff said:
As soon as people stop putting words in my mouth and letting me have it for things I never said, I'm more than willing to let this whole debate go.

As soon as you stop opening it, I'm sure it'll happen. But its hard to put words into something that's so full of foot.
Roy Munson said:
... and all you have to say about it is that it was "admittedly quick". It was more than that, and that's pretty clear to see. It was misinformed, incorrect, and it was downright personal...
You're right, I do owe you an apology for assuming your motives. I still don't agree with your schedule, but I will admit I definitely could've voiced my thoughts and opinions on the issue in a much more diplomatic way, and I formally and sincerely apologize to you for pre judging things. I let my emotions respond, instead of waiting for my brain to catch up.
Duff said:
You're right, I do owe you an apology for assuming your motives. I still don't agree with your schedule, but I will admit I definitely could've voiced my thoughts and opinions on the issue in a much more diplomatic way, and I formally and sincerely apologize to you for pre judging things. I let my emotions respond, instead of waiting for my brain to catch up.

Absolutely no problem. :) I completely respect your opinion on the issue, and your right to hold and express it.

Prieta said:
Awww see isn't it better when everyone plays nice? lol

Who asked you? :grin01: :grin01:

Anyone else have fatty 05'S? lol

Abigail, my early '05 normal (same age as the anery), weighed in at 116g last night.
Roy Munson said:
Who asked you? :grin01: :grin01:

Abigail, my early '05 normal (same age as the anery), weighed in at 116g last night.

No one ever needs to ask me, lol I freely butt in :grin01:

I need to get me a scale! This weekend I think I can. I don't have any that are monsters, but I'm so curious.

My god you have beefy snakes Dean! lol Stop injecting them with steroids! :grin01:
cornsnakekid92 said:
looks like the big bulley is at it again! :eek1: :sidestep:

You want some, Mr. I-know-where-spellcheck-is-but-refuse-to-push-that-button? :grin01:

(No offense 'kid. You know snakes, and that's what matters. This isn't a spelling/grammar forum. :) )
Roy Munson said:
You want some, Mr. I-know-where-spellcheck-is-but-refuse-to-push-that-button? :grin01:

(No offense 'kid. You know snakes, and that's what matters. This isn't a spelling/grammar forum. :) )

I do not refuse to use it, my computer is really slow and it takes about 5 minutes to load and i have to turn my pop up blocker off so it is a pain, but i do use it in about 75% of my post, most of the time i do not use it it is just because i forget. I am also flattered that you would say i know snakes, i feel as if i have just begun to dent the surface.
I'm glad I kept my head low with that whole debate raging! LOL

I got my scale last week and started weighing the babies.

My smallest 05 is a snow that weighs 7 grams (she's been having regurge issues). I have another that's only 9 grams, but I think that one was hatched very late, no feeding problems. My biggest 05 is a rootbeer that comes in at 76 grams. Most of my 05's are between 20-40 grams, with a few on either side.
my cream that i mentioned that was 68 i think, is now 102, hes like puttin on a gram or more a day, hes getting 2 fluffs per week.
my smallest is also a snow like the above persons, probably about the same weight. he has only just started eating consitently now
Well, I don't know how everyone else feels, but I'm sorta glad to see this thread pop back up! I went back and read through some of it and rehashed some fond memories. :D

While I'm here I thought I'd throw out an update.

Male 1
Date Weight
1/17 32.8
2/11 44.9

Male 2
1/17 35.7
2/26 53.4

Male 3
1/16 38.4
2/11 55.7

All 3 seem to be really starting to take off. One just took 2 rat pinkies tonight and the other two will take 2 each for the next feeding. They're still not growing like weeds, but have made big turn-arounds from their previous slow growth.
Taceas said:
Unlike Preita, I think snakes are like dogs in that they could literally eat themselves to death. Once they've got food on the brain, that's all they think about. Which in the wild, its natural to gorge yourself when the vittles are plentiful to fatten up for potentially lean times.

OK, you can't throw all dogs' eating habits in a stereotypical "bucket". Siberians eat quite differently than Labs. A Lab will probably eat whenever you feed it, whereas a Siberian Husky will often skip a day or more's eating even with food available. Then, other days, they may demand 3 meals. My Sibe self-regulates this way and has maintained her svelte physique through her 5th year now.

I agree you can't compare a cold-blooded reptile's metabolism to a large mammalian omnivore. We need more food to create heat and provide energy for our constant movement. My snakes sit still a large portion of the day and get their heat from their environment.

Also, even on a 6-8 day schedule, my corn often shoots some poop out when the fuzzy goes down, and she's an August '05.
When puppies are born, they eat (milk) every couple of hours. Once they start eating food, they eat about 3 or 4 times per day. This frequency is reduced as they grow. Most every animal of every species (including humans) eats more frequently when very young. Personally, I hear about a lot more snakes dying from failure to eat versus overeating, and this is NOT a common problem in dogs, so the whole dog-snake analogy seems sort of weak at best.

To play devil's advocate, how do we know those people saying 'Ye mustn't breed thy snakes until 3 years of age, or it is a SIN!!!'... how do we know they aren't trying to keep others from breeding sooner and providing more competition in the marketplace?? The same argument could be made for those who say feeding more than once a week is a 'sin'. Maybe they want everyone else to have a bunch of runts that can't be bred until 4 or 5 years of age (?) Personally, I have to wonder if those poor starved snakes will ever develop normally at all - the ones that should be eating hoppers or small adult mice, but are still on 1 or 2 pinkies once every 7 days.