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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

I'm glad this was all sorted out. It makes me sad, too, to see that someone would want to do something like this for no reason other than to make a fool out of the person they hacked. It's spiteful and cruel, and just plain disgusting.
I feel better, though, knowing that if the same should happen to me, there ARE people here who will not tolerate it, and will try to fix things.
It's very sad that people need to resort to that sort of thing, on a forum. I mean c'mon, for crying out loud. It's a forum. I realize that I have no say on this, but only a year for hacking someone's account? Hopefully that kid forgets all about this forum and never returns!

I agree with Wayne. Hacking someone's account and creating all of this mess should be grounds for execution.

Please don’t start a capital punishment thread.
Wow WHAT. What a psychopath. He phished David's account for the sole purpose of starting drama in a thread? What the hell? I guess I have to ask... WHY, of all the things he could've done with David's name, would he make a relatively minor drama thread? It scares me that there are people like this in the world. It also scares me that I fell for it, and I'm sincerely sorry, David.
It's unsettling, saddening, and a little frightening. It just makes me appreciate my friends more. Even the ones I've butted heads with or disagreed with or been less than kind to.
Things like this always leave me feeling a little older and a little dumber.
Steph, I read that pied thread and I don't get what you're saying about it.
So, unless snakewispera sr (Mike) is guilty of complete fabrication, David posted about the pied thing and originally said "I have a bloodred that has some white on her sides and a very light color is she pied? Is it genetic or line bred? If I breed her with her brother who has not white on the side I would have granites, fires, hypo bloods and bloods all het pied! Would that make me more money or would I have to prove her out." Mike said not to worry about the money. David edited his OP, removing that, and stating emphatically that he was NOT concerned about money. Mike called him out for doing that (which I thought perfectly fair, and he wasn't short or snotty about either issue). David goes on to say that he "doesn't care" and just wants to learn about the gene. He says he doesn't care about the genetics in his particular snake, that he just wants to learn about the gene, and eventually asks a very basic question: "Ok, so do we know what pied is? Is is dominant, co dominant or recessive." Graham tells him which books to get if he's really interested and that there's a lot on the site that can be found using the search function. David says, "Thanks for the tips," as if he didn't know that (and I don't believe that David is that dumb). He later asks "I wonder if pied is even a line bred thing?" Then ComoxCorn tells him to buy the books. David replies with "I have the books." Then there's some convo about his particular snake, which he says he will check out. WHAT?!? So which is it? He wants to know if his snakes are pied, or doesn't? He wants to know if pieds will make him more money, or not? He is just interested in understanding the gene, so posts this whole thread when he has all of the information about it in his possession already? What?!? NONE of that makes any sense.

Before he admitted that he already had the info. in his possession (which he didn't admit until he'd been told twice to look there), I already thought that his motivation for making the post wasn't what he was claiming. I don't know or care what it was, but I do care that his claim didn't jive with his "actions." I also thought cornsnakemom's business there wasn't anything other than to harp at him, even though she claimed that wasn't her motivation.

My comment about disingenuousness was a play on the movie where that kid says "I see dead people." I thought the thread was surreal in that everyone was acting as if there wasn't a pink elephant in the room, which was that people weren't being honest. I can't explain my take on it any more clearly than that, Alan, but I understand if not everyone sees it the way I do.

David and I have a friendship and converse. I thought it was odd that he would say the care for corns and boas was almost the same, but I still thought I was talking to David. If I can still see that statement in the realm of possibilities, no matter if it sounded odd, then I can't fault others for the same thing. Looking back? The five big snake thing sounds crazy for David, and his house, but I still bought it.
I CAN fault people for continuing to carry on with the discussion as if it had something to do with David, or he had some control over someone else's mean-spirited dishonesty.

I missed the convo on the whole "Unexpected" thread, because I opened it, read the OP, and decided not to ever open it again. So that might be what you're referring to, I don't know. My conversation here has to do with my thoughts/feelings about David in general, and I don't feel that I'm in any way out of bounds for saying what I'm saying in the way I'm saying it.

Absolutely, I agree you should call someone on their bull when you see fit. I make mistakes and people are quick to point them out. I have no problem with that. If I don’t agree with their position I will say so.

Chris quoted something I has said the day before and then made a bunch of derogatory comments. I felt he was trying to get me to argue with him. My comment was to that effect. But no matter, I do poke people from time to time and people poke me. No problem. That is different than people who are the first to arrive when David starts a thread and then start picking him apart. Every thing he says is scrutinized. Not many of us could stand up to the microscopic exam all of his threads get.

Re: Chris, I see. I had missed that. And now I better understand where you were coming from. Re: David, I agree, but I think SOME of us COULD stand up to the microscopic exam he gets, because some of us think really hard about what we post, and are 100% honest, such that even if we misstepped, we would apologize when called on it, and people would forgive it and forget it. I still feel badly about being unnecessarily nasty to tricksterpup in a thread that got my rile up, but I doubt that very many other people even remember it.

