Oren, probably a very close second to boids where exact locality of a specimen counts very much that I have seen in the colubrid world concerns gray-banded kingsnakes. They have localities narrowed down to highways! Just listed on kingsnake.com this morning are the following localities:
Highway 277
Loma Alta
West Langtry
River Road
Black Gap
Davis Mt. (Highway 118)
You know, that really cracks me up. In a gallows humor sort of way.
A long while back, I used to breed gray banded kings, and I got some locality types and some that just looked like NICE blair's phase graybands. All were a pain in the butt to get feeding, so at one of the Tampa shows we were doing at the time, another vendor came by my table before the show opened and offered to buy ALL of the graybands if I would give him a deal. No way I wanted to take them back home with me, so yeah, I gave him a GOOD deal.
Anyway, the show was pretty gruesome, and sales were apparently slow for everyone. I walked by that guy's table and he still had ALL of those graybands sitting there. Didn't sell one of them. I lamented that fact to him, and said I was sorry sales weren't better for him (thanking my lucky STARS I had sold them all to him!). He said something to me that took my breath away and I never have forgotten it. He said something in the order of "Heck, no problem. I've had this happen before, but I'll just take them all with me the next time I go out to Texas and sell the stew out of them out of the motel as locality freshly caught babies."
So yeah, now every time I hear people talking about "locality" gray bands, it does bring a chuckle to me, wondering how many of those original "locality" animals came from this guy, or perhaps someone else doing the same darn thing.
And DON'T EVEN get me started on "locality Okeetees"... :laugh: