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Controlling size

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They have, you just aren't listening. No one is going to help you harm that snake and that's what you asking the board to do... it ain't gonna happen.

14 days is the outside for an adult snake, not a junvenile! Seven days is the outside for a young, growing snake!

Hey no one is arguing about YOUR methods, As fas as I know, snakes in the wild can go a looong time without eating. I just don't want to end up with a fat, lazy snake that is 6 feet long. Simple as that.
Your original question was:
I'm wanting my corn to grow to a smallish adult size. Is there a simple
feeding schedule that would be ok for the animal? I just got a new corn,
and space is an issue. I have an older 15 gallon tank, and would like to use it for him/her. It's a good size juvie right now, and I'm planning to feed every 14 days. I've heard of boa owners doing this.

The answer is: No

You cannot "plan" to grow your Corn to a smallish adult size. You need to feed it what it needs to eat to be healthy, which means it can end up at anywhere between 4 and 6 feet long, depending on the attributes it inherited from its parent.

You cannot control the size of your Corn unless you want it stunted, runty, unhealthy and dead sooner than it should be. However this works for boas, I promise you it doesn't apply to Corns.

Search for The Munson Plan for a sensible feeding schedule.

If it's on fuzzies, then I'd consider 7 days a minumum interval for feeding.

You can move to a 14 day interval when it's adult-sized and feeding on large mice.

Basically, if you wanted snake that will mature to be a smaller size than an adult Corn, then you should have purchased a different snake.
You can move to a 14 day interval when it's adult-sized and feeding on large mice.

Bitsy has pretty much summed up my advice. Feed your snake an appropriately sized prey item weekly until it's 3 feet long and around 300g. After that, you can try a 14-day schedule. Of course, if the snake starts looking too thin on that schedule, you may have to make adjustments. I try to maintain my adult males at a smaller size than I allow the females to attain, and this is how I've done it.
The Munson Plan reposted (thanks Dean!):

-When they're on single pinks (2-3g), I feed every 4-5 days. (Snake = 4-15g)
-Double pinks (3g x 2) every 4-5 days. (Snake = 16-23g)
-Small fuzzies (5-7g) every 5-6 days. (Snake = 24-30g)
-Regular fuzzies (7-9g) every 5-6 days (Snake = 30-50g)
-Hoppers (9-12g) every 5-6 days (Snake = 51-90g)
-Weaned (14-20g) every 7 days (Snake = 91-170g)
-Adult (24-30g) every 7-x days (Snake = 170+)
-Jumbo Adults (40-50g) every 7-x days (Snake = 400g+)

The "7-x days" for the larger items I believe refers to the fact that every adult Corn has a slightly different metabolism. Some get fat on a 7 day interval, I have one that gets fat on a 14 day interval. Tweak the schedule as appropriate.

But as you can see, a 14 day interval for a Corn on pinkies or fuzzies, is not on the list.
The Munson Plan reposted (thanks Dean!):

The "7-x days" for the larger items I believe refers to the fact that every adult Corn has a slightly different metabolism. Some get fat on a 7 day interval, I have one that gets fat on a 14 day interval. Tweak the schedule as appropriate.

But as you can see, a 14 day interval for a Corn on pinkies or fuzzies, is not on the list.

I have one that I believe would get thin if I fed him on a 14 day schedule. So you definitely have to know your snake.
No cause a baby is a HUMAN and a cornsnake is a SNAKE :uhoh:

Yes you're right, but the contempt that you seem to hold and the obvious double standards is disgraceful. It doesn't matter what kind of creature it is, if something is in your care you should do your utmost to ensure that it recieves the highest quality of life that you can give it, be it a human, a snake, a cat, a dog or any other animal. The point that he tried to make was that if you wouldn't do something to a human, then you shouldn't do it to a snake. They have the right to grow as much as their genetics and bodies will allow, just as we do.

Paths54 said:
Hey no one is arguing about YOUR methods, As fas as I know, snakes in the wild can go a looong time without eating. I just don't want to end up with a fat, lazy snake that is 6 feet long. Simple as that.

Yes, snakes in the wild can survive for long periods of time if they haven't eaten. But you're not going to end up with a 'fat, lazy snake that is 6 feet long' if you feed at a NORMAL rate. That means not too much, and not too little. Some people on this forum have snakes that are pushing 20 years old. They aren't fat, and have been fed at a normal schedule for their whole lives. Oh and besides, not all Cornsnakes will grow to be 6 feet in length, that's the very highest value.

As it has been said before, attempting to restrict the growth of your snake to benefit your wallet is disgusting, and will mostly likely result in the serious harm/death of your snake. If you're not willing to take proper care of your snake then give it to someone who can. If you wish to keep your snake, and want to take the correct care of it, then buy a bigger, adult-sized (20 gallon minimum) tank when the time comes. 20 Gallon aquariums cost very little, and with two hides, a water bowl, a heat mat and a thermostat/rheostat, you're looking at less than $100. Hatchling/juvenile snakes should be fed once every 5-7 days, please search THE MUNSON PLAN (SAMPLE FEEDING SCHEDULE) to find a great feeding plan.

