Elder curmudgeon
Don't MAKE me come over there!
Let's take this back to the original topic and LEAVE IT THERE, ok?
As the senior contributor to this thread, I'm hereby exercising Crusty Old Ba**ard I've Had Enough privileges and calling a halt to the sniping. QUIT!
The "donut hole" discussion is (in my opinion) rendered moot by the existence of more than 1800 privately-owned parcels scattered throughout the Mojave Preserve. Yeah, the VFW could have moved it, though it's not at all clear that they currently own the 5 acre parcel discussed, only that they'd offered one in exchange. I expect they consider the monument's location part of the thing, since it was carefully chosen by the group who originally put it up.
I also found it quite interesting (from reading the scotusblog synopsis of filed documents) that the monument is only visible from a stretch of road running about 100 yards either side of the monument. <snarky>Gee, it's really too bad that the litigant considered that 200-yard stretch of road the only vista worth seeing in the entire 2500-square-mile preserve.</snarky> Please note that the preceding snarky comment is not intended to be an argument of any legal caca or anything, so you don't need to expostulate in disagreement. 'K?
It really is too bad we didn't have the scotusblog documents at the beginning of the thread. I had done a lot of research on the issue things associated therewith, but hadn't ever even seen scotusblog before yesterday. I am once again exercising my privileges as COB and decreeing that the documents weren't there before yesterday. So let it be written, so let it be done.
Now you children play NICE or I'll be back with more scathing rejoinder!
Don't MAKE me come over there!
Let's take this back to the original topic and LEAVE IT THERE, ok?
As the senior contributor to this thread, I'm hereby exercising Crusty Old Ba**ard I've Had Enough privileges and calling a halt to the sniping. QUIT!
The "donut hole" discussion is (in my opinion) rendered moot by the existence of more than 1800 privately-owned parcels scattered throughout the Mojave Preserve. Yeah, the VFW could have moved it, though it's not at all clear that they currently own the 5 acre parcel discussed, only that they'd offered one in exchange. I expect they consider the monument's location part of the thing, since it was carefully chosen by the group who originally put it up.
I also found it quite interesting (from reading the scotusblog synopsis of filed documents) that the monument is only visible from a stretch of road running about 100 yards either side of the monument. <snarky>Gee, it's really too bad that the litigant considered that 200-yard stretch of road the only vista worth seeing in the entire 2500-square-mile preserve.</snarky> Please note that the preceding snarky comment is not intended to be an argument of any legal caca or anything, so you don't need to expostulate in disagreement. 'K?
It really is too bad we didn't have the scotusblog documents at the beginning of the thread. I had done a lot of research on the issue things associated therewith, but hadn't ever even seen scotusblog before yesterday. I am once again exercising my privileges as COB and decreeing that the documents weren't there before yesterday. So let it be written, so let it be done.
Now you children play NICE or I'll be back with more scathing rejoinder!