two corny
Not eating for 6 wks plus months of on-again, off-again WILL create a huge size difference. She was 12 grams at the beginning of this year. She's growing apace with my 08s now. This means she is growing pretty quickly.
I truely am happy she is eating again, and growing. she is really pretty, and I dont want to offend. I should just keep my tongue. But this is one of those subjects that people get so passionate about. They tend to run people away from the site. I just dont want that to happen. I have learned so much from the site and I know others will to.
Edit: I am not saying co-habbing is not a contribiting factor to her size. But that it "may" not/ more than likely not the only factor in her not eating. You said yourself after the co-habbing she was on again and off again. Which could of been some other factor there.
Truely I am glad she is growing again and eating well for you.