I’m with you all the way. I enjoy a good discussion and a good debate. I enjoy an argument if it can be civil. I really don’t like people who criticize for the fun of criticism and knock you down to make themselves look tall. Those were the people I was mad at today.

I agree that people are ridiculous with David. I don't respect it when people give him hell for no reason, but I don't care enough to try to stop it or even enough to get mad about it. I guess I just don't care because I feel he made his own bed, so . . .

I've never trusted a single queztacoatl that couldn't correctly spell his own name...Quetzalcoatl.
It's unsettling, saddening, and a little frightening. It just makes me appreciate my friends more. Even the ones I've butted heads with or disagreed with or been less than kind to.
Well said, as always, Eric. No one is perfect all the time, and we all have our moments....some us us more than others. (looking in the mirror as I type this.) I'm grateful to those who forgive and forget, and the ones that don't probably don't matter in the great scheme of things anyway. I feel bad for David, but as we've all said at one time or another, respect Rich's rules or face the consequences.
Thanks, Rich, for figuring it out!

If he will do something like that for fun, his next step might be ID theft for profit. Hopefully, he will learn early that he is not as smart as he thinks he is.

I am happy David is innocent in this. It would seem a shame if he has to suffer the exact same punishment for causing drama (he might not have known that his moving threads around is considered abuse, even if he might have suspected it would not be considered ideal behavior) as the perpetrator of this fraud. Remember, a month to a 16 year old would seem the same as a year to us "old folks", if bans must be meted out.

Hope everything works out. I kind of consider David like a sort of "online foster kid" that I have to alternately use a carrot and stick with, and will miss him if he is gone.

But it is your forum and your responsibility, Rich, so you have to do what you think is best for the community here.
This is a PUBLIC forum so people can say what they want, but in my mind I had hoped this wouldn't be a David bashing thread.
Just for the record, though I am speaking out about the problems I have with David and his conduct on this site, I don't at all feel like I am bashing him. You may disagree, but that's how I see it.
I think disagreeing is alot different than bashing. I think we all understand that.

As long as I have the floor, I agree with Kathy. I feel a year is too much. Just my opinion.
Thanks Steph, I get what you're saying on the pied thread.
Maybe we all should have read the first post of the unexpected thread and never looked back. Hard to believe someone would do that, what's the motivation?
Hmmm. Thank you, Stephanie.

Good Heavens...now I feel even older and dumber than I originally thought.
Personally, all drama aside I don't really feel David deserves being banned at all. Having his "shiny" and his forum revoked is probably punishment enough, and will definitely stop him from his most recent irritating behavior, editing posts and moving them to his forum to lock them. Quetzalcoatl, if possible, should be IP or perma banned. You do NOT want a phisher in a community of mostly above 30 people who aren't always tech savvy enough to know a computer trick when they see one... heck, my mom still tries to call for the "FinallyFast" junk everytime the commercial is on :p

EDIT: But it is ultimately Rich's decision, and being as it's HIS forum he has to deal with this crap on, I daren't challenge his judgement.
If he will do something like that for fun, his next step might be ID theft for profit. Hopefully, he will learn early that he is not as smart as he thinks he is.

I am happy David is innocent in this. It would seem a shame if he has to suffer the exact same punishment for causing drama (he might not have known that his moving threads around is considered abuse, even if he might have suspected it would not be considered ideal behavior) as the perpetrator of this fraud. Remember, a month to a 16 year old would seem the same as a year to us "old folks", if bans must be meted out.

Hope everything works out. I kind of consider David like a sort of "online foster kid" that I have to alternately use a carrot and stick with, and will miss him if he is gone.

But it is your forum and your responsibility, Rich, so you have to do what you think is best for the community here.
Kathy, if you're looking for an online foster kid, I volunteer! I'd love a mom who can appreciate the difference between corn snake morphs. :crazy02:
"Having his "shiny" and his forum revoked is probably punishment enough, and will definitely stop him from his most recent irritating behavior, editing posts and moving them to his forum to lock them."

I agree - if it was up to me.

Maybe all of his "mentors" who kind of like him, or at least care about him, could help teach him the "ways of the Force" so he can avoid the Darkside, and maybe those who have lost patience for him could try to avoid him until he is a little more mature. I feel that he has tried quite a bit, and has improved, but it is obvious that many do not agree. I really feel that if he sticks around here for another year, he will mature a lot.

Although I was more humble as a teen, I did things just as stupid, if not more so. I read a lot of books, and thought I knew A LOT more than I really did, too. By the time I was about 30, I realized how far off I was on that evaluation during my teens. And I grew up with 2 brothers, who did A LOT more stupid stuff than I did. It is amazing they ever made it to adulthood.

I don't know if I just did a lot more stupid stuff than the other forum members, or if I have a better memory of it, lol! One of those reasons must be why I have more patience than some do.
"Kathy, if you're looking for an online foster kid, I volunteer! I'd love a mom who can appreciate the difference between corn snake morphs."

Haha - thanks! But you seem quite mature already. I don't think you need a foster mom, lol! Just teach your mom CORNS 101, and she will be perfect!