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Have you noticed the changes on the forum?

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And for the record: In many respects, I find my example posted above to be more vile and obscene than the judicious use of a well-placed "s#!t".

I said reading a forum with profanity on it won't increase a young person's likelihood of using that profanity.
Yes it will. If it is allowed, it teaches them that it's acceptable and they increase their use of it. That's called modeling. Just as if they have parents that use profane language or actions teaches them that it's acceptable.

"Educated" adults know and recognize that there is a time and place for any behavior or action. Teenagers are often unable to recognize those boundaries. The family AND community are responsible for teaching them those boundaries. I'm not naive enough to think my 14 year old son doesn't drop an F-bomb now and then BUT he does know that he isn't going to drop it at school, church, in mixed company or in front of his Mother at the table.

I don't mind judicious use of implied (#^%$) or real profanity. Sometimes, it is a lot more meaningful to say something is "f*&^ing ridiculous" than to say it is "very, very, very, very, absurdly ridiculous." I like my profanity to be judicious because otherwise it loses its meaning. Just like if I used "very" to modify everything, it would lose its meaning. The level of cursing here doesn't bother me.
I don't disagree with what you've written here, Stephanie, but is it really relevant to the discussion of what's appropriate on THIS site? I don't mind judicious use of implied or explicit profanity either, but judicious language usage would dictate that I refrain from speaking the f-word in front of my grandmother, my boss, or my friend's ten-year old. I wouldn't write "f*&^ing" in an email to them either. I don't know every member here well enough to feel comfortable using the word in implied or explicit form, so I judiciously avoid it altogether. I might write "bleeping" once in a while, and I know this is a subjective call, but to me it is a few steps removed from the implied profanity of the example we've been using. I think you'd agree that there are ways to use non-profane language that are nearly as meaningful as profane language. To me, in mixed company, it is enough to say that something is "absurd in the extreme" rather than "f***ing ridiculous".
I'd like to make a few more points as well. I'm not tallying up the opinions in this thread somewhere so that I can use them to help me make future modding decisions. And the mods aren't obligated to evaluate or act consistently as a group either. We may each have different opinions on what is or is not acceptable and act accordingly. My views should be fairly clear at this point, and I'll be acting based on my own opinions. Fair warning.

I'd really rather that any replies to this post be made in a serious manner. I won't lie-- I sometimes get annoyed with the fact that every serious topic around here gets turned into a joke. It's not that I take myself so seriously, but if I express a serious concern, I think it's disrespectful to make light of it. I wouldn't do it to any of you.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jazzgeek again. #46

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jazzgeek again. #56

Oldie....but oh so true:
Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
Doctor: Well, don't do that.

Bottom line........if your not content with the visual, don't frequent where it's visible.[/gwb] Huh? :shrugs:

If I remember correctly, the "nice rack" comment was in reference to a photo of an orangutan and was very obviously a joke. If it wasn't, then that person has more serious issues than we can address here and we should offer him our support and sympathy.

I made that statement! as you know. As a joke, like you said. :rofl:
Give me all the sympthy you want.

The thread was meant to be fun. and what is fun for some is not fun for others. :shrugs:
The term "rack" was used before me. In one reference, to a wedding photo with the backdrop of a pool room so the word had double meanning.

Fun for some....

This is a public forum for cornsnakes but it does have a gereral chit-chat fourm too. So to me if you don't like it, either report it or don't click on that forum again.
I made that statement! as you know. As a joke, like you said. :rofl:
Give me all the sympthy you want.

The thread was meant to be fun. and what is fun for some is not fun for others. :shrugs:
The term "rack" was used before me. In one reference, to a wedding photo with the backdrop of a pool room so the word had double meanning.

Fun for some....

This is a public forum for cornsnakes but it does have a gereral chit-chat fourm too. So to me if you don't like it, either report it or don't click on that forum again.

Since, I posted the pic of the orangutan as a joke, also to show the absurdity of look at 'that rack'. I made the joke against me by saying it was a pic of me and the resemblance was there. Lenny in know way was I offended at your comment, because I thought you saw the humor in the pic.

Texastailfeathers, sure when I was in my 20's I would wear low cut tops still do just not as low and would give that come hither look, but it was usually in a bar or the back of a motor cycle, not on a family forum. Of course there was no such thing as a PC or a forum when I was in my 20's. susang
Oldie....but oh so true:
Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
Doctor: Well, don't do that.

Exactly, Galen. If you're easily offended, the series of tubes known as the interwebs is no place for you.

That said, civility does rock.

However, Dean:
Roy Munson said:
I'd really rather that any replies to this post be made in a serious manner. I won't lie-- I sometimes get annoyed with the fact that every serious topic around here gets turned into a joke. It's not that I take myself so seriously, but if I express a serious concern, I think it's disrespectful to make light of it. I wouldn't do it to any of you.

How can you be positively sure of that? While your intentions may have been as such, can you absolutely guarantee that this recipient of your message (who may have been as serious and passionate as you and your concerns) wasn't offended?

And believe me, I'm aware of the satire of your response in that link. Point being, effective communication depends on the recipient as well as the sender. And being completely sure of making light of a recipient's passions, intentions, and beliefs is a fool's wager.

