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  • Oh, that's totally how I do holidays at home....no fancy schmancy stuff here.

    Ack! I LOVE South Pacific!! It's one of my very favorite musicals. That sounds like a great day. And I agree, I have zip in the talent department.
    Actually, Martha's dinner was spectacular. Very festive and lovely, warm and cozy, with a strangely comfortable mix of guests. How was your big day? Hope it was filled with lots of love, and of course, HUGS!!!!!
    Only if you wear a black french maid's costume, and I can tape it! LOL! Muah....you're a doll. Everything will be fine. Plus, eight more days til I see "da man." yay!
    I'm suffering through it. Do you think the baby-daddy would even do so much as a load of laundry? Not. It's been killer, Ter. I'm feeling murderous.
    Thanks for the great news...very glad to hear it. I agree with the mail shipment idea. It could only be beneficial. ::cough:: Still fighting it...you? I'm in bed for the day. :(
    Here, have a HUG! A nice, swiney, H1N1 covered, (((((((HUG))))))))) :cough:
    I'd love to have a pity party, and I'll definitely invite you! I didn't get the benefit of weight loss. Increased 3# already on the prednisone which makes me ravenous! Think Hagar the Horrible with his giant turkey leg!!!
    I had no idea! We could have done a murder/suicide pact. I've been in bed for nearly two weeks, with my only times leaving the house were to see the doctor. I developed a secondary bacterial lung infection and severe sinus infection on top of it. I went on steroids last week, but they increased it yesterday so now I'm on them for two more weeks along with increased inhaled steroids and antibiotics. I'm miserable. I bet you got it at the show, didn't you? Poor thing. Hope you're feeling better soon, babes.
    Hugs? I got birthday hugs??? WOW!!!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes, babe. Miss talking with you. Anything new??
    I could ask you the same thing, girl! News? Reports? Questions answered? And last but not least....pictures??
    Hey Ter...I forgot that it's my day to read at the school. I should be home by 11. I'll ring you then. Thanks!
    You whacknut. Call me when you get home, ok? Thanks, Ter...I really need my MENSA chick right now. My 62 score is coming back to kick my ass.
    Of course you're not my mother...you're a whopping six months older than me! (and don't think I'll ever let you forget it!!) However, you're a good listener and a perceptive friend, and I think I'm fuc*ing everything up. I just need someone to tell me that I'm right! ;)
    I'm free after 8:30 am. Let me know when I can call. Love you...and most of all, I'm sendng you HUGS!!!!!!11! 1
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