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  • Hey, Terri...:) All's well here...and I'm glad that everyone else is doing well, too. And you? Are you finding some time for yourself, I hope? :) Evelia & I will be stopping by the first expo in August (I'll need some yummy worms for my bearded dragon!), wait 'til you see her in the flesh! She's had mega-growth spurts going on! :)
    YOU...are SOO so wonderful! Thank you, Terri. They're beautiful, and they absolutely made my day. xoxo
    Terri....thank you for the call, and just for being such a special person in my life. I absolutely adore you. I promise to never hug you again!! ;) xoxo
    Shall I not visit for these things? And shall not my soul be avenged on such a forum as this?

    I'm doing ok, Terri. How 'bout you?
    Terri, I JUST now opened the box and found them! I was just coming back to thank you for them. They howled over the teeth! Matthew raced across the street to show his new friend, Parker. You're such a doll! Thank you, Terri. You made five beasts very happy today! xo
    They're here!!! Thank you much, Terri! Can I at least send paypal you the cost of shipping? That was a pricey box to mail.
    I have three beasts drooling at this very moment!! xo
    Hi Terri, me again.
    I want to confirm that you will be at the June 21st show. Also, any estimate of what snakes you'll have available at that point? My preference is definitely leaning towards a Abbotts Okeetee.
    YES!!! Let's bring 'em and edumacate the unwashed masses over the nutty glory of the curd.

    (I must be from Wisconsin; I wax poetic over dairy products. You should read my "Ode To Frozen Custard".) :D
    I'm on the phone with him right now. He's ranting and raving, so I'm giving him some bible verses to calm him down! ;D
    Aaaaaarghhhhh!!!! I DID NOT need those words echoing in my brain Terri! Just for that, I'm going to hug you next time I see you! ;)
    No chocolate, I recently found out I have diabetes, so I'm being good ;) and no "Easter" eggs here yet, but my first girl had her pre-lay shed on Friday! So not long now hopefully :D
    Hope you have a good season!! best wishes, Sue x
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