There's a cottage industry of emoticons to (literally and figuratively) back that up.

I made that statement! as you know. As a joke, like you said. :rofl:
The term "rack" was used before me. In one reference, to a wedding photo with the backdrop of a pool room so the word had double meanning.

I'd forgotten about that post you had made and now that I remember it, to be honest, I wasn't that upset by it. I got the whole pool/woman double entendre.

Lennycorn said:
This is a public forum for cornsnakes but it does have a gereral chit-chat fourm too. So to me if you don't like it, either report it or don't click on that forum again.

I'm sorry I didn't realize that profanity and objectifying women, regardless of whether "they were asking for it", counted as acceptable chit-chat.

The thread was meant to be fun. and what is fun for some is not fun for others. :shrugs:

Drunk driving, domestic abuse, and animal torture are fun for some. And hey, I guess they qualify as general chit-chat too. So let's all share our fun stories about those. Surely, that wouldn't make some members feel unwelcomed or uncomfortable.
Anyone ever think of a general section separate for adults...one of those click here if you are 17 things. I know this is a family forum, but as long as you have 13 year olds posting with 50 year olds, it can be clean as can be, there will always be someone somewhere who is offended. At least that way you know where the possibly offensive tongue in cheek stuff is.

Especially with a 'general' forum that doesnt relate to snakes at all. Snakes is what we all have in common, but in a general section....well.......you dont see 55 year olds hanging out with 12 year olds at the playground do you? You take the snake topic away, thats where the humor trips people up.
I am just gonna keep my mouth shut here. I am probably one of the offensive ones here. :eek:

But if people are offended by images we can always turn them off for ourselves.

Exactly, Galen. If you're easily offended, the series of tubes known as the interwebs is no place for you.

That said, civility does rock.
"Series of tubes known as the interwebs" LOL! And I mean it, I laughed out loud. Have you been talking to my manager? This sounds like one of his technical explanations. :grin01:

However, Dean:

How can you be positively sure of that? While your intentions may have been as such, can you absolutely guarantee that this recipient of your message (who may have been as serious and passionate as you and your concerns) wasn't offended?

And believe me, I'm aware of the satire of your response in that link. Point being, effective communication depends on the recipient as well as the sender. And being completely sure of making light of a recipient's passions, intentions, and beliefs is a fool's wager.

There's a cottage industry of emoticons to (literally and figuratively) back that up.
I think that the post you linked is kind of an apples to oranges comparison to what I was talking about. I get your point, but if that guy (who turns out to be an ok guy after all) had just expressed the Mormon stuff without ridiculing a concept about which he obviously had no comprehension, I would not have responded the way I did. Like you said, you are aware of the satirical nature of my response, so we probably don't have much to argue about. I just wanted to clarify.

You know what's funny? I think one of the most obscene, inappropriate, and revolting photos I've ever seen here was posted by our own admin recently (the naked, fat guy at the PC pic), so maybe I need to chill out a little. And remember those pics that cornsnakekid92 posted eons ago from ebaumsworld.com? He was posting pics from that site and assigning them to members of this site? The pic he assigned to me was horribly inappropriate. That was some funny sh- er- stuff. ;)
OK, my turn. Can you name that tune, Zach?


That was the whole point.:bang: It seems that anytime I get involved in one of these threads, other people like to use outlandish examples to illustrate their point. I've always attempted to use realistic examples because that's the world we live in. And, for the record, I wasn't attempting to refute Lenny's logic. I only suggested that by his reasoning those things should be fair game. If the things I listed are fun for some, and they are bound to be, and we can discuss fun things in the chit-chat forum, then my example is actually not misleading or misrepresentative.

I did purposely use an extreme example in the same manner that others have. As a matter of fact, texastailfeathers used the exact same type of argument earlier in this thread with her "this is how dull and boring the writing would be on this forum, if it weren't for profanity" example.
I don't see the crudeness anywhere but in the Chit-Chat forum. And come on...what do you expect in a thread entitled Tats & Piercings or Forget the snakes... ??? "Lovely ink, old chap. The dragon's colors really complement your eyes" or "I love the nude goddess on your bicep. You must be a Botticelli fan too!" :shrugs:

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to JAZZGEEK again."

Flipping brilliant. :cheers:

There you go, Dale. Just in case you haven't had your daily dose of irony.
I think one of the most obscene, inappropriate, and revolting photos I've ever seen here was posted by our own admin recently (the naked, fat guy at the PC pic)

You mean that wasn't a picture of Dale after all? Aww, I'm disappointed. :uhoh:

I don't think anyone in here is intentionally trying to offend people. For every person that gets his/her panties in a bunch over a "nice rack" comment, look how many find it absolutely hilarious.

And if I'm not gonna get offended at someone's comments to me, why should anyone be offended on my behalf? :shrugs:

Side question: Are the personal forums moderated? Maybe someone should start an "Adult Swim" sub-forum after all.
There you go, Dale. Just in case you haven't had your daily dose of irony.

I'm pretty sure he's seen that post. We're pretty tight. He's my sugar daddy, you know. ;)

Although...can you please point out the irony? I guess a college degree doesn't mean as much as it used to, 'cuz I dont git it. :shrugs:
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