with the kings I never stated how long I kept them together, you presume I do it all the time and have no respect for them. On the contrary I do care for all my snakes, and if you really know snakes like I do you would now when to seperate them.
I dont put them in an enclosure and leave them alone, I observe behaviour, and when a snake takes a special liking to another snake , you see it and before anything happens remove the other snake. Corn's have been documented in the wild to eat lizards, birds, rodents, and even fish, and yes the odd snake.
These are captive breed snakes they hatched together, always have food of the rodent variety, and never think to eat their cage mate. In my 30 yrs breeding corns I have never had a corn eat a corn. I have found one dead corn in the incubator and all the rest were fine.
I always feed all my snakes in seperate feeding tubs, and wait 30-40 minutes before I put them all back in the enclosure. Each group of corns are in a 4'x3'x3' enclosure with branches, and plenty of hides, and lots of greenery...
I take very good care of my snakes, its everyone else out there seems to be against it. Its not luck its skill and I have it and you dont seem too....
you all can talk it up and say no don't, but if its done right ALL THE POWER TO YOU.........
The last part of this statement which I bolded, simply shows your stupidity and disrespect for the well being of your animals if you are willing to co-hab well know scientifically noted snake eating snakes!
You yourself previously state above (showing we are the majority and you are the minority). Then you state This statement shows your arrogance. To think that if the majority does something and multiple times a set of outcomes happens, then a minority does it and gets a totally opposite response therefore means the majority has obviously done it wrong is arrogant!
Not to mention that your arrogance is enough to even blind your self to the ridiculousness you try to tell people on here. In one breath you state that cohabbing is fine and you have never had a problem with it in 30 years.. Yet in another breath you admit that you have had at least 1 of the problems we have mentioned, that being a stressed snake and you mention other issues you have to worry about with cohabbing
I have had a stressed out snake but that is easy to fix take them out and put them in a seperate inclosure. If two males are housed together look out for fighting especially in breeding season seperate at that time. If there is a snake that is not eating remove it until it eats.
As well many of the statements you make are highly uneducated and unsupported, yet again you try to make them as though you know what you are talking about. Again a concern that you will wrongly educate someone that is new to the keeping of snakes.
In the wild snakes are mostly solitary, but they do come together at night, and to hybernate. They are only solitary when hunting and traveling, but thats in the wild.
Apparently after 30 years of horrible husbandry and dumb luck, cyclone wants to try for 31.....
(and co habbing IS horrible husbandry)