You came here looking for advice, well we're giving you it. This isn't optional stuff, or things that you can miss out and nothing'll happen, this is ESSENTIAL . People on this forum are experienced and knowledgeable, and are willing to help you. Please don't ignore them, do what's best for your snake.

Path- It's almost like you're refusing to comprehend what you're showing us.
You come to a group of animal lovers, pick any animal it doesn't matter, doesn't have to be a snake. And say to them "I have limited space, how can I make the animal fit into that size?"
Just stop and think about that, I'm having a hard time believing you can't realize how horrible that sounds to all of us...
Also, in the wild, a snake may not eat for days, but when he does, he eats everything... he doesn't pick just one pinkie out of the nest and leave the rest, he'll gorge himself on the entire nest.

I've watched an adult blacksnake go through the rafters in my old indoor and hit five or six birds nests in one afternoon. She didn't take just one egg and leave the rest... she ate them all and one time I even saw her take down one of the parents when they got to close. I loved that snake :)
This guy is having you on....Like an April Fool or something.....He has to be.....

It might seem so, but looking at old posts: Uses red light for heat because he can't have pets (?), keeps snake in closet, thinks we can all train our snakes to poo three days after eating by putting them in a tub of water...
Well, if he is, he'd better 'fess up soon. Because yesterday's fooling is today's trolling, and I have an itchy banning finger. ;)
Now I have an image of your computer with a big red button on the keyboard with BANNED written on it.....And a finger hovering....LOL
Now I have an image of your computer with a big red button on the keyboard with BANNED written on it.....And a finger hovering....LOL

:roflmao: That may not be too far off!

(And don't forget, that hovering finger is part of the most beautiful hand in the world. :grin01: )
Now I have an image of your computer with a big red button on the keyboard with BANNED written on it.....And a finger hovering....LOL
I rigged up an old Nintendo "Duck Hunt" gun to my pc. I just point at the user profile on my monitor and squeeeeze the trigger. ;)

Jrgh17 said:
(And don't forget, that hovering finger is part of the most beautiful hand in the world. :grin01: )
No, my banning finger is on my right hand. You guys never see that one. It could be gnarled and disfigured and you'd never know... ;)
as much as don't like seeing people get flamed for just asking a question, I got to say,


That is the worst attitude toward owning an animal I have read. I can understand only having a 15 gallon tank and not wanting another one. But I can't understand why you'd get a corn if that is the case? 20 long is the BARE minimum, my boys are in 33 gals and I think I want to upgrade them. You really need to care about the animals you take into your care, and do your research beforehand. Even kids half your age have more sense than that.

Please re-home your snake while you still can, it will not live a happy life in a 15 gallon. An adult in a tank that size is abuse.
as much as don't like seeing people get flamed for just asking a question, I got to say,


That is the worst attitude toward owning an animal I have read. I can understand only having a 15 gallon tank and not wanting another one. But I can't understand why you'd get a corn if that is the case? 20 long is the BARE minimum, my boys are in 33 gals and I think I want to upgrade them. You really need to care about the animals you take into your care, and do your research beforehand. Even kids half your age have more sense than that.

Please re-home your snake while you still can, it will not live a happy life in a 15 gallon. An adult in a tank that size is abuse.

Don't worry. The OP plans on starving the snake so it never reaches an adult size!
Path, looks like you want to hear something that you aren't going to get. The animals that we choose (Notice they get no choice) to put in our care are completely dependent on us to provide them with a healthy lifestyle. What corns may do in the wild is largely irrelevant. Fact is, they are captive pets and no matter what some people may say we cannot simulate the 'wild' in our homes. So we learn and improve our husbandry so that the captive care provides for their needs instead of simply attempting to simulate the outdoors.

On this board are some of the most experienced people in the world when it comes to caring for corn snakes (One member literally wrote the book on corns). As such, the advice you can get here is among some of the most accurate available (Depending on the poster responding, of course). It's already been repeatedly stated that what you want is not possible and so you are left with a simple choice: Change your expectations to provide your corn with what it needs or return it to the pet store.

Whether or not you would provide a human child with more care and attention is immaterial. The corn snake is alive and depending on you. You don't get to arbitrarily decide the worth of an animal's life simply because it is inconvenient. Remember that the measure of a person isn't based on what is easy or convenient, but what is right, what is ethical. I suppose it's up to you to decide what kind of a person you want to be.
Oh please don't ban me. Look at how cute I am.
Jeez, OK, i'll get a 20 gal. and feed every 10 days. Hows that?
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