El Jefe
Mark 16:18
Guess ya missed the title![]()
That I did. :uhoh:
Guess ya missed the title![]()
I agree that while they look like garter crosses it's impossible to breed the two. It's a form of convergent evolution, much like the green tree python and the green tree boa look EXACTLY the same but are not related at all. In fact, they come from two continents separated by oceans. I believe Tesseras look like garters because of convergent evolution, they simply had the genes to create a neat pattern that garters have been using for quite some time. Either way, I love tesseras and I am really excited to bring one home![]()
.. I'm not going to argue my point and my thoughts, as I rarely ever come here..
I agree with Tim. Gartersnake x Cornsnake = Tessera. Obviously. Oviviparous is dominant over viviparous. Don't _make_ me go back and see if I spelled that right!!
You know I was kidding, right?
Having been a member of several forums and species related communities, I have to say that the Cornsnake community, by far, seems to be the most eager to shout "hybrid".
@Doug, by point was that in the Cornsnake arena, I have seen more morphs blamed to be the result of them being hybrids than anywhere else. And yes, that includes Kingsnakes from what I saw.
I did not say that there are more Cornsnake hybrids out there though.
Here I would have to adhere to your knowledge about milksnakes but as far as I know, localities are rather well separated Taxonomically- you have Lampropeltis Triangulum Nelsoni, Temporalis, Triagngulum and so forth- they are distinct different sub-species.
In the Boid world, there's -further- separation even though all the animals are from the same sub-species.
The Morelia Viridis sub species includes allot of localities such as Jayapura, Aru, Biak and so forth- and some are insanely zealous about separation that you'd think they were different sub-species.
So... unless there are people who restrict breeding of Pueblan Milksnakes to a single area and are unwilling to breed said Pueblan Milksnake with another Pueblan that simply resides in a different area, than they are not as vehement.
If you say otherwise though and that this phenomena exists, I'll stand corrected.